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[Switch] Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus $29 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Another lightning deal, early access for Prime members - regular access in 30 mins.

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  • +1

    so annoying its only $15 on PS4

    • Thats the switch tax you pay for portability unfortunately. Doesnt help that the library is so limited compared to other current gen consoles. Still love the switch though.

      • +1

        When you factor in the indie games and ninte dos first party library, there are plenty of games and some say it is even booming.

        • +2

          Most of the indie games are not great - I'd say there are as many good indie games available as their are first party games, and I'd say that total list is under 50. More come every week, but its still a small market.

      • -2

        The ps4 and xbox1 have an almost 4 year head start…
        You really can't compare the libraries.

        • +4

          You can compare them, because they are both in competition in the market right now. It is not the competition's fault they are a few years quicker to market with Nintendo always lagging behind in its release cycle. Nintendo intentionally do this so they dont directly compete with the launch sales windows of these consoles, and thus suffers the repercussions of the less mature development.

          So yes I'd say its fair to survey and compare the switch to other markets when considering price and catalogue size.

          • -4

            @Kill Joy: well thank you for officially saying the dumbest thing I've heard this month.

            Lets compare usain bolt to a 12yr old at an athletics carnival.
            Because they both run. Lets not take into account the fact that one is a grown man who has years of training on the child.

            • +4

              @[Deactivated]: Instead of resorting to insults, why not try a thought experiement.

              Should I not compare Great Wall (car manufacturer) to Toyota when making a decision to buy a car? Should i not factor in the fact that not many GW are available so I cant see a history of reliability because its been in the market several years less? Because thats kinda like what your saying - its newer its not fair to compare them. It is fair to compare them, they are competitors and numbers sold and historic reliability is important in making a decision to buy a car. Just how library size might be important to someone considering buying a switch.

              I think you're being a bit of a fan boy here and not looking at the whole picture. I game on PC, PS4, and switch and enjoy them all for different reasons. Catalogue size is not a strength of the switch.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Usaine Bolt and the 12 year old aren’t directly competing. If they did though side by side do you think you wouldn’t make any comparisons what so ever? You’re already made comparisons of the two by looking at their age etc. And you know what, people DO compare youths sports persons to established ones all the time. The term “they’re the next …” gets thrown about frequently.

              If a parent walks into a games store looking to buy a console for their kid, of course they are going to compare the options together. The entire point of a comparison is to objectively look at differences, not avoid making a comparison at all because there’s a few years between otherwise similar items. The release dates probably the last thing the parent cares about, they want a system that works for them today.

              It’s fair to compare the libraries just as it’s fair to compare the graphics even if they have very different internals to them. That doesn’t mean the comparisons don’t happen without other context being applied, like the fact the console is portable and the others are not, but it’s silly to say they shouldn’t be compared at all. Again, that’s what’s comparisons all about.

    • Where are you seeing it for $15 on PS4? I wouldn’t mind picking up a copy.

    • It's 80$ on the eshop, freaking madness

  • +2

    Some folks didn't like the game, I still think it's very good. Very well reviewed too. The Switch version I bought as a novelty (already finished it on PC) and I gave it a full playthrough. It was surprisingly graphically advanced for the platform. It clearly is the same game as the PC/PS4/XBO versions, with all effects in-tact (albiet at lower precision) but the price you pay is that it's 30fps instead of 60 (or 144 as I played it on PC), and a lot blurrier.

    After I played the game they released another patch that slightly improved average resolution, but it was still playable even days after launch when I got to it. If you're really thirsting for a meaty shooter campaign on the switch, I could recommend this, but if the portability isn't a big deal for you then the other versions are obviously much better looking and more responsive due to higher framerate.

    • It doesn't have all effects of the other consoles.

      • Ok technically not 100%, but almost everything. GPU particles, volumetric lighting (and lighting overall), SSAO, shadows (Direct and indirect), TSSAA are all in. SSR is the main thing that's actually missing (same as the Doom port iirc which used cubemaps instead).

        Still, a very impressive showing, and the result is that the resolution is super low to fit this all in as I said.

  • How big is the day zero download on this? The original Destiny disc on PS3 was basically a URL. Wolfenstein Youngblood is a download code in a case.

    • +1

      At release apparently 22GB for a digital copy and for the physical release the downloads 8GB. Unsure if there’s being patching since to increase that.

  • Sold I guess

  • +2
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