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[BF] Free Burrito for All RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers, and Their Families at Guzman Y Gomez 18-19 January 2020


Taken from the Facebook page.

Not all heroes wear capes. Our RFS and emergency workers in Australia are our heroes. Like everyone we have been devastated watching the bushfires destroy so many of our beautiful communities in Australia. GYG would like to invite all RFS volunteers and emergency workers, and their families to any GYG nationally on 18-19 January to have a burrito on us. Simply come in uniform or show your ID and your family is our family for the day. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. The world all over are watching you and are in awe of you all. We hope and pray the bushfires have calmed down a little by then. 💛💛💛#thankyou #australianfires #vicrfs #sarfs #nswfires #rfs

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Exploitative and pure marketing - I agree with the commenter above, if they were serious they'd looking after the large number of displaced bushfire victims too and get off their ass and go to them.

  • +5

    Pretty tasteless.

    Looking at the GYG locations, this will only benefit those in metro areas who will have to make themselves available on specified days to benefit from this generous offer.

  • -1

    Great spirit and thank you for supporting Aussie RFS!

  • Here's the piece of trash Morrison pretending to care about a woman while the Government subsidies the fossil fuel industry that just destroyed her house.


    • +1

      Coal keeps our lights on at an affordable price.

      • 25 lives

    • +1

      Also donated $100m to nasa but not to the bushfire cause

  • +5


    Morrison pretending to care about a woman while the Government subsidies the fossil fuel industry that just destroyed her house.

    Diji, while I am significantly sympathetic towards your view here - in general - I am not certain that such hyperbolic statements actually do anything to further the cause. In fact, I think it likely they do more harm than good.

    Unless some representative of Shell or BP personally committed arson at the house in question, you cannot say that the fossil fuel industry 'destroyed her house'.

    What you can say is that the fossil fuel industry is a major contributor to increased carbon emissions, which in turn incontrovertibly lead to rising global temperatures, and increased climatic volatility. And it is highly likely that such conditions enhance the possibility/probability of wildfire events such as recently seen in California and Australia.

    Further, there are perfectly valid criticisms of the current Australian government with respect to their energy and climate change policies, and their continuing support for major fossil fuel corporatinos.

    However, imprecise, inaccurate, and excessively exaggerated statements like yours are like 'fake news'. Repeated often enough, they may appeal to one percent of people, but the majority will write it (you) off as a whining greenie conspiracy theorist.

  • -3

    The majority of salty comments on this deal are just upset that they aren't eligible for a free burrito, whilst also attempting to flaunt their political views.

    Sad times indeed.

    • +2

      The majority of salty comments on this deal are just upset that they aren't eligible for a free burrito

      No, I don't believe that for a second.

      I think it's more that your typical OzBargainer doesn't get sucked in by marketing bullshit, and that's exactly what this "supportive gesture" is. I don't give a stuff about missing out on a burrito, but I hate to see a business benefit from exposure gained by riding the disaster PR wave.

      • Perhaps you're all just being a bit too cynical and GYG are genuinely trying to do a good thing.

        That sounds a lot more believable than what everyone is suggesting in this thread.

  • +3

    They are a business not a charity. They can't do everything.

    Though good on them for trying to help. I don't get why it is only for one specific weekend and not just starting now..

    • They are a business not a charity. They can't do everything.

      Then why offer anything no one is forcing them too, that's why so many here are showing displeasure with this "deal" it's not that they are doing something for the fireys that's great, but how many do you think will actually be able to take advantage of this when they are out fighting fires potentially hundreds of KMs from the nearest outlet.

      Basically it's a deal for very few and just a marketing ploy taking advantage of the current disaster. It's working too personally I had never heard of this place until now.

      • Because it's a gesture of goodwill nothing else.

  • +1

    This gesture is pure marketing. All authorities say this crisis will last week's if not months. Even if it were to end soon, all the engaged emergency services will be too exhausted to travel to their "local" GYG in the cities.

  • +1

    Even though this one is getting a lot of negative feedback I've added it to the Disaster Relief wiki page.

  • +3

    PR exercise taking advantage of the disaster. If they were serious they wouldn't limit it to 2 days

  • First Scenario: Child to mom says "Mom, Look our house is burning but I am feeling like eating burrito so can we go to Guzman Y Gomez and then come back and save what we can?

    Second Scenario: Paramedics on duty "Member of Paramedics says to other on duty officers "Hey lads, Its lunch time. Fire is already out of control so lets to go Guzman Y Gomez and grab a free burrito and then come back.

  • +1

    This is pure marketing. I don’t even mind 95% of the stunts other companies have pulled but free food for 2 days that isn’t available for another 14 days stinks.

  • +1

    Yeah this is just a cheap marketing ploy taking advantage of the situation… Plenty of actual useful ways they could really help if they were serious.

  • Would have been better if you donate 10% profit instead of this offer?

    I will normally defend this type of marketing stunt as i believe whatever your intentions or excuses are, as long as it has a good result to the community and not negatively impact others then it's acceptable in my books however this is clearly marketing stunt with very minimal cost to them.

    I really fail to see how this is going to help anyone, very sad but i personally won't be eating at this place anymore..

  • Let’s wait for Subway offering a footlong sub at the price of half to all the firefighters

  • +4

    A lot of non-firefighters downvoting this deal.

    Stunt or not, it's still something for people who deserve it.

    Instead of bitching about the deal on a bargains website, why not go and donate something yourselves?

    • This is a marketing ploy and they're negging it for what it's worth.

      Yeah, they're down voting the deal AND donating themselves. Just check the forums yourself for the links. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/510506

      • A good chunk of the shit on this website is a "marketing ploy."

