Staples not responding to email nor phone

So Staples Australia stuffed up my order. the first 2 emails they replied me saying they've got it sorted (which was a lie). a month later i sent them more emails chasing them up, asking for evidence (tracking number) of how they've 'sorted' it.

They never replied.

It's been about 3 months- i've sent them at least 10 emails but they ignore them and never reply me. I call them and left my number on their answering machine for them to call me back but they didn't. so i called and WAITED this time, for an hour, from around 4pm~5pm. they never picked up my call and when it was 5pm they promptly cut off the line to go off work (i doubt they were working in the first place since the phone was ringing for an hour).

So they ignore my email, phone calls- how am I suppose to get through to them? Even group-buy sites have better customer service.

video of waiting on the phone:
(I'm sending this to the US headquarters, hoping they realise how bad the customer service of staples in australia is.)


  • ACCC mate. Problem solved.

  • I have tried to order a couple of things from them and it was a shambles.
    Avoid like the plague!
    Go somewhere decent like Officeworks.

  • What exactly did you buy and for how much? How did you pay for it?

    Things like PayPal claim back, credit card charge back etc. may be of use to you, if you bought the item recently. I can't see how anyone would put something like this off for a month and not do anything about it.

    Wish you the best of luck.

  • Mate in exactly the same situation as you, not sure what I can do, would like to hear how it went with the US office

  • Good luck if you try to remove yourself from their email list also..!!! I have lost count of how many times I have gone through the process with no luck at all.

    Shoddy and shonky business, avaoid like the plague.

    May break the record for negs next time a ??bargain?? is posted by the look of it?

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