• expired

MyRepublic Broadband Double Referral Credit $50 Each (Was $25)


I’ve been with this ISP for a few years and genuinely rate them. I’m on nbn 100/20 unlimited and pay $62/month which is great value for good speed and uptime (think it’s now grandfathered). They have doubled their refer a friend credit to $50 for a short time… good deal.

“ Refer a Friend – Double Up Introductory Offer
As our introductory offer, we have doubled our Refer a Friend bonus from $25 to $50 extended only until 16th January 2020.

Refer as many friends and family to MyRepublic and if they order an nbn™ broadband service by the 16th January, you will receive $50 in account credit once their service has been activated. Not only that, we will also give them a $50 account credit. This is our way of saying thank you for spreading the word.”

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I’m on nbn 100/20 unlimited and pay $62/month

    How did you get it so cheap? When was it offered?

    • +1

      I used to pay $59.95 and then they enforced two price increases over the space of a few months and now I'm with a real provider. Did they ever fix the daily drop outs?

      • +1

        drops outs seemed to have resolved itself for me after a a few months of headaches. Only one price change

      • they come and go in spurts. It hasn't been an issue lately, but can come back some time later.

    • Yeah I was "grandfathered" in as well from their old plans for a brief period but it's gone up to $80 a month for me now (100/40 Gamer Pro)

      • +1

        I was on the same plan as you, which lasted only until the 12 month contract was up.

        This guy got to keep his $62 100/20 deal which I never even knew about. Don't know how he pulled that off. They don't grandfather stuff at MyR.

  • I am with them and I am paying 69.95.

  • Im paying $64.95 for 25/50

  • Anyone care to share their experience with MyRepublic? I'm due to have NBN in a few months and want to see which provider I should go for.

    • day time speeds are fast. Night time, inconsistent.

      Might have to pay up for ABB.

      Ping is not great. I'm in Melbourne, but every speed test thinks I'm in Perth and it always pings perth. I think all of my traffic is routing through Perth which is adding some hops to the equation.

  • i had issues with My republic for the first 2-3 months when the connection kept dropping out, but it looks like it was an issues with NBN.co and no the broadband company. Since then i have no issues apart from one price change where they forced me to go from 50/100 to 25/50 for $5 less.

  • I was paying $59.95 for 100/20 unlimited, but the price increased to $62 for the same. Not a bad price increase over 3-4 years, considering that NBN put up their wholesale cost more than that increase.

    I can’t complain about them. Good evening speeds, don’t notice any dropouts, but haven’t set up monitoring. My modem says 135 days connected. I have smart home cameras which send data up constantly and don’t have any issues. I’d recommend them and sign up again.

    • +1

      With them price increases I was paying $70 for half of those speeds on Myrepublic. Just moved away from them paying $60 for 100/20 fttb now. Feeling robbed by myrepublic.. They don't have good reputation from what i gather.

      • I have 25 devices connected and 135 days up time, Just did a speed test and got 33/12 and 35 ping. I think the network really depends a lot on where you live, given these guys are a retailer not the provider…

        • May because of the bad experience with them and everybody left them in your area and you are the only one with them now and no more sharing bandwidth XD.

        • You got 33 down on a 100 plan at 830am? That doesn't sound great.

          I'm on MR current $65 a month for 50/20. Seems pretty good so far compared to my previous ADSL at max 5 down. 43 down is a dream haha

        • https://www.nbnco.com.au/corporate-information/media-centre/…

          It looks like from later this year, it shouldn't matter where you live. These new policies will either crush these discount RSPs or go a long way to sorting their consistency issues.

    • When did they offer $59.95?

      I can't even tell if the current plans are 100/20 or 100/40. It just says NBN 100. And it's nowhere near that cheap.

  • Is there anyway i can get it this cheap?
    I'm being robbed!

    • +1

      dont think there is on the website. people are being charge different amounts depending on when they signed up i believe.

      • Nbn have Been increasing their prices over the years, so retailers pass on the charges most of the time.

  • +5

    I was with MyRepublic a couple of years ago, wouldn't go anywhere near them. Speeds were far below advertised on a 50/20 plan and they did nothing to fix it, blaming NBNCo for congestion. When I eventually cancelled after putting up with it for about 3 months with no fix I was charged a $199 fee that they absolutely refused to waive. I'm with Aussie Broadband now and couldn't recommend them any higher.

    If MyRepublic were the last ISP on Earth, I'd rather have pages sent to me in the post one by one.

    • Had a colleague that went from My republic to Aussie Broadband and he had issues with speed and connection at the start, but seemed to have died off. I have 10-12 wireless devices connected and get no drop outs.

  • +2

    I was with them a few years ago, only have good speed when they are still new.

    After a few months not usable at all, can't stream anything, with AusBB now and no slow down day and night.

  • My republic charges me $64.95 for 25/50 where Aussie Broadband is $79 a month

  • sometimes AB has deals on POz Bargains for 6 months

  • Carrier grade NAT on normal plans unless you go for the gamer plans. Id expect issues with some applications.

  • Can anyone recommend a cheap internet and phone line combo?

    • The Westnet Seniors Plan is the cheapest I've seen.
      $40 monthly for 50GB data and unlimited landline calls.

  • +2

    I'd rather pay a premium NOT to be with them.

    I switched my parents, despite being on Fixed Wireless, to Aussie and speeds went significantly faster. Despite many assuming it was a crowded tower….

    They also repeatedly billed after leaving them.

    Terrible call centre, terrible service, terrible company.

    They were only good in NBNs early days.

    You get what you pay for in the NBN. They have costs. Go with Aussie or Superloop and be happy.

