Pretty good deal, only $3 more than the 200GB plan. Month to month contract is a nice sweetener.
Save yourself some $$ and get a modem from 2SG instead of Optus (
Pretty good deal, only $3 more than the 200GB plan. Month to month contract is a nice sweetener.
Save yourself some $$ and get a modem from 2SG instead of Optus (
No you can BYO
Min. Total Cost is $320 for the first month (including discount).
I don't think there's a byo option
Doesn't seem like theirs an option to BYO, modem is selected automatically
@tomblesom: I recently signed up and you can BYO, just sign up through customer support and insist on BYO (I didn't really have to be assertive at all, I just asked and they said yes)
As a ex Vivid customer that was migrate to Optus, I get unlimited 4G for $89. But this is speed limited to 10Mb. Though most of the time I’m lucky to get 4.
Would I actually get any real world speed benefits from switching to an uncapped plan?
It would depend on a few things.
Vivid was speed limited to 12/1.
If you're lucky to get 4 it may seem you are not in range of a full 2300mhz tower.
Full 4g means you have access to all bands so your real world speed may increase.
It also depends on your modem.
Best way to test would be to put an ordinary Optus Sim in your modem and do a speed test.
This will let you know if you would get better speed.
Best way to test would be to put an ordinary Optus Sim in your modem and do a speed test.
Vivid modem is locked to the Vivid sim and the Vivid sim won’t work in another modem. :(
put ordinary Optus Simcard on your phone and do a speed test
@andyken: You will most likely get better results compared to a 4g modem.
Carrier aggregation tends to be higher on phones.
Looks like you will need to get a new modem either way.
I would suggest trying to borrow someone's modem the same as you will want to buy.
Or which is less accurate an old mobile device with the same LTE Category. I say less accurate as it still may have different bands and aggregation.
The modem OP linked looks to be a CAT6 device so similar to a Samsung GS6.
The AC800s is a CAT9 device similar to that of a S7.
Nah you can use Optus sims in the vivid wireless modem.
Vivid modem is locked to the Vivid sim…
Mine isn't, though I thought it was for a long time (because that's what they told me). It's currently chugging away with an Optus Mobile Broadband SIM in. Also accepts the Optus postpaid SIM out of my phone, and a prepaid one I've got lying around. I think I've had an Amaysim in it too. Possibly also Vodafone. The only brand I'd expect not to work would be Telstra (but I don't know that for sure - that's just what happens with the Optus/Netgear AC800S).
That's the Huawei B315s-607 that Vivid gave me when they moved to the Optus network.
Yeah this one is uncapped 4G speeds,so similar to what you get on your mobile phone at your house.
Not exactly. Phones will be faster than modems.
Out of interested, why’s that?
@PainToad: It isn't generally true.
If you've got a high end, recent phone it will have a chipset that can squeeze more bandwidth out of a 4G network (using tricks like carrier aggregation where the phone uses multiple radio bands at once) than cheaper 4G modems (with fewer tricks) can.
But you can get modems that do the clever tricks too. The Optus/Netgear AC800S portable modem/router (one of the 2 models that Optus will supply) does Cat 11 carrier aggregation (3 bands at once) and gets download speeds far faster than my Cat 6 (2 bands at once) phone does, sometimes over 100mbps. And the phone's was a decent one when I bought it 2 years ago. I would imagine that that's faster than your average Joe's phone gets.
If you want to go a bit mental, you can get a modem with Cat 20 support (7 bands at once) such as the Quectel EM20-G. That's seriously fast (towers permitting). It'll set you back USD $250 though.
@NeBlackCat: The 818 that they offer is cat 19, so 5 bands. I wouldn't bother lashing out on a cat 20 to get extra bands that Optus don't use.
Hi there, i have just finished my webchat.
As part of black Friday offers, you've been offered 20% discount on your Home wireless broadband service.
I've successfully added 20% discount on your account and credited $17.80 for current bill. The updated credit balance on your account is $17.80. Ongoing the bill charges will be $71.20.
Ref ID : xxxxx
We appreciate your business with Optus.
How does that sound ?
How did you get 17.80 off?
20% off $85 is $17.
Anyone managed to get 20% off the original $80 plan?
Im from vividwireless unlimited plan migrated to optus. Login to yes app, clicked on live chat/webchat, asked if i can get 20% off my existing plan which was $89 while waiting for operator to chat with me. Before he/she even start our convo, i have received sms about an order being placed. He/she then said what i have posted above.
Doesn't sound that great to me unless you're stuck on a 2 year plan and can't leave then rejoin?
Still month to month plan.
The person I online chatted with keeps saying this offer is new customer only…
Hang up and try again.
I switched from Vivid to SpinTel (Optus). While it is better than Vivid most of the time, I do still see a lot of tower related congestion and drop outs. I only went to SpinTel because NBN is on its way in my area and they offered a free modem with a 6 month contract.
