Contacting Corsair Support

I'm trying to call Corsair on the number they provide on their site ( +1 888-222-4346 ), but it doesn't even start ringing, just hangs up on me instantly. Have been trying to call on random days for months, same thing. There doesn't seem to be live chat either.
I am calling from lebara mobile, if that makes a difference.

Maybe its because the number they provide is US toll free, is there a local number equivalent?


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  • Is the calling on random days part in case they are expecting your call?

  • Why are you trying to call them? The answer to this might allow someone to offer an actual solution.

  • +2

    Mon - Fri
    7AM - 5PM PT

    Try Skype if you have it.

  • A US toll free number doesn't work from Australia using that format. It's for US - US.

    I can't guarantee that this will work but try 00111800 2224346

  • +1

    Just email them?

  • Opening a support ticket on their website is how I usually contact them and they reply pretty consistently too.

  • Submit a ticket. They reply fairly quickly

  • By calling on random days, I mean I didn't just call 5 days straight with no answer, which might be down to maintenance etc.. I called on the days that I could, spread out over months, during their open hours, and it never once connected.

    I've already opened tickets, but some have closed automatically, and each time I would need to open a new ticket, find the part and refill the forms, describe the situation all over again, and wait for their reply. Then they will ask me the same questions all over again, because they cant seem to check the previous tickets…

    Which is why I want to call and talk to a human, live…. I just find it strange they don't have a normal local number for international customers… at the very least live chat.

    • Are you going to share with us what the "situation" is? That's the only way someone on here can help you…

      • RMA. But my problem is I want to talk to a person, and no working phone number doesnt help.

  • Did you try the number I posted?

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