[NSW] Fire Fighter Volunteers to Receive $300 a Day up to $6,000 if Called out for More than 10 Days This Season

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The prime minister announced eligible volunteers would receive $300 a day up to $6,000 if called out for more than 10 days this fire season.

Under the plan, RFS volunteers who are self-employed or working for small or medium businesses will be able to apply for tax-free financial support from the federal government to cover lost wages. It will not be means-tested and the NSW state government has agreed to administer the payments.

Guardian Article

Mod: This falls under our deal posting guidelines for Government Programs that are income producing (in this case supplementing income). It is therefore moved to the forums. Thanks to the users who reported it as such.

For all bushfire relief posts see the Bushfire Relief Tag.

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          • @freakatronic:

            falsify weather data

            They call it homogenizing. It helps the narrative and the religious fever of the movement.

          • +2

            @freakatronic: Pssst, you realise for the denial camp to be even remotely right is that every last scientist not just climate scientists, theoretical physicists, Quantum Mechanics, Astronomers, Mathematicians, and the whole profession of SCIENTISTS are in on the scam?

            To use popular culture, you dont think Sheldon Cooper is capable or even inclined to check Wolowitz's maths? Deniers wheel out one, who usually has links to coal or oil, who kind of disputes one aspect and not very well, and yall start shouting how youve got the smoking gun, its over, proof its fake. Yet never get it backed up despite your inane ability to want more proof, and more proof and proof of the proof and then proof of the proof of the proof from the multitude of scientists telling you its real.

            Think about it, every scientist, millions of them, would have to be in on the scam for any of them to get away woth it. Most scientists are not climate scientists, they have no dog in the fight, but they do have the ability and inclination to participate in the act of peer review. Its how science works.

            I dare you to google, Peer Review.

            • +1

              @Tuba: There's no such thing as a person with "no dog in the fight". There's plenty of funding and so much power and control over society to be won from climate alarmism. You act impartial, like you're actually willing to follow evidence to where it might lead.

              The camp that can say with full authority "Believe or die" is the winner. Now of the two - climate alarmists, and the people who just want to be left alone - who is threatening whom with the power of death and catastrophe? Who is ultimately calling for whose erasure? Climate Nazis will always end up back at their own rock bottom - "He doesn't believe us. Therefore he doesn't care about the planet. He doesn't deserve to stay on this planet. He can either leave, die, or both."

              • +1

                @freakatronic: Very histrionic. But not what scientists do.

                Scientists with no interest in climate science, would not toe the line. Albert Einstein would have been very aware of the public interest, noticed the argument, decided to take a look, and published his findings. His kind still exist. Einstein wasnt quiet in his disputes with Tesla, and vice versa.

                In general, scientists are among the most ethical and diligent people on the planet. They take their reputation seriously. Its why they are driven, take the time and put in the hard yards to get their qualifications. They are not average Joe.

                Climate science may have things wrong. Thats the nature of science, the things they study are not understood until science does its thing, but its also they who inform us when its established they got something wrong. Tony Abbot isnt out there doing the maths, checking the data, he just asserts.

                If I have to pick a team, about something I dont truly understand, it will be scientists I lend trust too, not lying baby kissing, I didnt have sex with that woman, blah blah bottom of the barrel politicians. Especially when they are exposed as hypocrites.

                • @Tuba: Well you appear to ignore any scientist that disagrees with the analysis that you already put your faith in. If you are "lending your trust to scientists" how did you come to the assumption that they all just unanimously agree with your viewpoint (except for the stinky bad ones who we know are definitely wrong anyway)? Issues as complex as the entire climate of a freaking planet aren't as black and white as you'd love to believe.

                  • @wendellX: I never ignored the one or two that usually are in the employ of oil and coal, that sometimes manage to find a tibit to kind of dispute and even then not very well, that you guys in the tinfoil hat camp wheel out and shout, 'we found him, we got one, its all over, its fake news'. Never is that backed up with proof, or tested and proven despite the insurmountable level of proof you require from the yes camp.