        A bargain is a bargain.

        Downvotes are for bad deals, not for when you decide a promotion doesn't fit your morals.

        • Thank goodness some people still have morals.

  • Marketing ploy for sure.

  • I agree with previous comments, if they really want to help then take food to the people who need it and prepare it for them or donate money. Otherwise this is just marketing BS. This has "Maximum exposure for minimum expenditure" written all over it.

    • +1

      Great idea take food to people that need it and clog the road for emergency service vehicles .

      • Yeah I'm sure the emergency services would be horrified at having a food truck or stall turn up at a shelter or reserve where they are resting in between shifts. Unless you think shelters are set up on the front lines of the fires? Or they can donate money like I said. If you like to think business has your best interests at heart then I just feel sorry for you.

  • Ozb has spoken. Cancel the whole. That’ll show them.

  • +3

    I won't be a beneficiary of this offer but I think this is a nice gesture from GYG.

    The negative comments here are very unfortunate.

    These guys are many small operators, they cannot afford to give out free burittos to every fire impacted family indefinitely.

    Doing it for one day is their way of easing the pain.

  • For everyone who keeps saying GYG are small operators and can't afford to make a real contribution:
    GYG turns over $200 Million a year.

    • $200m in revenue over 117 stores is crap.

      its 117 Australian stores

      • LOL yeah it's really bad, poor guys, maybe we should donate to GYG

      • Really , maybe you should check the margins they work on in that industry :)

  • +1

    This is a marketing ploy to capitalize on an unfortunate situation. If they really wanted to do it right, they could have done beyond 2 day and extended to victims and donated to bush fire victims.

  • +2

    Exploitative, poor taste in dates, only value is the PR they are getting for doing nothing.

    • At least I have heard of them now :)

  • Change your campaign to "GYG will donate X% of all revenue on a particular day to fire victims" and I will definitely have multiple meals at GYG that day along with dragging all the friends and colleagues that I can. Now that is a much more worthwhile campaign and still achieve the marketing effect for GYG.

  • Stupid deal,

    Why make victims wait 11 days for a burrito, i think food delivered directly to these communities would serve better.

    Instead of advertising this on facebook maybe be proactive Guzman and just do the kind deed, word might spread directly from the victims which is a much better form of advertising rather than being shameless

  • Just terrible to use this as a marketing ploy.

    • Yeah I mean fancy that comedian using her name on the donation page, just disgusting self marketing.

      • I heard of her through the fundraiser. Did not search for her videos nor do I remember her name. If she was actually doing it for marketing I am considering it a fail. Unlike GYG who is offering free burritos in bloody 2 weeks time, she must be well known to famous people and went around and raised millions when it is most needed, right now, I applaud that.

  • +4

    I think we all need to calm down. At the end of the day, if every company does something for those guys, then those little things will be a great sum and provide some help or at a minimum acknowledgement and appreciation of what they are doing. Neg'ing will only discourage others from doing something. To all that have negged, what have you contributed?

  • +2

    The irony of it….Ozbargainers negging a free deal….what a bunch of flogs!

    For all you haters, this is off the GYG facebook page! Maybe if all you haters donated $5.00 each and put your money where your mouths are.

    Guzman y Gomez KYlie Mac Hey Kylie, totally agree that $$$ are most helpful and we are working through many ways how we can assist with $$$ too. These guys and gals are working so hard and their families are at home worrying about their safety. This is a small way to show our volunteers and emergency workers how much we appreciate them but it won’t be the last of what we do, thanks for the feedback xxxx

  • -1

    Clearly not of any to little benefit to those affected. Would have been better off donating money to the bush fire relief fund

    • +3

      Easy to say when you don't own a business, what have you donated thus far?

    • I work with, and live adjacent to, people affected by the fires - all volunteers who dropped everything to drive (or be bussed) hundreds of kilometres away to lend a hand.

      You are wrong. Clearly.

  • Marketing stunt? Nah but this ripper was! and the community fell for it late last year.

    Majority of marketing professionals know that the risk is too great. High probability of diluting any value attached to your brand, which is everything. There's simply too much risk vs anything that could be achieved by such a deceptive practice.

    Hopefully it's sincere and encourages more businesses to offer up freebies to those in need.

  • +1

    no thanks, help is needed now not in 2 weeks time.

    Guzman Ill make you wait 2 weeks for payment next time I go to your store….if I went to your stores

  • This 'free burrito' is nothing more than just a PR move.

  • If your giving them away. Do it now and it just 1 day. Just a marketing tactic. Poor form.

  • +1

    This idea is just as horrible as the burritos are from this joint

  • Why announce it now? If the company has to wait these 12 days before serving up free burritos, maybe they shouldn't have announced it before then.

    Terrible marketing ploy.

  • +1

    Has anyone actually read through the Facebook post from GYG?

    They are working with franchisee's to try and provide delivery where possible, they provided the date a little further out in the hope that forecast rains may ease the burdens of those to benefit and provide some respite/a little bit of yum and they are looking to donate money.

    Good PR you betcha, tax write off yep but bloody hell when did this place get so bitter?

  • Their support is coming from the right place, they've said they have also donated, as have their staff and franchisees. But anyone who is doing their part right now (and hence in uniform) doesn't have time to drive to GYG to pick up a free burrito. Most of corporate Australia is getting behind our fireys and the devastated communities by quietly raising money and offering support, not engaging in tacky PR.

  • Terms marke it evident this is marketing bs and not a genuine gesture.

  • Could at least have the decency of getting the names right (SA CFS cheers) and frankly, what we could do with is supplies for rat packs for fire grounds rather than a 'free feed' that the vast majority of members cannot access because, you know, country and all that….

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