    • +2

      MyRepublic outperform Aussie in download speed during the busiest periods according to ACCC…. I pay less for MyRepublic and get more than Aussie!
      No need to neg the deal just because you don’t like the provider. The deal is valid.

      • Why is this person being downvoted when they provided actual data, not anecdotal evidence?

        • -2

          Telling me how to vote? I've demonstrated issues with the provider.

          The 6 positives are testament to where the community stands on My Republic.

          • -1

            @scuderiarmani: No fair enough, they can down vote the deal just because they don’t like the product. No one is forcing them to buy it.

            It’s not an overly helpful vote though on the reflection of the deal for that provider though. It would be a bit like someone down voting a sale on Call of Duty just because they think the game is over hyped… it just doesn’t really help anyone.

      • +1

        I've had experiences. If you don't like my opinion, go check Whirlpool or any other post here. My Republic have a horrible reputation.

        I can neg the deal if I've had issues with the provider. There's nothing stopping me doing that. Billing and Support problems are significant issues.

  • +1

    I've been with MyRepublic since 2016, when NBN cutover in my area. I'm 900m from the nearest node and my connection is FTTN (thanks very much, moronic Liberal government!). The physics of the link mean that the most I can get is 29MB/9MB download/upload. Speeds were at that level for the first couple of years, including at night. NOW, HOWEVER …. speeds are crap. Today, max download speed is 0.95MB/s - and that's because it's holidays and all the kids are obviously on <insert name of your favourite steaming service here>. During the evening, webpages load at a glacial pace (i.e. very slowly) and it remains like this till around 11.00pm when the service speed returns to around 29/9.

    So, I'm moving. The problem is obviously in the provisioning/purchasing of backhaul by MyRepublic - they don't have enough out of the point of interconnect that I'm connected to. I certainly won't be coming back to MyRepublic any time soon - I'm going to a provider that offers no-contract connection. Most people seem to have good experiences with Aussie Broadband and Superloop so they're the ones I'm looking at.

    • The physics of the link mean that the most I can get is 29MB/9MB download/upload.

      I would trade with you any day. That's probably the fastest internet in the country.

  • +1

    I just signed up to MyRepublic last week and have been getting good internet speeds and no dropouts so far.

    Streaming Netflix 4K and Amazon Prime Video on my tv during peak times (e.g. ~6.30pm~11.00pm) with no problems, no buffering, no artifacts, etc. Also streamed Amazon Prime Video and Netflix on my phone in bed during the weekend and no issues either.

    I'm in Victoria (to the west of Melbourne).

    • The two times I have signed up for MR ISP plans the speeds have always been great at all times and no dropouts. Then a few months in it seems to all slow down/drop out. I am still with them cause they are pretty cheap comparatively, but interested to see if your connection eventually slows down. It seems for my 2x cases anyway, they give you premium access at the start then cut you off once past being able to get out for free.

      • +2

        I'm currently finishing a 12 month contract with them on an NBN50/20 plan.. and we have not been too happy all year round. They make you test internet speeds on Ookla Internet Speedtest (Telstra Sydney server), and the speed is reasonable most of the time (40d/6u), but this does not reflect our real-world speeds.. which Google internet speed is like (3d/6u). Over the 12 months, we've contacted them about 10 times, and they mostly just tell you to reset the modem (then voila, internet is good for about half an hour). If we tend to stream or download, it does seem to eventually drop out, which made us think they throttle us somehow (without much proof unfortunately. I showed them internet speed tests for about 3 weeks at multiple times a day (with the strange discrepancy between Ookla and other speed tests.. and all they did was eventually do something that blocked certain websites. I have two more days left, then I will head to Aussie Broadband, I think for a 100/40 plan.. willing to pay $99/month instead of $64/month with MR.

        • UPDATE: I went on the online support chat for MR, and asked when my contract would end (they don't tell you on your account page). They told me 9/1/2020, so bided my time for a couple more days, then returned back to their chat page to a) confirm my contract ended, and b) to disconnect me and not charge me either a penalty fee, or future months (as they explicitly say they do not refund any unused days in a month).

          Once I got assurances, I went onto Aussie Broadband, asked the chat how I should go about the transition, they said I can apply ASAP, and will just connect when MR disconnects. It all happened in 1 hour, used my MR router/modem, and most importantly, there was not the crazy discrepancy between Ookla>Google>Test.My.Net that I always encountered with MR. That being said, I upgraded to 100/40, but I'm glad to be paying $99/month for faster, stable internet, as opposed to $64 for supposedly 50/25, but it was more like patchy 10/5 NBN.

          Hope this helps with your decision making.

    • I’m also in inner West of Melbourne and get good service. Have had this experience at a couple of houses in this area.

  • +3

    This company refused to disconnect my service. Kept billing me.
    When the TIO cancelled the bills a year later I got an email from a debt collection agency claiming i owed them money.

    My experience

    • Not the only one. Regularly here that.

      • Bro in law experienced this too.

  • I'm on the 100/40 plan, I'm not sure if it's the modem or network issue, the wifi speed is pretty slow (5 or 2.4 on all channels), 30mb is the regular dld speed, same as my previous cable service, which was a lot more reliable and honest on speed.

  • I've always had consistent connectivity and speed with MyRepublic. No issues with billing either when changing/modifying my plan.

    I did have an issue with a marketing promo they ran when first signing up but the support team was understanding, they were able to get my coupon code sorted out.

  • +1

    I had nothing but bad experiences with MR. Bad support, hopeless call centres, and bad speeds during peak. They blamed NBN co and congestion. Switched to Aussie Broadband and my issues were gone.

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