Car Panel Repair Question (Insurance and Choice of Repairer)


My neighbour back into my car's (Audi S3) quarter panel and rear passenger door.

My insurance has choice of repairer and Audi’s authorised bodyshop quoted $27k for the repair work. The quote got rejected by the insurer as being excessive and I’ve been asked to get a 2nd quote from their repairer network. However, Audi is saying that for the work required, it absolutely has to be done by them or the vehicle could be structurally compromised. Some of the line items also include recalibration of various sensors such lane departure radars etc. Is this valid or can a good 3rd party panel shop adequately do the repair? Unfortunate I won’t be able to get the job quoted again until after the new year but this will bug me in the meantime over the holidays.

Has anyone been in the same boat before?


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  • suggest you go to Facebook - Audi Club Sydney; ask the question there about the re-calibration of sensors etc.

    FYI - a 4 wheel balance/alignment/rotation at someplace like Pedders would be 1/3 of what the Audi would charge.

    Having said that - your neighbor backed into your car so would it not be his/her insurer paying?

    • Yes iI could possibly do that. I thought it would be easier to just go through my insurer so I’m not at fault.

  • +1

    Skip your insurance; a good (or your preferred) bodyshop will be able to claim directly against the at-fault's insurer.

    I remember my car having $30k worth of repairs and if going through my insurer it would have taken a week or so repair (they boast 98% of cars are completed within 72hrs).

    I was very sceptical, so I spoke to a very reputable bodyshop (have won state awards etc) and they told me insurer's own repairers are full of crap. Anyway, that bodyshop did the claim against the at-fault insurance, and my car took almost 5 months to fix as they were sourcing OEM parts etc but at least I knew and felt they were doing the right thing.

  • +1

    If youre not at fault use your insurer and choose the repairer of your choice as per the agreement.
    Let your insurer deal with theirs, end of story.
    Also you can claim a hire car during the repair process at the other parties cost. Google something like "not at fault car rental"
    theres a few and you wil not pay anything all charged to the other party. They will always say no or make excuses but at the end they will pay and theres no risk to you as long as you have the claim number they process the cost direct to the other party.

    Theres plenty of good repairers out there, something like Scientific would do a good job guaranteed but you dont need to compromise if your policy allows for you own choice of repaier

  • +4

    At the end of the day (and all insurers like to forget this) car accident damage is a common law damages claim.

    You are entitled to be put in the position as if the accident never occurred.

    Insurers will play games. I had my bike totalled once by another driver and the insurer for the other side kept hassling me about what my agreed value was with my insurer. They told me the claim couldn't exceed my agreed value. I told them the commercial decision i make with my insurance has nothing to do with the value of the bike and they are indemnifying the insured at fault driver and they must pay market value for me to get the same bike.

    It may be important to you that the repairs by undertaken by Audi - especially if warranty is still covering the car. This is a point that has to be made a substantiated.

    If Audi says it costs $27k this can be supported by Audi stating that there would be issues for them with warranty if someone else undertook the work. The insurer could get another comparative quote, but it must be from another Audi repair shop if it is an issue effecting warranty.

    Your insurer is covering its arse because:

    A) it is the insurer for the other vehicle as well; or

    B) the other driver is about 18 with no assets and they don't fancy their chances of getting $27k out of him.

  • Insurers will always reject other quotes if they are much higher and try to force you to stay within their own network of repairers. I've been through this recently and the repairs on my car were really sloppy. The average joe wouldn't be able to tell if they just glanced at the car, but if you have an eye for detail you will start to notice things which are wrong and they will bug the hell out of you. If after the repairs you go to a more reputable place for a second opinion, they will be able to test for filler and paint thickness etc to uncover just how bad the repairs are. Made me very very wary of ever using an insurance approved repairer again, although if you do your research you can find good ones. Unfortunately though the majority seem to operate like factories and will cut corners and try and get away with it.

  • My last car was cursed- hit 3 times…not at fault. I had a preferred repairer whom other friends and family had used so I knew he did good work. I didn't bother calling my insurance, just went straight to the panel beater as they chase up the payment either through a recovery or insurance. The insurance company just sent their assessor out to check the damage and it was all good. No arguments and no being forced to use a preferred repairer. I believe they can only make you use their preferred repairer when you are at fault

  • Some mofo lightly T-Boned my Q5.

    Rear bumper only, she she managed to only hit the bumper….from the side.

    I INSISTED on going to the Audi recommended panel beater because they have the diagnostics to find issues, they will buy genuine parts and colour the panels as per Audi colours not close matches.

    OP DO NOT accept anyone else doing the repairs.

  • +2

    Ridiculously expensive, no wonder your insurance company doesn't like this estimate.

    • How much do you think it should cost then?

      • +2

        Under 10$k based on my experience.

        Door - replace, rear quarter panel repair, paint 3 or maybe 4 panels to match the color.

        Just think logically - how lane departure sensor can be impacted by this damage?:)

  • +4

    27k is nearly half the value of the car.

    Sounds like one bunch of scammers (Audi) scamming another bunch (insurers)…

    • +3

      Nearly half of the brand new car!

    • Yeah, rip off pricing. Repairing a car is never the same as a new one as well. Always not as good

      • +1

        Depending in the damage, repairs can be as good as new. Based on the photos, that’s pretty light damage and shouldn’t be structural.

        No idea how they get $27k for that.

        • But you may have an idea why car insurance premiums are so outrageously high. Those driving cars from the lower end of the market are largely subsidizing claims by those with cars from the higher end of the market.

  • I had my A5 repaired at an Audi Approved Repairer in Brisbane and the work was shocking. Went back 3 times to rectify work (panel gaps/bubbling in paint/leaks). If you know a repairer who does a good job, I'd use them.

  • At least if it's your insurers choice of repairer then they are obligated to have it repaired to your acceptance

  • +1

    Stop mucking around and let your insurer deal with it.
    Do exactly as they say and stop BS-ing.
    Just do as they say

  • Typical justification by a dealer for significantly excessive pricing.
    What did you expect?
    In the end the insurer takes responsibility for the repair so let them nominate.
    Usually they give a guarantee on the repair so check this out.

  • Lol @ Audi quoting $27k and carrying on with all the other bullshit. If the side of the car was staved in, sure, but that is a slight bump at worst. Either Audi are trying to make budget or just don’t want the job.

    I’m with the insurer with this one. Get it quoted at a repairer, not a parts replacement shop.

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