I was trying to turn left to a shopping centre where this truck was parked and blocked the entrance and caused bit tratric, just asking if this is legal parking?
I was trying to turn left to a shopping centre where this truck was parked and blocked the entrance and caused bit tratric, just asking if this is legal parking?
"caused bit tratric"
(edit, he was probably parked there delivering all the stuff you needed to buy, cut the guy a break, driving those things around aint as easy as zipping about in your prius. :) )
This comment reminded me of a sticker I saw on a Holden ute once; "Poor sad Ricer, only penguins have useless wings." Course it's not so funny now I have a Suby, but back then when I had a Ford I thought it was hilarious.
That’s a useless photo. It’s just a photo of a truck. Gives no context as to where the truck is parked.
No truck like that I’m not surprised he had difficulty parking somewhere.
Pretty useless photo, can't see anything useful.
It's a long vehicle. They have trouble parking in many busy areas.
Legal or not they deserve the benefit of the doubt and a small inconvenience to a few shoppers ensures that stores remain stocked, worth living with IMO.
Don't delivery vehicles normally have a separate entrance or delivery bay somewhere where they can unload in ease? For a big truck like this I would think it needs a forklift to unload any goods. From the look of the shopping centre via the Google maps photo, I would say a smaller truck would be delivering to the businesses on site, not a double like this truck. Of course I could be wrong.
Just move on.
Its Queensland, since you can drive slow in the fast lane, you can park anywhere.
Looks fine to me.
Truck is fine.
phone is fine
Didn't neg you but WTF bro? O_o;
According to Qld. Road Rule 208A, the truck is parked legally. It is parked in a Road Related Area that is designated for parking. The big white continuous line demarcates that area as a "road related area".
According to QRR: 208, the truck is also parked more than 3m away from the dividing line or median strip (even though they are parked on the other side of the edge line of the roadway anyway).
What?? No poll? No Paint diagram? Not nearly enough outrage. No one got a ticket so we can rage about ReVeNuE rAiSiNg?
Im So FuNnY
Says the guy posting some of the most irrelevant evidence provided to this site since its inception.
The truck is parked NOWHERE near what you are insinuating that it is parked. In your very poor attempt at taking a photo, you can see two things, the gap in the traffic island and change of colour in the asphalt. This indicates that the truck is much further back from the entrance to the car park than what you are trying to make it sound like.
The drive wheels on the truck are sitting on top of the change of asphalt mark on the road and almost opposite the break in the median strip. This puts the front of the truck some 40+ metres back from where you are suggesting it is parked in your link.
So, you are either lieing to create controversy or you are trolling.
You are probably right, at no point is the solid white line crossing under the truck if he was parking in the spot shown in the diagram. Not the right spot to park anyway but who knows if the guy had engine troubles and there was no space on the side.
@snackerjoe: Brace yourself, I'm doing up a big Google Map spread to prove that OP is talking out their arse…
Once again detective pegaxs is on the money.
Extra evidence, there is no curved line coming out from under the truck.
posting some of the most irrelevant evidence
Oh well, looks like I will have to retract this part of the comment. Turns out it was actually a goldmine of information.
Im So FuNnY
Yeah a legend in your own lunchbox.
OP is full of rubbish. I have compiled a detailed set of photos that shows where the truck was "actually" parked.
You can find my break down of the garbage evidence photo at this location.
@DisabledUser349837 in 3… 2… 1…
Ahahahah oh well done mate! Have my up vote, please don't park there again
Why? It's totally legal to park there…
Ok i will egg u nek time
I wish everyone went to the detail you just did in every road related post here.
I suddenly wish I could upvote more than once…
Ok, ignore my comment, had another look. Good work pegaxs.
Well done you! Fine bit of detective work there.
Well done pegaxs, great detective work.
OP, seriously, you get caught out telling porkies and then threaten to egg someone's car for catching you out. You must be such a great human being.
I would love to be there if the truck driver caught OP egging their truck. Tyre wacker bat right across the teeth. :D
Every 2nd thing in Logan is illegal
That's not logan lol it's Logan rd
Oh well must start in Logan road, isn’t it basically Hong Kong around there?
In the shopping centre near OP's photo is;
Malouf Pharmacy, Gads Lebanese, Halal BBQ Tonight, Watany Manoushi Lebanese restaurant, etc etc… Definitely not little Hong Kong.
And that isn't even the stupid bit. It's in "UPPER" Mount Gravatt… that is located "below" Mount Gravatt…
just asking if this is legal parking?
Your images doesn't show any parking restrictions.
I knew it, OP is trying to win "the most useless post of 2019"
Close enough but I was entering not exiting
I do not know what color underwear you are wearing now.
there's a cop station just 50m further on, with patrol cars going past all the time. i'm sure the truck would've got a ticket if it was a traffic offence.
also, the OP is telling porkies about where the truck was parked …
Looks like a delivery.
If you want your Christmas presents and stock up on groceries for the holidays STOP COMPLAINING!
looks fine to me
It's Xmas, you have to demonstrate a bit more tolerance. These trucks are not just parking to p1$$ you off, they are the working bees of the city.
MS paint. Wide shot required. If the truck is causing traffic issues then probably not legal. Looks like he's just decided to park in the middle of the road.