Searching Edifier R1700BT past deals this appears to be the cheapest yet.
Lightning Deal 1% claimed at time of posting.
Searching Edifier R1700BT past deals this appears to be the cheapest yet.
Lightning Deal 1% claimed at time of posting.
The similarities to diving watches and F1 cars are too numerous to mention.
Waiting on a deal on the R1850 or R2000
What's the difference between those and this deal?
R1850 has optical and subwoofer line
R2000 is 120w rms compared to this 66w rms
Which one has the better bass? I don't want to get a seperate sub (don't want to lose of neighbours) but also like a bit of oomph.
I wonder how these compare with my Microlab 6C's, which sound very good but take up a lot of desk real estate.
Can I use these instead of a soundbar for my TV?
Only has L-R audio in, would recommend looking at something with HDMI ARC in or optical mate. Other than that, if you can make it work they'd sound pretty great
Most tv have 3.5mm out it should work fine if his tv has this. I've got an old perreaux 6000b with kef 104 reference speakers plugged into my 55" 4k tele through the aux input sounds great.
Yeah mate, if you're talking about using this instead of your tv speakers you definitely can. I don't own these but in my experience bookshelf speakers like these outperform soundbar bang for buck by a large margin.
I would love to know as well. I have 2 year old Samsung 55 4k tv. I have easily connected with no hassle with hdmi to a soundbar.
I am not sure if tv has optical out.
So, you guys reckon it would work with that?
This model doesn't have optical input anyway, only RCA.
These speakers don't have an optical input, I know the R1280DB does.
Not sure but could possibly connect R1700BT to the TV via Bluetooth.
Yea If your tv has a 3.5mm output you can get 3.5mm to RCA (aux to white and red)
Also this Edifier lightning deal, if it interests people…
Edifier S880DB Hi-Res Audio Certified Powered Speakers
Price: $329.00
Deal Price: $246.24
You Save: $82.76 (25%)
Personally, I'm on the hunt for next level DIY multi room audio. Currently Z5500 with chromecast audio.
My Z5500 are 6 years old and goin strong 💪.
Are these good for PC speakers, thinking of getting some new ones to replace my Swan M10's
Yes these would make really decent computer speakers. Much better than Logitech or most other "computer" speakers
Edit: sorry didn't see you already had a set of Swan m10s from the reviews they seem okay. Changing to these might not be a big upgrade
My comment on these speakers is that the bass is muddy. It sounds more like a cheaper speaker trying to be something its not in terms of bass. It's not specific enough, mixes with mids where it shouldn't. I turned bass speaker dial down to 25% and it is better but it's a compromise. The wide non specific bass is still there just at a lower mix
I own this speakers and they can not be beaten "for the price" not everyone listens to bass heavy based music.
They are nothing like logitech in the way of boominess, but they do have some of that. More accurate sound comes from the Edifier R1280T, the Bluetooth version is about $110. For TV and games this is a really good speaker, for music it does not reproduce accurately due to boominess of bass and treble is a bit thin.
What I think is happening is that R1280T is a traditional speaker and sounds natural, but R1700BT is using it's DSP circuit to give an illusion of a bigger bass with it's larger amplifier but it's still powering the same 4inch woofer that's in the R1280T It does this by pushing more air using broad spectrum bass
These are interesting comparisons - the R1280T and R1280DB seems to have more sounds differences beyond just the extra's inputs. Most seem to prefer the R1280T for it's clarity of higher end.
Edifier R1280DB vs Edifier R1280T || Sound Demo w/ Bass Test
Also this may be of value:-
Edifier R1700BT vs Edifier R1280T || Sound Demo w/ Bass Test
Would anyone know whether the lightning deals are eligible for the 12% cashback on Shopback? Thanks
Yes they are
Thanks was deciding between this or Mwave and the shopback makes amazon worth it.
everytime saw this post always remind me of casio…… very similar, casio edifice