This was posted 5 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 3 Months + Bonus 3 Month $47.95 @ JB HI-FI


I received an email several days ago regarding this deal, which is even better than black Friday. It has been a couple of days but no one posted this deal?
3months +3 months free, 6 months ultimate game pass $47.95.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • I got the same deal for $1 but forgot how I got it.. It was posted here before

    • Microsoft has $1 sign up for new users only all the time.

      This is for existing user, a lot of Xbox games are online, and you need gold access.

  • Wasn't black friday (possibly still running) $1 for 3 months?

    • +1

      This is not only for new users

    • +1

      Different offer. This offer is for everyone (current subscribers and non customers).

    • Worth noting that these subscriptions are shared with all accounts on the "home" console of the purchasing account, and so you'll be able to play the included games/access multiplayer on your regular account.

  • Price?

  • +1

    Thanks for posting this. I took up the $1 offer back at Black Friday and the recent $1 for one month offer posted about two weeks ago.

    Your posted deal works out to $8.00 per month for 6 months.

    • +1

      When you finish your current 3 months, you will need this offer

      • They're stackable, though, so if you buy this one from JB and add it to your account it should give you a total of 10 months access.

  • Buy one code, get one free.

    Good for people who are near the 36 month cap.

    • Is there a limit to how many you can purchase?

      • You can buy as many as you want but your subscription can only be a maximum of 36 months long.

        Keep the codes in a safe place.

        • -3

          I think if you buy them yearly, it's cheaper.

          $79.95 for 12 months from Microsoft…

          So, this deal is best for people who just need 3 or 6 months.

          • +5

            @BooYa: That's XBox Live Gold, not Game Pass Ultimate

            • +1

              @Grissallia: Holy crap, you're right.

              Xbox has nearly doubled their Ultimate subscription.

              Lucky I bought 3 years worth at $43.80/year when I could

              • +3

                @BooYa: You are probably confusing it.

                You can buy up to 3yrs of Xbox live gold on your account and then when you activate a gamepass ultimate subscription it converts your existing time left into gamepass ultimate.

                You might've done 3yrs of Xbox live gold then activated the $1 gamepass ultimate conversion

                • +2

                  @Agret: Yep, that's what I did.

                • @Agret: So does this mean it's best to get 1 yr plus Gold sub first then get something like a 1 month ultimate to upgrade the 1 yr of Gold to 1 yr of Ultimate? That sounds too easy so I assume I have it wrong.

                  • +2

                    @Ron Rodgerson: Yes. You've got it.

                  • @Ron Rodgerson: Sorry Ron didn't see your msg until now. Buy 1 yr of gold and then activate auto renewals to get 13 months total (you get a free month for turning it on). Turn off auto renewals and then upgrade your account to GamePass Ultimate by activating the $1 for 3 months trial and you will have 16 months total of gamepass ultimate.

                    If you buy 2yrs of gold and turn on/off auto renewal to get the extra month twice you'll have 26 months + $1 for 3 month trial = 29 months total of GPU for the price of 2yrs xbox gold.

  • Good price. Don’t think has been any cheaper offers for existing ultimate users? Might buy 1 and get the mrs to buy 1. Will take me up to the 3 year cap for stacking.

  • Plus using Suncorp JBHI-FI gift card(5%) will be it $7.5925 a month

    • +1

      Is there a CC processing fee for buying the gift cards? I know on the entertainment book as well as Catch, they charge 1.25% cc fee, so instead of 5% off, technically you only get 3.75% off. It starts to get to the point where you need to decide if its worth the extra effort as well as waiting for shipping / gift card to arrive etc.

      • +1

        No CC surcharge for Suncorp Rewards gift cards from what I've purchased so far. Only thing I can complain about is that they don't take Amex

        • Wow thats awesome. Wish i had that membership.

          • @lonewolf: Suncorp Rewards? All you need is a Suncorp account I think - I've heard people have access from a regular transaction account. I've got my mortgage with them though so I can't confirm that

          • @lonewolf: Don't forget if you have any account with any part of the suncorp insurance group you are eligible, I am with GIO for insurance and you can sign up.


  • +2

    Got Microsoft in Sydney to give me the same deal for $47… they couldn’t get their system to match JB so rounded it down

    • Why not just walk down the street to jbhifi?