                    Still remains every other scientist on the planet has to willingly be in on a scam, or theyre morons. You still dont even have enough scientists in the denial camp to fill a bus. The yes camp, would fill a city.

                    Its so obvious in your eyes, how is it you think you grasp it, but 99% of the worlds scientists dont?

          • +1

            @freakatronic: How many years of dedicated research have you spent looking into it? Does an armchair expert outqualify an actual expert?

  • +2

    Why only NSW? There are fires elsewhere. Is this a one off, or standard policy for any future fires, storms or floods? BS policy on the fly.

    Note that if they are on Newstart it looks like they don't get it. They'll still be on (what was it?) $45 a day and would they be penalised for not looking for work? THE BLUDGERS

    • +1

      He could only get a Liberal Premier to play along with the charade he isnt capitulating to public pressure, and pretend they went through a very professional negotiation.

      • Daniel Andrews and Annastacia Palaszczuk are Liberals premiere now. Who knew?

        • And they werent consulted, or included… thus only NSW… thats the point… who knew indeed.

          He staged a meeting with the one premier he could control, then acted like he didnt capitulate to public pressure. Clearly, he did. Just as he threw NSW premier under the bus when her Top firey said he was not aware of the ADF rollout, but they insist the NSW premier was aware of their unscripted impromptu attempt to deflect from their failure. Despite her constant and regular meetings with her top firey, the conclusion is either she failed to mention it. Or far more likely, and consistent with the events, she didnt drop any ball, as there was no ball hand3ed to her at the time to drop. Morrison is scrambling and doing backflips trying to save face, and his career.

          Labor pushed for an emergency COAG meeting months ago to discuss the issue then, along with some other issues for this fire season, it was refused.

          • +1

            @Tuba: This part of it is NSW only because each state has to administer it since that state control the volunteers and keep the crew shifts etc via CFS/RFS. The scheme is available for other states. Qld has accepted and is signing up. SA has accepted and is signing up. WA is interested.

            Victoria has received the offer but Daniel Andrews wants to keep the money and not pass it on to the volunteers. That Steve Warrington is getting paid massive amounts of money during this crisis is so cold that he doesn't think the men and women doing the actual dangerous work should get compensated. The same can be said about Vic ministers and premier, they want to get paid.

            • @CookieJacker31: But none were at the meeting… only NSW, as only NSW could be controlled… that was the point. He needed a tame premier to pretend they went through negotiations.

              He capitulated to public pressure, plain and simple. Scrambling to keep his career. He is buying votes. His motives are in question, not the act.

  • +1

    Wonder if CFA will be offered same deal

    • If they aren't, it'll prove how hollow the CFA argument was against Daniel Andrews.

  • +7

    The RFS will directly contact all volunteer firefighters. This deal posting isn't very necessary.

  • +8

    How is this a deal?

    Seems everyone is just getting on the post anything about firefighters wagon?

  • What about vic???

  • +1


  • +9


    Government benefits are now being posted as "deals".

    Should I also post Newstart or the age pension as a "deal"?

    • You missed medicare benefits..

      • You missed the disability pension, just need to take drugs for a few years and you're a shoo-in.

    • shh. don't question deals around here. you'll get into trouble

    • Don't.. or it will get ozbargained

      • +1


  • I'd be interested to see if it covers firefighters from other states who have been to NSW and fit the other criteria considering its a federal payment.

    I've only done 7 days so far and wouldn't qualify anyway but I know a couple who have done multiple deployments and might.

    • +1

      The major effected 3 States ( hope you know them ) have announced these benefits on mainstream news : )

      Maybe I'm the only one watching any news lol .

      • Yeah I don't follow any news, there is never any good news.

  • -1

    Yeah not sure about this post as a deal
    They should have been getting paid anyway.
    Nobodys "wants" to be there Mr Morrison.
    Also not sure why its limited to those working for "small to medium business" or how is this defined (and why it matters).
    Anyone qualified doing the work should be getting paid, regardless of who isnt paying them while volunteering their time.

