Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker (Warning Spoilers)

Wondering what everyone thought of the new movie


I think it was fine, probably could have made things better:

  • They should have let chewie go
  • Rey can use the force to stop a whole ship from escaping but can't use the force to levitate a piecce of metal so she can ride it to across the ocean
  • The horse riding on the ships—come on it's outer space, in the other movie leia nearly dies because she gets into outer space
  • Think they shouldnt have resurrected palpatine- make someone like darth plaeguesis still alive. just an insult to the whole saga
  • Snoke is self-serving, more than siths. So why wouldn't snoke just kiill off palpatine rather than work for him. Isnt it mentioned also that snoke is NOT a sith?

However i think the actors were great, just the plots had a few holes in it.

Overall probably 7/10, but worth the watch.

edit: i think it would have been more powerful to have not rey saying "my name is rey skywalker" but rather there's a flashback to rey's parents, then her saying my name is Rey…..Palpatine. Like it shows so what my ancestry doesn't define me.

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  • you sole purpose of this post was to put spoilers in for those who havent seen it

    • +1

      hence the reason why it's a review ralph! and the warnings

  • +1

    I really liked the film, especially how I think it sort of redeemed things in the last film that many did not like

    Snoke is self-serving, more than siths. So why wouldn't snoke just kiill off palpatine rather than work for him. Isnt it mentioned also that snoke is NOT a sith?

    Hope I don't sound like the "Ackchyually" meme here, but Snoke was created and controlled by Palpatine remotely - in the first couple of scenes in Palpatine's lab, you can see Snoke fetus clones in big cylinders. Hence, Snoke was just a puppet. It highlights once again that Palpatine's biggest superpower is manipulation of others!

    The horse riding on the ships—come on it's outer space, in the other movie leia nearly dies because she gets into outer space

    I believe they were still in the planet Exegol's atmosphere, not in space.


    • There is another. It be me…

      • yeah so does fin and rey get together…or rey likes ren instead? weird unresolved plot line

    • Finn got fully cockblocked by Ben.

      Then afterwards Finn and Rey basically never spoke another word to each other.

  • +1

    They should have let chewie go

    He waited 30 years to get his damn medal and you want to kill him off?! Too many deaths of beloved characters would have made it a downer movie.

    They could have killed off Threepio's past memories for good, though, nobody would have missed those.

    Rey can use the force to stop a whole ship from escaping but can't use the force to levitate a piecce of metal so she can ride it to across the ocean

    Obviously she hadn't got to the Magic Carpet chapter of the Jedi Scrolls. But clearly Reylo had mastered "Turning down deafening ocean roar so we can hear quiet, nuanced emoting".

    The horse riding on the ships—come on it's outer space

    Weren't the ships just in the upper atmosphere? It would be like horse riding around the rooftop rim of Cloud City, a popular pastime for rich Bespins.

    Think they shouldnt have resurrected palpatine- make someone like darth plaeguesis still alive. just an insult to the whole saga

    Few baddies have a cackle as good as Sheev Palpatine. I'm sure the cloning (was it cloning?) was set up somewhere in the franchise, Rebels, comics, legends, etc.

    Snoke is self-serving, more than siths. So why wouldn't snoke just kiill off palpatine rather than work for him. Isnt it mentioned also that snoke is NOT a sith?

    He was a puppet. Maybe Grandad Palpy was going through a CGI phase that year. Snoke was just lucky Han didn't walk over his tail.

    • although he was a puppet, palpatine was a puppet too then he kiiileed dark plaguesis. surely snoke is way more powerful than palpatine in this saga.

      • Not figuratively a puppet, snoke was literally a puppet; a body controlled by palpatine

  • it sucked balls…..

  • +4

    Nearly fell asleep

    It was ok for a space movie but for a starwars and last of the trilogy it was pretty poor

  • -1

    Rey doesn't have the physique or fighting skills to be an action star. Hayden was far better.

  • Chewy got his medal that me missed in ANH

    Overall it seemed very rushed. There was no direction with the whole trilogy and Rian Johnson screwed up with Ep8 IMO and JJ tried poorly to fix it.

  • New series doesn't hold up to the old movies. Just like a mish mash of everything thrown together plus cheesy rehashings. Watch the opening sequence of Episode two or all of Episode three. Sweeping epic movies and very detailed. The opening sequence of Episode two shows how the final space battle could have been.

    • guess you're missing out

      i know why some people don't watch new movies,but hey it's just soemthing new might

      i hate when people say don't make any more movies it'll wreck the series…but why? At least some people will enjoy it and if you don't well it's better than staying home doing nothing lol

  • Couldn’t stand all of the retirees (Luke, Leia, Hans and Lando) getting valuable screen time.

    Wished my favourite millennial, Kylo Ren, had killed Hans a second time and stayed a baddie.

    • I wish Rey actually turned to the dark side then Ben Solo killed her. That would be the most character development she's had all series.

  • It was crap. Haven't seen it.

  • After Rian Johnson killed Star Wars in Episode 8 (which I only rate as a 1/10) JJ did a good job to salvage what he could of the story to try and right Rian’s many wrongs and bring a close to the saga in Episode 9. The biggest sin of Disney is not having a well thought story narrative set before starting to make the new trilogy. They didn’t listen to any of George’s planned narrative and thought they knew better. They didn’t. Different writers each with their own vested interests just made it up as they went along and it shows. Few new ideas meant continually resorting to recycling old dialogue and scenes from George’s original trilogy. (Somewhat telling that Disney chose to recycle nothing apart from a mention of cloning from George’s prequel trilogy). And then most of the new ideas in Ep 8 were based on Rian’s woke political postulating which had no place in Star Wars. The new Episode 9 is the best of the new trilogy and the last that Disney dare make for some time. Under Disney, Star Wars has become too partisan and political now amongst the fans - and so they will never be able to please all their audience again. My observation of audience opinions are that most of the people who loved the new political direction of Episode 8 hate Episode 9, whereas those that hated Ep 8 like myself think Ep 9 is a pretty good redemption attempt. I give Episode 9 a solid 7/10 and is well worth a watch.

    • Wait, so the trilogy has gone tangent from the original source material?

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