Hi Folks, shopping a 2070 super, now narrowing down on Gigabyte since there's a 1t ssd promotion, but worried a bit since most of their 2070s are quite long and my case's only got 290 mm maximum for gpu, should I give it at least 10mm space to breath or as long as it fitting and not touching anything things will be just fine?
Is It a Good Idea to Fit a 286mm Long Graphics Card to a 290mm Maximum Capacity Case?

weee on 21/12/2019 - 23:51
May be a bit finicky to get into place when installing but it should be fine, thankfully they put the power connections on the sides these days.
I have a card which is just 5 mm from touching the CD drive bay, it has top power PCI-E connectors. I some how managed it to fit in my small mini-tower case, still works perfectly :D
It depends where the power cables connect.
If it is at the end, no.
But if it's from the top, all is sweet :)As others said, check power and other connectors. Other than that it doesn't need breathing room unless it's a very unorthodox design - almost all graphics cards take air in from the top and exhaust it either all sides or out the back.
Fine as long as it fits