Calendar / Reminder Function?


I've seen a few people talk about a OzBargain reminder function or something and was wondering how to go about using it/setting it up?
I had a look under the 'My Account' tab, through the FAQ's etc but can't seem to find anything relating to this?

I've just recently purchased eBay plus , and a few other subscriptions so it would be handy to use this!



  • Hit the reminder button located below each deal or competition.


  • +1

    The reminder function is for when a deal has been posted, but isn’t starting until some time in the future, not a personal assistant for your subscriptions. Use Siri/Google Assistant/Bixby to remind you about your expiring subscriptions.

    • +1

      Oh wow I feel dumb. Alright I'll try google out thanks! :)

      • You can even do location based reminders! Doesn't work so great when you're at the train station e.g. I set a reminder to buy something from the nearby shops before heading to my car, but works pretty well if it's a reminder that triggers when it figures out you've arrived home

        • That's dope. I've got a Google Mini I got as a gift but had no idea what to do with it. Seems like it can be very useful if I use your suggestions as well.

  • +1

    If all else fails set them in your google account calendar (assuming you have one)
    I have google calendar as my home page and also syncs to my android phone for important reminders.

    • No I don't have one, but I do use google accounts with my android. I'll have to check it out

  • I believe OP is looking for something like this:

    It is the "Search Alerts"

    1. Search some key words in Ozbargain.
    2. You'll see a "Create Alert" icon, Click it.
    3. From you user profile: Subscriptions > Events > select "A deal reaches the front page" > Select " Email" > Save Preferences
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