Single Website Per Account Free for Life - SaleRise

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SaleRise is Australian based Start-up that is driving the No-Code revolution. SaleRise is Website Builder but not just that. As you dig deep, you will find, it has features like email subscriptions, contact form, videos embed and social share, amongst other features. Modules like Ecommerce and Booking systems are actively being worked upon and soon will be added to the system.

We believe a website should be free just like email and social networking. Our System is built with that in mind, utilizing resources efficiently to make this effort meaningful.

Today, we are super excited. We have hand-made six templates using nothing but our engine and UI interface that it offers.

All six templates are unique and are ideal for any use-case.

All templates make use of most of the features that we offer. This includes slide shows, email subscription, contact form, social icons and various UI elements.

You can preview the templates at the website address: (

Template 1 (

Template 2 (

Template 3 (

Template 4 (

Template 5 (

Template 6 (

Please hop on now and own them!

We welcome any feedback as it will help us make our product better.

We can be contacted via the Contact Form or email at support(at)

Happy 2020!

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  • +2

    Prices? Bargains? ABN? Spam?

    • looks like its run by a bloke in QLD 4116 but oddly enough the name SaleRise (the name) was unregistered 12/12/19

      • +1

        Yes, we are running under 31 986 843 825. We will soon move this business name to our ABN. Hope it clarifies.

  • At the moment it is $0. Basic website will always be free. However, as we add advanced features to the system like Ecommerce, we may add prices for those.

  • +2

    Terms and conditions, privacy policy, ABN, actual real contact details/address etc?
    Are you an actual real company?

  • +4

    With grammar that impeccable, sign me up!

  • We believe a website should be free just like email and social networking.

    So you're going to sell our data off to third parties like Facebook? How does this make money, like what's the catch?

    • If it's a public website it's already free for anyone to scrape.

    • Hi there,

      There is no catch. We believe it is unfair to pay for simple website design. Infact our revenue stream will be on users using advanced features in the system like ecommerce and other modules.

  • +1

    In the event this post survives.

    To post here a maybe say accounts created here will have all future features free for life or something like that?

    OP you need to add a lot more polish to your website. Grammar, images, themes (are you using transparency or not!? It's inconsistent). Also check your mobile experience. Some of the widths are floats are messed up.

    Small business is tough. Good luck!

  • I am a bit confused… is it a website designer service site? Is it a hosting site? Marketing assistance?
    Sorry, just what I thought from looking at the website for a minute (IMO that is how much people will pay attention until they quit the website).

    • Thanks for the question. SaleRise is website design plus hosting service.

      You design site and host at SaleRise. We host at Australian based Servers and CloudFlare CDN for quick delivery of assets.

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