Buying a Console for Your Kid for Christmas? Set It up Now!

So I've done this post before, because new console owners sometimes don't know what's involved in setting up a new console! There's always console updates, might be updates needed to the games (which will need downloading), accounts to setup etc.

Best to get it out of the box, set it all up, create an account, install the games you're giving them, make sure they're updated, and then pack it away. If need be, take it to a relatives house if it needs overnight downloading and you don't want your kid to see it and ruin the surprise. On Christmas day you can then unpack it, plug it in and get straight into it! Excitement levels get to stay elevated, and won't deflate when they realise they can't play a game till New Years because of your shitty nbn connection!

Have a good Christmas break guys and girls, and for those in fields where you have to work over Christmas, I hope you get the chance to talk to your loved ones :)


  • +1

    Pre-NBN days getting an Xbox 360 was so exciting… until all the patches had to be downloaded! Thanks for the tip. I didn't even consider it.

  • +1

    Good post, downloading 100gb of updates sure is a buzzkill on Christmas day.

  • +7

    Remember back in the day when you opened a Playstation 2 or PS1 and games just worked. No software updates. It just WORKED.
    When I purchased the Spyro trilogy on XB1 it wouldn't let me play until I had downloaded the other 2 games (first one was on the disc).

    It's ridiculous that games even have day 1 patches because the game wasn't complete before shipping out.

    Nowadays you can't even launch games until you have the latest software. It's a good thing basically everyone has semi-decent internet because we'd be waiting a full week for some of the software patches.

  • +4

    Pfffft… no way, I’m a little bit of a sadist. I like watching kids open consoles for Xmas and watching the life drain out of them when there is a 4gb update before they can even get online, and then a game that’s 12gb to install and another 104gb patch before they can play (I’m looking at you, Master Chief Collection)

    Watching the life drain out of these kids as they sit there watching the update bar barely moves makes me laugh. Plenty of other toys kids. Go outside and play with them. Dad will let you know when it’s ready to play. :D

    It gives me some piece and quiet before the “Daaaaaaaaaaad, such and such won’t give me a go and it’s my turn, make them give me the controller!!!1!!1!1!!!”

    My favourite, one year I got “OMG, dad, just do your job and tell them to give it back!”

    • You should give them a toy car to play with, I know you've got 1 in the driveway 😉😂

      • Prius or hybrid Corolla?

  • If I had my time over again I would never buy one. Lucky my son at 14 realised what a waste of time they are and asked me to sell his xbox on eBay, and spent up to 5 hours a day playing guitar, got a 95 for hsc music and a encore nomination, now he’s 21 and a brilliant guitarist.

    • +15

      thats nice, but I would absolutely demolish him at halo!

      • +7

        Sounds like my parents…

        “GaMeS aRe A wAsTe oF TiMe!”

        And then they proceed to sit down and binge watch a whole season of some stupid TV show…

        • sorry, but whats wrong with Everybody loves raymond?

        • +1

          Yeh exactly parents are hypocrites…how dare i play video games for 2 hours straight… meanwhile you got parents watchin tv like a zombie for even longer.

    • +4

      Trust me, I loathe to say this in yet another thread, but:

      OK Boomer.

      • -7

        no boomer here, don't then think before you type, if you have half a brain lol.

        • +4

          Huh? What does this comment mean, then? You're 56, so born 1963 in the baby Boomer Generation (1946 - 1964)

          What bs I havnt eaten meat for 30 years and now 56, health is perfect never been in hospital since tonsillitis as a kid. Did iron man triathlons and still surf most days.

          Try again

        • @Bashster33 ok boomer…what are you even doing in this thread if you don't want anything to do with video games, boooomer??

    • +1

      Ultimately given the fact that we're all destined to die, how you spend your time is irrelevant and everything is experienced subjectively.

      As long as you're enjoying yourself and not hindering the same rights of others, who cares if someone spends their time playing guitar or Xbox or driving or collecting art or whatever else?

      I personally deem working a 9-5 job that you hate to be a waste of time, but that is just my subjective experience.

    • When are you going to realise virtue signalling on ozbargain is a waste of time? No one's impressed old man. Hike on.

  • +1

    Set up now, play every night when they go to bed so you can test it out.

  • Yep setup first

  • This is such great advice that 99% of people would not even think of, especially persons new to consoles or gaming for there kids.

    It is something that I would forget and I love my games.

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