      • +2

        It was closer :)
        And ended up cheaper, in true OzB spirit, that's a win.

        Also, you tend to get Microsoft reward points when you buy stuff from them ;)

      • +4

        ended up getting 1 year for $47… the codes just wouldn't work so I went back into the store, and they tried new ones. Eventually got them to pop and I got all the codes.

        Plus a free copy of Anthem for the trouble :)

        Good result.

  • +7

    I bought four of these last time this deal came around and the bonus codes, not the purchased codes, gave you the option to apply recurring billing for an additional month, I accepted and removed immediately and repeated 3 times and got an additional month for each bonus code.

    • So basically you are getting 8 months in total?

      • +2

        Seven for each purchase for me.

        • Same here, was just coming to say this.

  • Thanks was looking for one of these, love game pass! Appreciate playing great games like Wandersong in wouldnt otherwise have bought :)

  • So you dont have to apply the code straightaway but can keep it for months before applying and you still get the bonus months? When it says it expires 31st Dec, it just means the purchase price expires then? Not the bonus codes / normal codes?

    • +1

      Correct i bought 2 of them. and its written in the email "This voucher does not expire'

      • +2

        Yeah Xbox removed expiry dates on all subscription stuff a long time ago I believe.

        • hmm i should try a couple of xbox codes i have then, I got them when i first purchased my Xbox One but never used them before I had the xbox in its box for about a year and half before finally opening it and setting it up. Didnt realise it came with codes.

          • @lonewolf: They may only be for first timers or expired memberships. Can't recall exactly.

  • -1

    Before you buy these, see if you can get it for half that price ($10.95/3 months in other words $43.80/year)

    Ps. I was just told this is Gold not Ultimate.

    • A lot of people on here probably are in my boat which is we already have the Ultimate $1 deal.

      • +1

        Yep. I knew Microsoft was up to something with this Ultimate plan.

        I think virtually all have the Ultimate plan already.

        BUT if you don't care about achievements and such, you can just create a new account.

        • +1

          Access to the subscription's features (the Ultimate games catalog and multiplayer gaming) are shared with all accounts on the "home" console of the purchasing account.

          Just have to download the games using the account with the Ultimate subscription, then you can play on your regular account.

      • Here's an idea though:

        -create a new account
        -get cheap gold/Ultimate on that account
        -make the console Home of this new account
        -share Gold/Ultimate on the console with your normal account

        (this would probably only be worthwhile if you don't have a year or so of Gold/Ultimate already)

  • I purchased these of Friday but still yet to get the bonus codes

    • The JB website states bonus codes will be sent out within 48hrs. They don't say business hours but if we give them the benefit of the doubt, they should arrive by Tuesday COB. I'd be getting onto them straight after that.

      • Yeah that is my assumption also. Will be emailing if nothing by COB Tuesday

        • Last time mine took 4 days but received it in the end

    • Purchased Monday night online - got the bonus 3 months emailed to me 2pm Tuesday.

      • Yeah I got mine same time as you did, I did purchase Friday night though.

  • These things dont run out of stock or anything do they? I was going to buy those discounted JB Hifi gift cards and use them to purchase this but i dont want to end up waiting a couple of days and wasting money on the gift cards then find out the stock has run out.

  • Just signed up for the $1 for 1 month ultimate pass trial.
    If I add this to my account does it start after the 1 month trial ends?

    • Isn't it $1 for 3 months? Anyway, the best way is to do what I wrote below:

      Buy GamePass for PC beta for $1 for a month (then if you still have any AMD voucher(s) for GamePass for PC, use them all). Immediately convert to GamePass Ultimate 3 months for $1 (which converts the GamePass PC into Ultimate). Then, if you still want more, get these.

  • +2

    It's best to buy the $1 GamePass for PC beta then buy the $1 GamePass Ultimate for 3 months, then apply these. This way you get 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 10 months. You obviously need to an account which currently doesn't have GamePass Ultimate to take advantage.

  • If you don't have Game Pass, start with the 3 months for $1 deal, and then stack this on top.

