A desktop gaming PC is obviously better value than a laptop in terms of performance per dollar, but it can't be salary sacrificed/tax deducted. If you can claim back at the highest tax rate plus GST (about 55%) on a laptop, could it become better value? For example, a $1350 PC build vs a $3000 laptop (same peripherals)?
Desktop Gaming PC vs Salary Sacrificing a Laptop

Last edited 02/01/2020 - 01:05
Poll Options
- 3Desktop Gaming PC
- 6Salary Sacrificing a Laptop (55% off)
I work for the government (doctor). I’ve looked into this several times and found that I can salary package portable electronic devices (mobile phones, tablets and laptops) but not desktop PCs. I suppose I could claim depreciation, percentage time/components used for work etc. on my tax return but it’s hard to justify and I don’t really do much work at home.
That’s fine if you use your PC for work, but unless your a pro gamer, or streamer, it’s hard to justify deducting tax for your gaming.
My desktop is tax deducted (some of it's parts aren't, I upgraded my desktop bit by bit over the years).
I also tax deduct my networking equipment and peripherals that are used for work: powerline adapters, power boards, network switch, router, wifi antenna and printers.
A notebook with similar specs of a desktop will be about 70%-80% as powerful as the desktop counterpart usually depending on the price range.
If you can get 55% off, go for it.
I think you are looking at this the wrong way - look at what you actually need, rather than which one offers the best tax deduction or best performance/price.
Do you need a laptop for your work? A much more powerful gaming desktop isn't going to be much use when you are travelling, etc.
Conversely a laptop which sits on a desk 99% of the time to be used for gaming is not a smart choice either.
It’s pretty clear from what I read,
This device will be used mostly for personal/gaming purposes. OP can salary sacrifice for laptops, really expensive ones if he chooses. He wants to maximise dollars spent for performance, hence he is considering a laptop that sits on a table 99% of the time.
Laptop for portability and discount perks
Strange way to look at it. In my home we all have a desktop and a laptop each, they both have uses, but I certainly wouldn't want to be without a desktop. Never claimed a tax deduction for any of them.
lol u have 45% tax margin and ur worried about tax deduction for gaming.
please let me know if u choose a $3k laptop over a 2080 ti desktop just for the tax deduction so i can LOL til i choke.
Please let me know where I can get a 2080 ti desktop for $1350 before you choke, Gerry H.
Why not? I've been tax deducting my (desktop) computers for my entire working career.