    • Lost income is the reason and away to save strangers home, not getting paid volunteers
      large companies pay their staff for volunteer community work.

      • I have worked for a number of large businesses and none of them pay their staff for volunteer community work.
        They do allow time for unpaid leave to do community work and list it as a HR benefit (just as much of a benefit as taking a day of unpaid leave anywhere else).
        I'd guess that this is the case for most large businesses (they arent paying people to work/volunteer elsewhere), would be great if that was the standard though.
        Regardless of the company a person works for (in terms of size) and provided they aren't being paid by their company, they should qualify to receive the payment - working for a large organisation that doesnt fund volunteer work doesnt mean they shouldnt get paid.

      • which large companies that pay employees for volunteering works?
        especially for that long of time.

        mostly people take personal leave combined with unpaid volunteer leave.

  • +2

    Not what I visit OzBargain for.

  • Considering this is the first time I've heard of this, I'm glad they are doing something but honestly I would've expected the volunteer firefighters to get a bit more after all they've done. Especially those who have stuck around the whole time.

  • +7

    Is a nice idea BUT it'd be a lot better if they gave them proper money for equipment so they didn't have to buy their own masks (p2 disposable ones are fine for civilians but not on the frontline) and last minute leasing of foreign aircraft for water bombing after they poo-poo'd multiple experts and ex-fire chiefs warning them of this danger over a year ago.

    $2b meant for recovery - imagine how much less that might have been IF they'd instead spent it upfront on best in world equipment etc…not to mention the incalculable costs like wildlife, flora lost, lost income from people displaced etc, pollution etc.

    Incredibly poor governance.

    • +1

      I must say I agree.
      Scomo completely ignored when numerous fire experts and chiefs said this would happen. They pressed on about it for months, but he stubbornly stood his ground.
      Now look at what has happened because of it.

      • -4

        Scomo declined to meet with the Tim Flannery backed climate council. Anyone in their right mind would refuse to have anything to do with Tim Flannery.

        Just come out and say it… "I hate Scomo. I hate the Liberals. It wouldn't matter what he does I'd find a way to criticise. I'd even attack him over state issues…."

        • +2

          If Labour had got in and was acting the same, or Scomo was from Labour I would have the same response..

          We're faced with the worst bushfires probably in recorded history. Whatever your stance on climate change, the prime minister could've actually listened. It would've saved a tremendous amount of money, livestock, nature and infrastructure.

          From refusing to listen to urgent pleas by fire chiefs several months ago, to taking an overseas family holiday, to contemplating leaving the country for an international meeting at such a time, and most recently endorsing a social media video slapping himself on the back – it is all wrong.

          That sums it up quite nicely.

          • -5


            Whatever your stance on climate change, the prime minister could've actually listened. It would've saved a tremendous amount of money, livestock, nature and infrastructure.

            A carbon tax would have stopped the arsonists and lightning strikes. Maybe even cleaned up all the fuel lying around and greenies wouldn't have had to block back burning operations.

            • +1

              @heal: Youre not very well informed. He ignored fire Chiefs, Tim Flannery isnt a fire Chief. He may have ignored Tim too, but thats another issue.

              He was told, we need aircraft like Elvis, an Air Crane, here at all times. Heavy water bombing helicopters, that cost $40million each. No no, we dont need them he said. Instead, ScoMo got a plane his mates can lay down and sleep in for trips away, for $250 million instead. Thats 6 or maybe even 7 Air Cranes with a bulk discount.

              Your attempt to minimise it and make it about something else sums up nicely your Liberal shilling site wide.

          • @pennypincher98: Agree Scomo has made a lot of errors and deserve a flacking. But they were ex-fire chiefs, not current. The states are where most of the blame should be, they manage the resourcing, the strategy, the land management, the councils dictating what you can and cannot do etc. you're letting them off by getting distracted by Scomo's highly distasteful tardiness. There is lessons to be learnt for sure, but its not as simple as you're implying.