    • +2

      Actually, if you don't have Game Pass yet then it is better to stock up on Xbox Gold and then apply the 3 months for $1 deal which automatically upgrades all your Xbox gold time to game pass. You can have up to 36 months stored against your account (or maybe 33 months if $1 upgrade adds 3 months).

      e.g. Gold from Microsoft store using the P20SURFACE code: $19.96 for 3 months or $39.92 for 6 months, slightly better than this at $47.95

      I am sure you can probably track down Xbox gold for cheaper than the Microsoft store price.

      But if you already have game pass then this is the deal to use.

      • I did this. Currently on a $1 / 1 month xbox live trial that expires 2/1/20. Purchased two 12 month subs from at $44 each, activated via Brazil VPN, disabling recurring billing each time for a bonus month. Then did the 3 months for $1 upgrade to game pass ultimate for an expiry date of 04/06/2022. Once I get this from JB tomorrow, it should be an expiry date of 04/12/2022 - by my calculations works out about 35 months for $138 / $3.95 per month.

        • So you can just purchase from CDkeys, but you need to VPN to country & the login apply the subs code (via pc/phone/etc), but you’re free to log into your a/c in Oz and it’s all good?

          I was thinking of skipping the free mth & going directly to 3 x 1yr, then convert, or will the 3mth/$1 conversion not work because it goes over the 3yrs? (I figured you only bought 2yrs and there must have been a reason you didn’t go three?)

      • @rheags: in terms of Microsoft store, do you mean visit the store directly? I could only see 1 month/3months option online and couldn't find place to add coupon. Thanks

          • @jolegape: It's probably worth mentioning that the seller on the eBay store is Microsoft

        • I'm wondering if you can top up Xbox Live Ultimate with a Gold subscription?

          My guess is yes, but you'd lose the Game Pass part of the Ultimate subscription.

          • @BooYa: It will convert your Gold subscription into an Xbox Live Ultimate subscription. These are the current conversion rates:
            1 month Gold = 20 days Ultimate
            3 months Gold = 50 days Ultimate
            6 months Gold = 79 days Ultimate
            12 months Gold = 4 months Ultimate

            • @sinners007: Thanks for the detailed reply. It will come in handy :)

              Ps. Those are steep conversion rates, but it seems the fewer months you convert, the better the exchange rate.

              • @BooYa: The conversion rates are loosely based on RRP of each service. They do this to stop people buying cheaper subs (like 12 months of Gold or plain Game Pass) and converting to Ultimate. Here are the current conversion rates for Game Pass (console) to Ultimate.
                1 month Game Pass = 20 days Ultimate
                3 months Game Pass = 2 months Ultimate
                6 months Game Pass = 4 months Ultimate
                12 months Game Pass = 5 months Ultimate

  • Same as someone mentioned above, bought online last Friday but still no bonus code received. Something is wrong with online purchase, save yourself trouble chasing it and buy in store instead.

  • Cheers, stacked another 6 months on top! Ultimate till end of 2021 now :)

  • +1

    As someone who is already capped at the arbitrary 3 years (the only one issue I have with GamePass by the way, like WHY?!), can I buy these and save them until 3 and 6 months from now or do they expire?

    • +1

      I bought mine yesterday and it has an April 29 2020 expiry date.

      • Thanks a lot for the reply, so I will effectively only get 4 months then by the sounds of that.


        Damn that limitation to heckfire.

  • Yep. Confirmed. Just ordered yesterday. Received two codes in separate emails. The "official" one says "this code never expires". The "bonus" code from JB has an expiry of April 29 2020!
    What's the deal with that? I didn't think these things expired. Is JB allowed to do this? I thought gift vouchers etc had expiry time frames of 3 years.

  • +1

    Login into your accounts and check ladies and gents.

    I just got 2 months Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1.

    • +1

      Confirmed as above. I logged in and the offer was $1 for 1 month + 2 months free, for a total of 3 months.

      • I totally stumbled upon that one haha, I just logged in to check my account and saw the deal.

      • Where are you finding this and are you new member?

        I've redeem this start of the month and wondering if that was still available for non new member?

  • So apparently this comes as 2 seperate orders, how long did it take for the other email to come through from microsoft? I got the 3 months from JB hours ago, but still nothing from microsoft

    • +1

      Buy a Xbox LIVE Game Pass Ultimate (3 Months) and get a bonus 3 months! Online orders will receive the bonus code via email 48 hours after order completion

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