really been thinking about upgrading my gpu need help
should i buy new 2080ti now (and whats the best deal for 2080 or above) or wait for 3000 seires ?
Any Good Deal for RTX 2080 or above?
Lidrinkwater23 on 13/12/2019 - 20:56
That's not how Ozbargain works.
should i buy new 2080ti now (and whats the best deal for 2080 or above) or wait for 3000 seires ?
You're going to have to buy at some point, or else you're waiting forever. If you want to play games now, buy now. If you want to play games in a few months, then wait.
Id say it depends on your monitor and the games you're playing.
i play mostly fps games
like pubg cs overwatch etc
playing on 1440p 144hz
atm i have 1080
thanks for commenting it helps alot <3
2080ti super