Starts on Christmas Day online.
Cheapest I've ever seen it.
Cashrewards of 2.2% brings it down $340.
Starts on Christmas Day online.
Cheapest I've ever seen it.
Cashrewards of 2.2% brings it down $340.
The Ezymount stand is not included for free.
Are these Lemmy approved?
$359.99 at Costco obviously no cashback
Awesome vacuum and cheapest I’ve seen it for too. I paid $359.20 ($449 less 20%) from TGG via eBay a little while back which it has come down to a few times but I’ve not seen it for less yet.
How's V7 vs V10? Worth the jump?
Same price at JB HIFI as well (plus delivery) with an ezymount stand included.