Discounts on sound bars?

Hi everyone,

We have a 10 year old Samsung TV which unfortunately for anything downloaded tends to have lower voices than the rest of the sounds. As we increase the volume the other sounds get severely distorted.

I'm looking to buy a Soundbar to hoepfully fix this. Is the Samsung Series 4 HW-R450 a good option for $200?…

Also, I presume this could be used on any smart TV if I ecide to upgrade the TV at some point…



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    Anything downloaded? From where? Onto what? Played how?

    If it's significantly lower, and doesn't happen with regular tv and other stuff, I'd be looking closely at settings.
    Maybe there's a bad EQ somewhere? Or the files are 5.1, or the player is converting to 5.1, so the nonexistent centre channel is muted.
    Check your sound and speaker settings for the files, players, channels, tv, speakers, and anything else in between.

    • It seems to be anything from different internet sources. Played onto a 10 year old Samsung TV. Played either through a 5 or 6TB hard drive via Kodi installed on a Raspberry PI, or even just a 32GB USB.

      An example file has 639kbps, 6 channel, and 48000Khz. The only thing I know on the TV is to set it to Clear Voice which improves things very slightly.

      We turned this file up to around 60-70 out of 100 for volume, and the rest of the sound gets distorted.

      If I get a soundbar I think I'll go for this one:… - it's $200 on special at the moment.


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        $188 at thegoodguys. Also sounds like there's an issue with software not your TV. Plug the USB directly into the TV (if it has one) and see if that plays fine.

        • You got me thinking. I think actually the issue is more pronounced when we are playing from the USB directly to the TV. I haven't played directly through Kodi for the last few weeks and actually think Kodi may have been much better.

          Being that it's an old TV and not mine, might need some firmware updates maybe.

          Thanks guys! I think I'll still get a soundbar as it will make it even better, and some great deals going around at the moment.

    • Although after digging around the TV settings I did find a "Voice Clarity" setting which did offer a little bit of improvement.

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