            • @Xizor: Whether they're current or ex fire chiefs matters little. They're subject matter experts, and that's all that's important. Retired or not, these guys have indispensable and indisputable knowledge. Why those in power are not listening is the greater concern, and it does require explaining.

            • @Xizor: As above, ex or current, they are still experts.

              He spent $250 million on replacing the Prime Ministers plane that worked fine, but states that $40 million to BUY not lease, Air Cranes is too expensive. Im betting Australia has different ideas on what should have been priority, with our money.

      • +3

        "Now look what has happened because of it" - all these fires all because scomo is the current PM? You're having a laugh right?
        You know how stupid that sounds and is.
        This is a failure over decades of underspending and not being prepared, no climate change policy for Australia in the last 20 years could have diverted what has occurred.
        You're pretending one party is better than the other when in reality they're all sh!t and do not have the countries best interests at heart.

    • +3

      I don't disagree with anything here but to add some perspective our neighbour was our local RFS leader and volunteer for 20+ years, and resourcing/equiptment has always been a problem for them. If i recall correctly it (and pretty much all irritants he had) were more a state than federal level just because of how the structure works. Blaming the federal government only holds relevance to a certain extent, the states and councils hold as much if not more blame IMO.

    • +1

      It’d be nice if the government announced long term investment in fire fighting drones or something, on top of all this. 10 years from now we might wish we gave the firefighters better tools, when the flames are heading towards more towns and cities.

  • +1

    I understand this is a state run initiative but it’s unfortunate for the fire fighters from QLD/elsewhere in Aus/NZ that have gone on deployment down to NSW to miss out.

    Still a great offer though :)

  • Not a bargain

  • -4

    This is a terrible idea, some of my friends tell me that the fire maybe lid up deliberately by those teen or unemployment people around the area of the country-side. If you give them money, do they will do the same next year?

  • +4

    Why can't this government get anything right? My son has been fighting some of the worst fires near Batemans bay for weeks, saving dozens of houses, he does this during his holidays and at weekends then goes back to work for a medium size company so he qualifies for NOTHING. All of the petrol costs, his car was damaged, his food costs, he bought some of his own safety equipment and is only 21 years of age.

    • -1

      Why cant any government get anything right?
      If he doesn't want to help any longer or isn't able to due to other reasons (financial or whatever) then he can walk away.

      • @# with all the billions of $$$$ being thrown around that a simple worthy cause knowing what wastage there is going to be .

    • Truly shameful government they should all resign.

      • +1

        Which state government are you talking about?

    • You're griping on a public forum and not sending your electoral representative a letter outlining your concerns? Let's face it, if our volunteers only get nothing but a kick in the ass or a photo opp with an inept PM, why on earth would they volunteer? I respect and admire people like your son, but they have limits and we really shouldn't be abusing their good nature in going out of their way to help their fellow man.

    • +1

      I keep having to say this: Emergency Services are a state issue. Call up your state MP. And thank your son for his contribution for us too.

  • +1
    1. How is this a deal?

    2. This has been in the news as long as I can remember, why post it now?

  • All these bargains, I should think about volunteering.

  • The apathetic nature displayed by many is reason enough for government to consider a mandatory RFS conscription like program for all Australians. I can only imagine how people's opinions would change if they were called up to fight these fires instead of commenting behind the safety screen that is the relative anonymity of the internet.

    • yep - all pollies both state and national mandatory 2 weeks - all people recommending it - 3 weeks. After all put your body behind your mouth. At the very least the 50,000 crisped koalas and roos will need some shifting.

      They and every other incinerated species were the only innocent Australians in this ongoing manmade atrocity.

  • My parter quit work, I said I would support her, she wanted to spend more time fighting fires and has been since July in northern NSW, and so isn't eligible ? Etc?

  • This scheme is now open to QLD also as of today. instead of a new 'bargain' being listed can we merge the details. https://www.qld.gov.au/emergency/volunteering-jobs/volunteer…

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