I have had this Optus wireless broadband service for about a year now, after a disappointing FTTN experience.
While the speed does vary from time to time, I do regularly get between 20 to 50 Mbs on this and no dropouts like the previous service. I have two teenagers using this for their Ps4 and haven't gone near the 500 gig limit.
I'M located in SA and would recommend.
If you are only getting 4 mbps you most likely aren't in range of a 2300 Mhz tower as the speeds are capped to 5/1 if you aren't in range of this band.
Interested in this too but I feel like there's a catch.
I currently pay $80/500Gb
It really depends how close you are to a tower. I’m pretty close and get 25-35mbps in peak times and around 80-100 off peak. Upload is usually 15-20
I pay the same. Just switched. No catch.
For those considering this I have noticed more congestion on the network over the last 12 months. On a good day I can average around 30mbps - down to 5mpbs late afternoon and on the weekends on bad days. I'll jump to 5G when it becomes available.
If you are using the Huawei B525 go to Settings > Network Settings > Network and choose "4G 2300 MHz only" - see if that helps, of course it depends on where you are but in my case there's hardly any congestion on 2300 MHz and I get up to 150Mbps
I'm on the 200Gb Optus mobile broadband plan and it is deadset as slow as a snail - counting down the days until my plan finishes. Located on the Gold Coast. I was 200m from a tower and now getting the same speeds at a nearby location. Recorded the same speeds on various devices.
Why not just cancel? No exit costs only pay out the device.
The person over the webchat suggested me to reset my modem and it back up the speed again. Have u tried reset your modem? Was the position you put the modem has three bars?
Worth looking into where your nearest tower is actually located and also some research into a higher gain antenna before signing up.
How do you find out where your nearest tower is?
App called 'Aus Phone Towers' works great.
Brisbane CBD will give you slowest internet on Optus 4G. Can’t wait to my contract expire in 6 months time. Will be dead slow after second wifi device connected to modem.
I have 2oo GB mobile plan and use a TP-Link sim modem that I purchased on ebay so I use this as broadband for all my home wifi needs. Have synology 918+ NAS connected via ethernet cable and keep one antenna vertical and one horizontal for better coverage upstairs and downstairs.
Wifi signal coverage reaches 40 meters into my yard as I put it by the window upstairs.
Here is a sample link. It's not locked to any providers so you can use it later if choose any other provider.
This particular one is $142…
So you have to pop the SIM out of your phone every time you get home and vice versa when you leave?
I believe he got the free extra sim where it cost 5dollars per month now
Optus keep sending me bills for an account that was cancelled and finalised months ago. They have little customer support when shit goes wrong :(
Just spent what seems like a frustrating time with Optus Live Chat, they kept insisting this was wireless broadband and not mobile broadband.
I have a 200GB mobile SIM data only plan with them now, with 200GB and data pooling with my two mobile phone numbers which have 3GB each. I assumed this would allow me to upgrade my current 200GB plan to 500GB plan but the CSR insisted this was NOT A wireless mobile plan but a wireless plan and I would lose data pooling as this is NOT a mobile plan ?
So, is this me or her ?
I am in the same situation and was thinking I might be able to upgrade to the 500GB plan for $3 - maybe not! But the terms talk about Optus 4G Mobile network!
Well I guess you can try ? I failed … other posters below you seem to support that it's a wireless plan that uses their 4G network, not a mobile wireless plan that uses their 4G network… :) They have certainly confused the hell out of me, even the title of this post says MOBILE, another poster points out below that there are no more plans like we have that are available. I like the plan, I just want a little more data
You have mobile broadband not wireless broadband
Can't pool data with wireless broadband.
She's actually correct. I've got both the 200gb mobile SIM data plan and this 500gb wireless broadband one. The 500gb one does not data pool with any of my mobile devices but the 200gb mobile sim one does. However, if you look at their website, they've sunset all of the 200gb mobile data ones. The only ones that remain are up to 70gb I believe? I think their plan is to transition the mobile sim data holders to this wireless broadband one.
Anyway, this post refers to the 500gb wireless broadband and not is not data pool-able.
Missing their 200G mobile data plans.
Without those plans I won’t be using them anymore
Will these sims work in an ipad?
I got one for $80 on eBay… Brand new never been used too!
Probably not worth it
Can you not get the 500GB plan in some areas? I can't seem to select it.
Bare in mind, not all 4g modems work on this plan.
I bought a TP Link MR400 that was unlocked to use but I'd didn't work with this sim.
Optus chat specified modems that match what they provide will work with their mobile broadband.
how did you getthem to untick the modem option.
they are saying if I don't want the modem it is a 75GB mobile phone plan ??!?!??
