Hey guys, which area/suburb do you think would be a good option to buy investment property with under 500k budget? I want to find a place that is cash neutral/slightly negatively geared but with capital growth potential. Open to all locations in Australia.
Where to Buy Investment Property with Limited Budget (under 500k) ?

Try WA.
Plenty of cheap properties.
So? He wants an investment. Will they grow in value?
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21 min agoWelcome to the group.
Capital growth.
That horse has long bolted. Unless you and a million others continue to enter at the bottom and feed the beast. Which as we all now is not possible to continue.
It will Capital losses from now on.
People thought the same way decades back and will continue to think the same way decades into the future whilst prices will continue to rise the same way it always has in the long term.
Nope, see my reply below.
Correct. There is only one way interest rates will head in the long term… up, which will make holding real estate much harder.
Just compare Aus price / income vs other countries to see how over priced it is.
Oh Flap
Another oneNorth Eastern suburbs of Adelaide. You'd be able to find a relatively new, low maintenance property.
Adelaide somewhere