Coupons from GearBest - Google Doc

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to share it, someone might find it useful.

I got it from one of the sales reps after asking about my order…still waiting for that vacuum…

check out the deals here :…

Be sure to check all the deal tabs.


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  • +2

    They have quite a few floating about. Years ago when Gearbest were a lot more popular here I had managed to score the link to their OzBargain spreadsheet. Very useful ;)

    • +1

      After they updated the website i feel GearBest lost its mojo.. Wow dude.. you had the holy grail of OzBargain deals…I actually wanted to grab a air purifier but seems they are having issues with shipping to Australia at the moment.

      • +1

        Their downfall had several contributing factors. Their parent company is subsidiary of a billion dollar clothing empire in China and overseas. A few years back they stopped pumping money into Gearbest which eliminated their loss leading strategy to beat the competitors and restricted "free shipping" to only their top 10 performing countries. Not to mention they started charging GST when the new legislation came into effect essentially killing their operations here in Australia.

        These days they're a real shadow of their former self and are struggling company wide. A lot of their sister sites (mostly fashion) have also shut up shop.

        As a rival store rep, having access to that kind of information was beneficial to say the least ;)

  • is good.

    There's also a forum that has good coupons. Fairly sure it had the word phone in it - like mynetphone. Gearbest/banggood etc. Will come to me later.

  • do people actually shop at gearbest? they seem to be more expensive than competitors

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