Does anyone feel there are just way too many Amazon Bargains posted on OzBargain? or are you happy the items are bargains.
Just seems like it's becoming a monopoly.
Amazon Bargains - Is It Getting Too Repetative?

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Waiting on some stats from neil to show there really isn't
Looking at how many posts there are from Amazon and the number of votes it seems clear that there are a lot of genuine deals in demand. Are there too many? No I don't think so.
I think it's more a case of they don't apply to you :) Aldi deals don't apply to me but I'll still give them an upvote as they're good deals.
Latest available stats from October show there were 193 Amazon deals posted that month with an average of +44.41 votes per deal. Next most popular was the Good Guys with 99 deals averaging +43.71 votes.
A total of 3412 deals were posted that month, or 5.66% of all deals posted that month were Amazon related.
Not sure what OP's threshold of a monopoly is, but like Clear said, maybe the deals just don't apply to OP.
I reckon there would be more ebay listings, just labelled as the specific store instead of ebay. But really, bargans are in the eye of the beer holder.
eye of the beer holder
The drunk?
bar gan!
Bar gain too.
The beer holder holds the $$$
Respect him
Maybe other dinosaur retailers can offer better deals so they get a lot of upvotes and good publicity too
Does anyone feel there are just way too many Amazon Bargains posted on OzBargain?
Are they bargains? If so then I don't see what the issue is.
Amazon is no different to ebay, its a 'market place' for sellers, not just amazon.
Thanks All for your comments. Perhaps it is like when you buy a car, you start seeing the same model and take more notice. Seems like it's a perception thing, especially when icecreambandit showed the stats. I dig this community.
In case you want to read more about it:…
Eventually Amazon will destroy all other retailers and there won't be any more real bargains, so probably a bad thing.
As long as they are bargains and not spam, that's really what we are here for.