Looks like Bunnings are matching the Aldi deal on this kit (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/510269)
Not yet showing on the Bunnings website but it's on the trade app and in stock.
Looks like Bunnings are matching the Aldi deal on this kit (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/510269)
Not yet showing on the Bunnings website but it's on the trade app and in stock.
I have the Ozito Range… just for a small front and backyard of grass
I would recommend a 36V model for more power.
I find even with the 36V model (2 x 18V in series)… the mower can struggle with the thicker grass.
(As to which brand is better… I suspect there isn't a huge difference, but I only have Ozito)
Haven't got either but I'd say the ozito would have a better warranty. Usually a straight up replacement within 3 years.
How big is their yard and what kind of grass do they have?
On the surface this kit looks like a single 18v and the Aldi is dual battery (which provides more power, but has downsides like inability to use the batteries in other tools so they don't degrade at a different rate).
I've used a selection of both brands and they get the job done. Wouldn't be keen on this kit myself because I absolutely hate mowing and I want it to be as painless as possible. A low powered small mower sounds like a bad day. I just sold the 36v Ryobi because it couldn't keep up with the crazy buffalo thriving in my yard right now.
One thing about this kit is that the picture only shows a single battery. Will need to wait until there are further details as that would be an issue… but you can get another battery from this deal - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/510742
This for sheer ease of availability.
ALDI may or may not have stock available on Saturday and you may need to travel across town to find a store with stock.
Wheras, every single Bunnings will hold multiple units of stock on Saturday and will continue to hold stock of at least Batteries and Chargers and quite likely Mowers should anything go wrong once you have bought the kit and you need a warranty swap.
EDIT: just realised that Bunnings aren't offering the 2x18V unit.
The ALDI Mower will have more power!
This might even just be standard pricing? The screenshot says "Everyday Low Price"
We'll they're matching the wrong bits here.
This kit is 18v, the line trimmer is trash, uses plastic blades instead of line/wire. The ozito mower is also 18v, compared to aldi's 40v unit and you will want that extra power. Especially for rougher grass.
Aldi kit is the better buy if you had to get one.
I have this kit and it is very under powered and the trimmer is garbage. I have already replaced the trimmer with a better one and the mower struggles even with short grass. You'll need to trim weekly, anything else and the mower just cuts out all the time. I have huge buyers remorse and if I wasn't invested into the Power X range, I'd buy the Aldi one. If you are like me and have the Power X batteries, spend a bit more and get the 36v.
Edit: spelling
I have the trimmer as well and it's the only one of almost a dozen Ozito 18V tools I have that I regret buying. The plastic blade regularly flies off the trimmer when the blade hits something hard and the blade wears out in no time when trimming along my brick and limestone lined garden beds.
I second that, blade just falls off if it hits thicker grass or weeds. It's a pain!
Thanks all. They live in one of the new suburbs of Melbourne that I suspect has couch grass throughout (can’t recall). Some good points on 36v. I had recommended the Aldi kit initially because I think they had a blower too which if bought together would have been about $270.
Also Ozito mower has 30cm cutting width compared to Aldi 37cm.
Ozito equivalent below;
shame this won't be the one that gets matched.
Agreed. Here's to hoping though!
Didn't they match it last time? Gut feeling says yes, but could be wrong.
great if they would !! really need a mower.
we got the mower only
the good, no cord
the bads
* no where as powerful compare to corded
* wheels are flimsy, one of the wheel came off on first use, the metal clip insert to keep the wheel in place snapped as i was turning around a corner
This is Bunnings everyday low price, its not a match for the Aldi deal.
I think the OP has misread the offering. Its not a Bunnings Aldi match
Bunnings may yet match Aldi's offering, so wait a little longer.
Neg vote is to alert others to this fact. Nothing personal OP ⛳️
This is correct.
OP - Please keep an eye out for the 2 x 18V (36V) options…
18V is just too low a voltage… half the power of the 36V units
(P = V x I)
(Power = Voltage x Current)
True, but I tried out the AEG 18V trimmer and that thing is a beast. The variable in the equation for all these products is current (ie motor size).
Motor size is irrelevant if the power supply (battery in this case) is current limited.
The Mower is the device that will benefit significantly from the increased Voltage (potentially up to twice the power at the same current output).
The Line Trimmer doesn't need to fling nearly as much mass, nor does it need to cut at remotely the same radius, so 18V is sufficient.
I've been hawking the app to see what's happening with the battery prices and thought I would monitor this too. This particular SKU only just started appearing. It's not an everyday item or an everyday price (The mower kit is normally this price without the trimmer - https://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-power-x-change-18v-brushle…).
So yeah… the Bunnings machine isn't on par with the Aldi one… but this is their match.
I think AaronR is right. It looks like a new sku as they didn't sell a combo of mower and trimmer before. So likely this is the match with Aldi. Shame it's not double voltage. Makes the aldi the better deal.
I've been using the mower and trimmer for about 9.months, easy to use and charge but flimsy. I don't have thick grass so works well enough and no more pull starting a messy old mower
I bought one from Bunnings Belmont NSW For $100, but didn't post it as a bargain as i only seen it in one store and they only had 3 instock and it was a clearance item(in this store) when i asked whether other stores would be the same or not.
Not for me (so please post honestly) - which kit would you recommend for a budget conscious person - this or the Aldi?