Receiving Bonus from Work at The End of The Year ?

Hi folks,

Getting close to the festive season, I just want to have a fun topic sharing your experience of receiving bonus (money) from your boss at the end of the year. I just received small bonus from the boss today to my surprise (everyone receive one).

Is this a common thing at the workplace here?

I create a poll just for fun.
Do you receive bonus (money) from your boss?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Poll Options expired

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    I think I get to leave at 4:45pm today. Does that count?

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    Depends on the industry, size of the company and your actual company.

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    Poll pls…

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    20 years ago it was cash in an envelope (privately owned company).
    When company was bought out it stopped.
    Third owner (US based) introduced a company wide criteria based yearly bonus

  • no bonus here

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    I'm content knowing that a year has passed and still have employment in a job I enjoy. Never take things for granted.

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    My bonus is getting to go home at lunch time today - I am happy with that. I only started in this role recently and it was a decent payrise from my last role so I am happy.

    A previous role I worked in would give us a $50 Westfield gift card for Xmas - that was appreciated!

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    One company I worked for did, bonus was calculated by employees base hourly rate x every week worked in the FY. Good times.

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    My company doesn't give me shit.
    But my boss buys me a beer and gives me a few lines.

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    $100 gift card but we typically get our bonus at annual review time rather than end of year. Contractually they're not under obligation to provide either so I'm certainly not complaining.

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    Allot of public companies don't give out anything as it cuts into their profits and upper management bonuses.
    Some private companies give out bonuses as it keeps the workers happy and if under $x can be a tax deduction ($x was $100 years ago), where the bonuses are presents/gifts.

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    We get ours after the end of the financial year and annual salary review a few months before.

  • Expected one at an old company/consulting (BD a part of the role and managing a range of accounts) however there was no incentive plan or bonus at all
    New role “internal” bigger company and a % bonus is given near end of year, based on performance

    Edit: accidentally clicked “nuhhhhh”. This type of poor performance won’t contribute to my ozb bonus

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    At my old workplace we would get a bonus every year and it was 10% of previous years income. New employees would miss out until the following year.
    A company I worked for overseas used to buy everyone a Christmas ham. Due to me being there on my own and family still in Australia, they gave me $300 while everyone else got the ham.

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