Which is the Best gaming console with best price available right now?
Gaming Console Now

Best priced hardware is probably Xbox One S right now. Game selection is a bit meh, though.
PS4 and Switch have some great games, with higher price. Take your pick based on what kind of games you'd prefer.OMG, Switch game prices are just obscene. I have a Switch and only about 3 or 4 games for it. I only buy the console exclusives for it, like Pokemon.
When I can buy a regular game for my PS4 or xbone for $30 and the same game on Switch is $80, it makes the Switch a pricey piece of kit.
You can hack the Switch (even Lite models) to get every game available for free.
You can't do that with the Xbox One or PS4.Obviously we have to use our own morals and judgement, but at the same time I personally don't think piracy has a negative impact to anything.
sxos all u need =)
To @pegaxs, Switch games hold a higher price compared to the other console version usually because they were released well after the other console version and because cartridges are more expensive than blurays.
You can find Switch games at reasonable prices if you keep your eye out for long enough and don't impulse buy. With the exception of a few third party titles like Witcher 3 and Dragon Quest XI, most of my third party Switch titles I've bought for ~$30. In saying that, I agree a lot of the titles do hold too steep a price point.
Also @Sage, if you're pirating games from indie developers or even small studios, you're hurting them. Indie developers make a pittance and is why they only have very small teams working on games with very small budgets. Pirate from companies like EA all you want. Sure. But they only have 5 published games on Switch. Pirate from Nintendo and risk legal action if you ever go online again. Your individual morals may benefit you, but the more "individuals" making these decisions entirely to benefit themselves makes a decent sized dent in the industry and the people that feel it most aren't the CEOs or higher ups that don't care about you, but the developers who have to work through horrible crunch, deal with unfair amounts of pressure and usually are no better off financially than you or I.
Switch games hold a higher price compared to the other console version usually because they were released well after the other console version and because cartridges are more expensive than blurays.
Umm what about digital versions?
It's because Nintendo have exclusive titles that no other console have.
Ie. Mario, Pokemon, etc.
@Danstar: Nintendo have a policy to keep digital titles at the same price as the physical RRP so that people don't feel ripped off for having purchased the physical version of the game. It just so happens physical versions of games go on sale cheaper than the digital releases a lot of the time (seemingly just in Australia) because if the competitive retail environment.
The US rarely gets discounts anywhere near as good as we do (percentage wise) on Nintendo first party properties.
@Faro: That wasnt my point
Nintendo games cost more for the fact that you can’t buy their games on any other console.
Eg. Mario odyssey, Pokémon, smash bro’s. Etc.
@Danstar: I don't see what that has to do with the original statement of:
"When I can buy a regular game for my PS4 or xbone for $30 and the same game on Switch is $80, it makes the Switch a pricey piece of kit."
Nintendo have always kept a high price on their exclusive titles. This should be common knowledge by now.
Switch games hold a higher price compared to the other console version usually because they were released well after the other console version and because cartridges are more expensive than blurays.
@Faro: Nintendo games are usually dearer than Xbox/ps because of
Nintendo have exclusive titles that no other console have.
Not because Bluray disc / cartridge
@Danstar: We were not talking about that. Op was talking about games that appear on both Switch and other platforms based on his wording.
Witcher 3
Wolfenstein 2
Doom 2016
Diablo 3Each of which were released much later on Switch than other platforms, and therefore hold a "new" game price rather than a discounted one.
Other examples where the same game is more expensive on Switch than other platforms despite a similar release window include:
LA Noire Remastered
Dark Souls Remastered
Mortal Kombat 11
Popcorn anyone?
Honestly though, both Xbox One and PS4 are on their way out with new consoles expected in 2020. You can get some great deals even on the higher spec versions (Xbox One X and PS4 Pro) if you check OzBargain but unless there's something you specifically want (which it doesn't sound like), I see little reason to buy either at this point in time.
This leave the Switch which has actually been the biggest surprise for me as I thought it would be gimmicky but I've ended up enjoying mine a lot. My PS4 Pro and Xbox One X are barely used, and I mainly game on either the Switch or my PC. I use the Xbox One X every now and then but I find I have to force myself to use it vs just playing on PC since most games are available on PC nowadays for same or cheaper prices.
One of those retro ones from china for $10-15
Soulja boy consoles where the shit I hear.
PC is the best thing to game on.
PC + Controller. There's your console
old PC + Controller = Console
Unless you want to take your games with you portably. Or want to play split screen with friends. Or want to play Sony or Nintendo exclusives. Or don't have the money for a high-end system.
4K HDR Games and 4K Bluray playback.
Xbox play anywhere means that if you buy selective game titles; where you can also play them both on PC (if you have a gaming PC) & XB1X which all synchronises online on cloud (if you have Xbox Gold Membership) and you can chop and change between PC/Xb1X.
A good Xbox play anywhere game is Forza Horizon 3 & 4 where PC runs this game @ 60FPS (where XB1X is restricted to 30FPS)
CheersI have to admit the cross play/cross buy functionality of PlayAnywhere titles and Ultimate Game Pass have been great. Been playing Halo and FH4 more than most games I actually buy!
On another note, X1X's business case in my household was the 4K bluray player too :)
Google Stadia of course. Haha just kidding its the worst
Serious answer: it depends on what you mean by "best" - what is valued varies from person to person
Xbox One X
Game Pass Ultimate. You'll be set for months if not years
My son’s Nintendo PlayStation used to get used the most. Then he wanted the new gameboy for Christmas and has been playing that and the Pokémon game.
I think the gameboy is the best thing because it can also be taken on road trips easily. Was under $300
I thought the Nintendo Playstation isn't available until March 2020?.. unless he has like an OG from somewhere.
Under $300 too… Bargain
He has had it for a few years now. You maybe referring to a newer model? It seems Nintendo does come out with a new system every few years with better LEGO games.
First it depends on your TV, if it's 4K might as well go for the Pro/X version, it also depends on if you're willing to wait for the new generation. Right now it's really simple, very young kids: Switch, backward compatibility with the previous generation which adds hundreds more games to play: Xbox One, the best exclusive games which are only on that console: Playstation 4 with a custom Xbox style controller so you don't have to use their awful controllers.
Lol. This isn't a "simple" solution. It's just what works for you and you're presenting it as if it applies to everyone
Deck of cards, $2