This was posted 5 years 2 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order $49 @ JB Hi-Fi


First deal post so please don't smoke me.

Went to grab Jedi: Fallen Order at my local JB today, scanned up at $49 instead of $69 as a promotion. Not sure if this is across all but it is the cheapest I have seen.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • Xbox too?

    • Not certain, I only purchased this I'm afraid. It may show up on the website?

    • No, PC

      • PCs probably better?

        • PC's definitely better. There have been a lot of complaints about the way it runs on a standard XBox One (i.e. non-X) with slow loading times, textures not loading and framerate drops.

          There have also been complaints about buggy running on PS4 and PC, but less-so. I've played through on PC and had essentially no problems apart from textures taking a few seconds to load occasionally when I first start the game, after that there are pretty much no loading screens and I haven't noticed the framerate drop below 60 (Ryzen 1600X, GTX 1080, 8GB RAM).

    • Cheapest for consoles at the moment is $55 at Big W.

      • Got a price match for xbox to big w at eb games yesterday

  • +6

    Amazing game. Just a fairly short game so I personally used the origin access option for 20 bucks and cancelled after a month. Would be great deal if game had replayability.

    • +3

      I tossed up doing this, but in the end decided to buy it so I can put it down and come back to it later

    • +1

      Define short, i googled and some sites say 25 hours, thats pretty decent?

      • -2

        Depends on the setting (you can choose how hard enemies etc are). Took me around 3 days (finished every small aspect of the game) but all up probably ~16hours of play time. Which is really short for a game like this - I can't imagine finishing every small element of Zelda BOTW or Witcher 3 (the best games in recent memory)

        • +2

          I don't think you should compare a linear game to those open world games.

        • Thanks uwu. I didnt neg you btw, however i do think comparing this sort of liner action game VS large open world rpg's isnt a good comparison. Its like comparing gta 5 to the first super mario.

          However, as i get older and get less time for gaming (maybe 3 hours some week) i am appreciating the short and sweet games, as i can actually finish them, and remember the story in between sessions. The only time i can really play the long rpg's are public holiday long weekends or christmas break when i actually have a few weeks off to sit and game, and even then i cant!

        • +3

          I consider anything over 10-hours to be a solid length for a linear/narrative game.

          Playtime is overrated. I’d prefer a tight, constantly-fresh 10 hour experience to a 50 hour JRPG grind-fest.

  • +14

    Also playable through Origin Access Premier for $19.99/month. I have no interest in ever replaying this game so a one month sub made more sense to me than buying it outright.

    • Did think about adding this but the deal has already been posted on it so I left it out.

    • Yeah, game is not worth full price and it's a no brainer doing one month for premiere. Game isn't that long

    • -6

      20 dollarydoos a month just for games? And let me guess, it’ll be $60 a month to play on ps4, Xbox, and pc.

  • Great price. Possible price match at EB games? Maybe even Amazon?

    • +1

      Give it a crack!

  • +1

    I can't even find the PC version of this game on their website.

    • Neither, the aim was to price match with Harvey Norman for $69 but they had it cheaper!

    • Yeah i didnt see it online either but i went in stores and they had it behind the counter. Not on shelf either. Could it be because it was a digital copy and high risk of thief? Considering it has nothing inside but a piece of paper lol

  • +1

    Fanastic game.

  • +6

    Jedi: Fallen Prices

    • -6

      Joke: Fallen Over

  • +5

    I managed to grab a digital copy at jb hifi airport west, there's 3 left and you have to ask at the register for it.

    • +2

      Nice, glad you managed to get one!

  • +2

    Might want to edit out the invoice number.

    • +1

      Thanks, done.

  • +3

    price on the way down - I can wait

    • +1

      Should be dirt cheap by Xmas

    • Same, waiting on a cheap steam price preferably (I'm a sucker for achievements) but I'll take an origin as well (I know both use the origin launcher)

  • +6

    It's so cool that the geniuses at EA came up with this amazing innovation of selling a game without microtransactions. It makes the game so much better! They are amazing.

  • +2

    This unlocks via Origin correct? Not steam?

    • +1

      Yes, can only buy steam version through steam pretty sure. Similiar situation to GTA 5.

  • OP I won’t smoke you on this one, but you better watch your back for the next one.

    • +1

      I appreciate that

  • +1

    nice scanner

    • +1

      Digital receipt

      • Yeah, wouldn't think even the top of the line scanner can scan this as flawless as if displaying the source digitally before it was printed.

  • +1

    Just to clarify is this just a code in a box?

    • +1


      • Awesome, thanks!

  • +1

    Thanks OP,

    Purchase made in Canberra and scored the same deal.

    At least ONE of the kids will be happy on the 25th.

    • +1

      You beauty! Glad I could help

  • Available in Canberra Belconnen

  • Manage to get one in Sydney grounds, near town hall

  • +3

    Went to JB today and i didnt see any PC versions on shelf so i brought over a ps4 case to the girl and asked if they had a PC version. She went and asked someone else and they pointed while saying "i think the PC one is more expensive"
    tehehe little did they know it actually scanned for $49 when i asked her for the price XD

    cheapest ive seen it for PC so far! wow thank you!

    • +1

      Super welcome! Enjoy!

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