Amazon's Lightning Deal.
Early Access in Progress: Prime members get 30-minute early access to Lightning Deals
Epic Fantasy Reborn
Live another life, in another world
Stunning Graphics and Immersive Gameplay
Amazon's Lightning Deal.
Early Access in Progress: Prime members get 30-minute early access to Lightning Deals
Epic Fantasy Reborn
Live another life, in another world
Stunning Graphics and Immersive Gameplay
🤷‍♀️, Nintendo/Switch Tax?
Yep, I noticed prices of the same games on Nintendo tend to be more expensive.
It's only 9 years old? Or am I missing something?
Probably missing a sense of humour. I haven't seen them on sale recently though.
How do you find out that a deal is coming up?
Amazon AU likes to drop lightning deals without any notice. All Lightning Deals can be found under 'Today's Deals'.
Ah, good to know, thanks.
"Stunning Graphics"
Was a great game but lol
Would Nintendo's hardware be able to handle the graphics?
What about the other version where you can customise stuff, is that available for Nintendo?
Anyway I'm not voting on this deal one way or the other, since I don't own a Nintendo, therefore I have no idea about prices.
But it's good to know a great game like this is going to be available to Nintendo users.
Runs the game at 900p 30fps with a lot of the special edition textures.
Switch is more powerful than the 360 and PS3 which struggled to hit a consistent 30fps at 720p and with consistent screen tearing
Yes it may be old, but it is an excellent game.
Can someone with this already on Switch comment on loading times?
I sank a good 80 hours into this on PS3, then another 100+ on PC on an SSD as I got so sick of the long load times. Im not sure I have that much left to do, but the idea of this sort of game on a system as tiny and portable as the switch would have been unheard of just a few years ago.
It was this price on the Nintendo Store recently, but Im more a fan of hard copy… give its in the 2nd hand places pre-owned for $50+
I played it on PS3 and I got it on Switch a few months ago. The Switch graphics are somehow better than the PS3 version (maybe it's the remaster?) but it runs really well in both modes and I've had no issue with loading times.
The Switch version is a middle ground between the original and remaster in every way
360: 720p
Switch: 900p
PS4: 1080p
Switch has textures from the special edition, but reduced foliage and draw distance in some areas akin to the PS3/360 versions.
I highly recommend the Digital Foundry analysis on YouTube if it's something you are genuinely curious about.
You're not going to like load times on Switch, pretty sure they're slower than PS3.
I played it a bit briefly on 360 and I have it downloaded on an SD card on my switch so that would help speed things up but they are noticeably better on switch and it's really not something I've complained about. They aren't drastically night and day better but certainly good enough that I find no issue waiting for rooms to load.
I think this is the 5th platform I've purchased this game on but couldn't resist the portability… good for a long haul flight sometime hopefully.
Yep… pulled the pin, now own PS3, Steam (normal), Steam with all the DLC (was cheaper than individual), and Switch
PC, PSVR (came with the headset), Xbox 360 and PS3 (although I must admit I paid about $3 each for the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions as just collecting those game libraries now they are dirt cheap). I think $39 on the Switch is probably the most I've paid for it to be honest!
100% Claimed, you can try the waitlist if you're feeling lucky!
When you consider that this game is only 10 years old, it's a pretty amazing deal for $40.
That's how you know a game is good ;)
Yea - even though you could play it for cheaper on an old OEM system your work is getting rid of, worth buying on switch definitely.
The OEM would have better performance, but not nun-chucks.
Yeah but you don't have the versatility of taking it with you then playing it on the tv like a joke console then taking it with you again.
it gets sort of boring past level 55 once you finish the main quest and have dragonbone/dragonscale legendary armour.
unless there's another way to make it more fun?
Mods on PC? Personally I got bored 5 minutes in. Not for me I guess.
phone died today when i was out and saw this, had to rush to find a wall socket in a shopping mall. The things we do. Anyway so happy I got this at about 80% claimed ;)
Oh the games people play. I'll tell ya.
$39? Not bad for a game that's 20 years old.