Premium backpack for school kids (available in black, grey or navy) $19.99
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Update: Online link
Premium backpack for school kids (available in black, grey or navy) $19.99
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Update: Online link
Can you upload the rest?? Always keen to see their food/produce specials!
Will do it bit later…
Edit : done.
Wow. Those bags look huge.
I feel sorry for girl (and any school kids) having to bear so much weight……
School bags are used to carry lunch boxes, water bottle and occasionally some books. So don't need to feel sorry.
It's character building
That's what she said 🤔?
Same reason old men go to asia.
What makes it premium?
I will email Aldi and will let you know once I get a response.
I’m curious too. Aldi special buy doesn’t make it premium by default, maybe just in comparison to the size of the girl, the bag is premium sized.
me too
Could that be possible they registered the name "Premium" as brand?
like Brilliant bulbs?
That's brilliant!
Can’t thank you enough for uploading whole catalogue, gr8 work
This should be a rule on all Aldi posts. :)
+1 for uploading catalogue.. although nothing interesting if you dont have school kids
Just thank your stars. A peaceful December and January!
Looks nice, need one for travelling (carry on)
It's premium for school, mate. Not for travellers.
Actually I bought this bag from Aldi 2 years back. I prefer it to my $300 Samsonite backpack when travelling, it has more pockets and is easier to access.
i can put my wii u premium in that back pack or premium beer
I remember Aldi had the same design last year.
Would be nice to hear reviews of all the people who bought it and used it for a year.
As I said in the below comment, this is a really good quality bag, I wish I had bought two last time, we used this as a travelling backpack during our recent holiday and can't believe they give this under $20. It is very spacious too
LOL "premium"
I can see some are laughing about the 'Premium' word, but I must say this is a really good quality backpack for $20, not only for school children but for adults to use as a regular backpack. Actually it is unbelievable how they could provide such a good quality bag for under $20. I already have one and planning to buy another for my personal use
Will get one, thanks for the comment!
Thanks mate, was actually looking for a bag for travelling, and saw your comment above
Is the bag actually as big as the photo makes it out to be?
looks like a wearable suitcase LOL
I have a question, what's up with the schoolies having huge bags, sometimes bigger than the kids. Isn't it bad for a growing kid?
Don't they have lockers or tables with under storage for the books?
Little kids have big bags to carry insulated lunch box, drink bottle, jumper, hat pencils to n from school. Only high school kids have lockers.
My high school in south-west Sydney didn’t have lockers
What is the capacity?
Wouldn't this be something they outlined?
Premium capacity..
Dont schools force you to buy their own branded bag with their logo? My kids school does that.
Only private schools tend to have compulsory logo school bags. Public schools can offer but as far as I'm aware are not allowed to make them compulsory.
Mine are public
Only my primary school sold bags with school brand/logo
Yeah, I never understood this, it seems stupid
Gotta milk every cent out of them students.
On another note the Aldi school shoes r excellent, and good value.
they should've just called it Pro instead of premium lol
and the bag looks really bulky, making the girl in the photo look small! Wow
Schools charge $45-$50 for the bag with their logo on it. This is definitely a great value but I reckon some schools require (or rather recommend) kids to use their official bag so you need to buy it from their uniform shop only.
These are good, got one this time last year for my son starting high school and it’s lasted better than his primary school bag that cost 2-3 times as much.
for school kids
The catalogue doesn't mention anything about it being for kids only? Is it just a backpack suitable for anyone?
Could be used by anyone…
Just because it is in the back to school catalogue and the photo of the school kid made me think it was for school kids
Any good as a laptop bag? Probably too small
no it is really big in size, there is a place to put laptop as well, and many other internal pockets too.
Great I will check it out
This backpack was also available 2 yrs ago with this description:
So that makes it about 25L (43 x 19 x 31) from the outside, which would be around say 22L on the inside?
I have the bag, and it actually have more depth than 19cm (it has around 25cm) because of that you have lot of space inside
Thanks for that. I'll check them out in store.
Good efforts OP
L.O.L Premium. Premium what? Junk. Go buy something decent like an Osprey, hell almost anything but this rubbish.
Premium what?
Gee … children would love to see a school reminder … yuck!
Can't escape… The reminders are everywhere
Would love to see the entire catalogue.