This was posted 5 years 2 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Overcooked2 $22.50 | Mario+Rabbids King Battle $22.18 | Ori & Blind Forest $20.96 | Dead Cell $26.25 @ Nintendo eShop


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closed Comments

  • +2

    Hey, newb Switch owner question. Can I buy these through a website? I still haven't received my switch yet. Thanks for your help.

    • +2

      I tried today and it would not let me said something about needing to connect a switch first

      • Thanks! Yeah, looks like I need to link the account first. :(

        • +1

          If it’s just a fresh account with no payment details etc on it, if you really want you could PM me your account with a temp password and I’ll try to log into the switch eShop with it.

          Either way, sales should probably last awhile if you’re getting your Switch soon.

          • +2

            @SlappersOnly: Actually… never mind. I think there’s an extra step in there somewhere where you need to create a switch account and username on your Nintendo account and binds it forever.

            • +1

              @SlappersOnly: Thanks for the thought! But it's a lot of effort even if it did work. I'll just wait until next sale. I've waited so long for a switch anyway. :P

    • +3

      This sale is on until the 2nd of January, so hopefully you'll have plenty of time once you get your Switch. :-)

      • +2

        Man, thanks for doing my reading for me! I will have it by then. :)

    • Also happy to add an account to a switch if anyone is waiting for theirs. I had the same dillema when mine was in the post and Mario Kart was on sale.

  • All these Mario + Rabbid deals lately keep trying to sucker me into buying it.

    • +4

      Take the plunge it's a really great game - I've put more hours into it than any other switch game

      • +2

        I actually just finished this last night.

        I don't typically play turn based strategy games. But this was surprisingly great. Lots of mechanics to it and can definitely be challenging.

        The only thing that annoyed me was you always must have Mario in your party of 3 when it comes to battling

    • +3

      I actually hate turn based games…until this game. Seriously, buy it. It’s fantastic. The progression is great, teaches you the basics very well. The quality of the whole package is so high, it legitimately seems like a Nintendo 1st party title.

  • -5

    I don't want egames, could anyone please give me a list of sales item with REAL GAME CARD.

    • +2

      the only 2 sites you can buy physical game cartridges from are eb games and amazon they have sales on all the time and eb games has its xmas sale on right now. if you want something specific youll have to search for them yourself on their sites or you can use to find the cheapest price for physical game cartridges. i also like ozgameshops website.

    • is an awesome resource for both digital and physical Switch games.

      • dekudeals dont show australian store prices for physical games tho only canspend does

  • +4

    Whelp. Looks like Vook isn’t allowed to post a link to their news article about the Nintendo Xmas Sales? Store Rep sounds a bit suss since they weren’t really selling anything.

    Edit: Nvm. It’s been added to the main post

  • Finally DoS2 on sale!

    • So great on the switch, faith restored after the POE trainwreck

      • What a joke of a release.

    • Worth it at this price? I am bit reluctant due to switch tax

      • +2

        I can't say for the switch, but for dos2 in general, then it's definitely worth the full price (at least on PC). If you're able to, then getting it on the PC is a better deal (currently $35 on steam), and I recommend on PC mostly due to mods. Although the base game did take my friend and I over 100hrs to finish (and we had a blast), in our subsequent playthroughs, we used mods to change up the gameplay/mechanics for a new game.

        • It is worth every cent, has taken me a few months to get the through it (mostly travelling), aside from half a dozen crashes in a complete playthrough ran perfectly.

  • +2

    Am I blind or are there no first party games on sale?

    • +1

      Same here. Only game close to that is Mario + Rabbids.

      Guess it’s time to ask Amazon nicely for some deals.

    • it's really annoying how stingy nintendo is with their overpriced games and it's BS perceived value…
      Still waiting for captain toad, donkey kong, super mario maker and zelda, most of them over 3 years old and still no sales…pathetic!! don't mention if you seen $5-10 off sales, that ain't no sales!

  • Hell yes, New Star Manager, Stellatum and Worms all on sale. Thanks Vooks and OP.

  • +3

    Ori is absolute gold. Bought this at full price

  • Any deals on Nintendo eShop Gift Cards anywhere to stack on this? (yes I know I should have bought some during black Friday, but who plans this far ahead! :D)

    • +1

      Try the classified sections on ozbargain! I bought a 60$ giftcard for 10% off a few days back from there.

  • Thanks OP! I wish there was a way I could buy these for my son as gift codes or something (like on the xbox) - without having to log in using his account (which I don't know, as his mum created it).

    • Closest thing is to buy eShop gift cards, but the downside (or up) is giving him the choice to buy the game.

  • +2

    Witcher is a screaming bargain at that price.

  • Is Witcher 3 worth getting? Love open world games, very tempted…

    • Absolutely, yes. It's one of the very best open world games.

    • +1

      I'd be very concerned about performance on the Switch though.

      • Agreed. My PS4 pro takes close to a minute to load (including after deaths) the map.

  • Finally picked up Overcooked 2, thanks ^__^

  • +1

    Yes! Been waiting for Ori to go on sale!

  • Hmmmm another one….didn't see this strange. But here is a +ve for the nice summary without headache.

  • my 8yr old recently got a switch - any of these games a must have for younger players?

    • If you're willing to play as a family, overcooked 2. Best bonding experience.

  • How's sayonara wild heart? Seen it quite a bit in the game award show nomination.

    • +1

      Brilliant - that said, I played it for 'free' on Apple Arcade with a PS4 controller.

      • Thanks, good enough for me.

        • Experience VR LSD on PSVR

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