Xioami Integration 'temporarily' Blocked by Google Due to Security Concerns

Xioami Integration 'temporarily' Blocked by Google Due to Security concerns..

Basically some dude on Reddit was seeing other users camera feeds


Will this change the way you purchase/use xioami devices?

Note. All xioami integration are blocked (not just cameras) so lights, vacuum etc can't be used via Google assistant.. in fact, you can no longer link the 'Mi Home' service via the Google home app


  • +2

    It's a bug, not a hack. This is the risk of using IoT devices that connect to the cloud.

    • Bug vs hack shouldn't really matter IMHO.. it's vulnerable..

      So convenience/utility outweighs the risk for you, this is what I'm more curious about

      • I'd prefer to use devices that don't connect to the cloud (e.g. tasmota, fanghack, broadlink-ir, dustcloud). Your data isn't being stored on some server. People can't accidentally or deliberately connect to your devices. Your devices will still work if the servers are shut down.

        The difference between a bug and a hack is that the "hacker" cannot pick the camera they want to spy on if it is a bug.

    • +1

      Oh it's not just the Chinese you need to worry about.


      "An Amazon spokesperson explained to Bloomberg that “this information helps us train our speech recognition and natural language understanding systems, so Alexa can better understand your requests, and ensure the service works well for everyone.”

      Right. Suuuurrree.


  • A product made by Commies and people wonder why.

    • +2

      at least China doesn't try to hide their policy of spying, not like Amazon or Google or USA or Australia.

  • Wow

  • +1

    I'm using yeelight as a workaround so lights are working via Google assistant

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