I want the month to month, BYO modem.
For those intending to use this as home broadband, it may be worth holding out a day or two as it looks they're about to start offering the b818 modem. Can be seen at:…
As per a Whirlpool thread.
When I click in the link I see that modem available. I already have the huawei modem I wonder if this modem would be any better
Is the b818 a better modem?
yes the B818
Doubt they will offer that free on a 24mth plan.
But Cat19 would be nice if you could ever hope to achieve that level of carrier aggregation.
its available as part of the 24mth plan …
im trying to figure out if this could be a better option instead of getting nbn hfc
$192, that's a steal!
I just signed up via that link.. wonder what will happen with the b818
latest update seems to be "There's been a launch delay."
i've signed up regardless, lets see what happens
Did your order go through? The official Optus wireless broadband page still has AC800s only, no option for the B818.
Received a temp order number,
I asked a store rep about the B818, was told it will release closer to boxing day
I received an email with an order number. Friend ordered his through live chat, they gave him refund for his ac800s so he can return it no charge, and resign up no fees (was on 24 mth plan)
@wozz: Just did the online chat and the staff insist they cannot place order for B818 as it hasn't been released yet…
@waverock: @waverock: yeah I'm not confident that my order is real now.. concerned i actually only ordered it in a closed dev environment. I spoke to live chat to ask them, they just said wait 48hrs for it to process and find out.. so will see
@wozz: Thanks for the update. I had the 2nd webchat and got same result. The staff refused to provide B818 and tried very hard to persuade me accept NG AC800S.
@waverock: My mate just got a confirmation that his order is being delivered shortly.. nothing for me though
@wozz: Ok so I called them up and they said the order likely didn’t go through. What I did find out was that the 20% offer goes from 16 Dec - 15 Feb 2020, so hopefully if we wait a bit, the B818 modem will come out on Boxing Day as per previous comments, and we can still sign up for the discounted rate.
I have a B525 modem from Exeter that is no longer used. $99 from Exeter on their package, if anyone is interested I definitely don't have a need for it. Should work fine on this as Exetel resold Optus.
Is the Huawei b525 better than the ac800s?
Seems like optus sent me a different modem to the one I ordered.
Im existing customer so had a chat with customer service over the optus app chat function and asked (nicely) if i can get the same 20% discount for my current 500gb plan. Got it within 10min :). The discount valids for 24 months (hope to get 5g in my area before that).
Which department did you speak to? They keep looping me around from support to sales then back again
I got told as I'm an existing customer on a 24 month contract (500gb) they couldn't do it.
I told the guy as I have no exit fees I'll just cancel and resub to the discounted plan anyway so can he just sort me out?
Flat no.
I was month to month on the old grandfathered $80 plan… Don't know if that makes any difference.
Scratch that,
Tried again just now, got the 20% discount for 12 months on my existing 24 month contract with no fees!
I am on month to month 200gb, asked to upgrade to 500gb with discount, the live chat agent agreed to cancel the current one and place the new order however said I must buy the modem. I canceled the plan talked to another chat agent and signed the new one with my wife's name without modem on m2m.
So from $60 for 200gb to $85 for 500gb?
After discount is $68?
How long is the discount applied for?
I am thinking of doing the same thing.
@stalker878: $65 for 200gb to $68 for 500 gb.I think you can get the discount as long as you stay on the same plan, not sure though.
@Mregmi: Yes you're right, my 12 month 200GB plan recently lapsed, however it has just continued as a month to month plan for the past 3 months. Before it was about to expire, I spoke to a customer support person to confirm this would happen. I'm now changing to the 500GB sim on month to month for the extra $8. I just need to cancel my existing 200GB sim when the new one arrives in the mail. I also informed them that I don't need the modem and they were happy to exclude it.
Same here.. 😭
Done, apparently.
They had to move me from the $80/500GB plan to the $85/500GB plan first then "Kacee" apparently manually applied the 20% discount so $68/mth.
She tried to sell me 25% off on any prepaid plan as a on day only offer but I declined.
Might be useful to someone else though.
Madness. I had a chat with someone else who refused to apply the discount as they said it was for new customers only. I mentioned Kacee - they denied that such a chat employee existed. I'll try again!!!
ask them to read the CIS (to be exact CIS_85_OWB_0319)
Optus Wireless Broadband plans are available to new and recontracting services
tell them that you want to cancel your plan and sign up again, they will talk to their supervisor :) and he/she will give it to you. i spoke to different people and the said the same thing and then i told them to cancel my plan :)))))))
do you need to get a new sim? they are telling me I need to get a new sim, if i cancel my existing plan and re-sign up.
@missspeckles: They wanted me to take up a new plan and SIM but I gave them a firm no and they eventually agreed to just plan change my current SIM/service number.
Modem must be selected?