Free CANdo sticky pads from Australia's Conservative Action Network

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Preface: this is political propaganda, but I figure this will appeal to at least one demographic of OzBargain users…grab some popcorn, as I'm sure this will ignite some kind of debate…

From the website (

Help highlight the impact on cost of living pressures due to Labor's carbon dioxide tax. The CANdo Carbon Cost Campaigninvolves placing pre-printed sticky notes on everyday goods to remind people that they will cost more thanks to this proposed new tax.

Imagine the impact if hundreds (or thousands) of people in your local supermarket stop to consider the price impact of the carbon tax thanks to a sticky note as they do their weekly shop? The list of potential areas to highlight how bad this tax will be for consumers is virtually limitless. Already CANdo are receiving photos of people using these sticky notes in restaurants, at the airport, at petrol pumps, at home and in the office.

These sticky note pads are paid for through the generosity of individual donors.


  • +5

    If you are for the Conservative Action Network you get to promote them
    If you are against them you are wasting their resources
    If you are impartial, you get free stuff (and this is OzBargain where we like "free")

    Everyone wins!!!

  • Here's an idea: Waste their resources by directing them to people who are already conservative. I'm sending some to my MP. Hahaha.

    • John Howard
      19 Milner Crescent
      Wollstonecraft NSW 2065

    • +2

      For the email confirmation step use mailinator, hint hint.

    • How can wasting resources which require use of energy etc, be a good thing? Having these made and shipped so they can just be sent to people like your MP.

      Would this be a case of it's ok to waste resources if it suits my side but not the other?

      • Actually my MP is probably the most appropriate person for these since he could actually use them. It would be a waste of resources for me to ask for them.

  • This is NOT a bargain. While 70% of the population may agree with the views, its nota bargain that I can use. I can promote the political ideas etc which I may just want to do. But this is not a freebie. What next someone gives you 100 free pamphlets to put in letter boxes?

  • Um, they have utility, so I beg to differ. Just because something useful (albeit simply) doesn't match your political bias, I wouldn't write it off as useless (like a pamphlet).

    • Of what use? You haven't explained that. And dont assume a political bias vs a moderators bias.

      • Re: "Of what use?"….really? It's a sticky pad, man. Whatever, I don't really care where this ends up…

        • Dont care where it ends up, as I mentioned to GP above, so how does that help the environment? And hey you could use the back side of a pamphlet.

          That's why its not deleted, its in the forums where it belongs. If it stayed on the bargain pages already most of the comments would be deleted as off topic.

          The sticky notes have text already printed on them. So the use is limited

  • What is the carbon footprint of printing and distributing a batch of anti-carbon-tax propaganda?
    head explodes

    • Still a Carbon

  • They don't seem to have any pads protesting the "10% on everything" GST, which seems a shame.

  • Great, another illogical and unfounded scare campaign targetted at the uninformed

    • +1

      really? I got a 8 page brochure that fails to inform me of

      1. How much the predicted inundation of the East coast will be reduced because of this new initiative. ( and now since Tania informs us, we will have our food production reduced, how much more food will be created). Remembering that this is why they say this is critical to be implemented. They must know these facts otherwise why introduce it. As you say inform us, thats rather simple, and we will support if we are informed.

      2. Why, if it will affect all of us, that only 10% will actually pay for this initiative, the rest will be more than compensated. Hey if we only get 10% affected, then that 10% will be saving the carbon, the other 90% can continue on their merry way. (Yes accept that some of these will reduce their carbon and take the profit, but how many?)

      3. Buying credits from overseas? Lets get real. Its ok for us to pollute, just buy our way out of it on the pain from some underdeveloped nation that takes cuts to their warmth, food, and sells it to a rich nation like us. Just like a liver transplant or blood?

      4. And who protects us, when someone finds out that a new Nigerian type scam has been operating where our tax is paid to some Russian mobster who makes up certificates of carbon reduction. Money lost AND no carbon reduction either. Everyone has lost except the RM

      Sure this information might be at hand, so why not INFORM us so we arent targeted like you say.

      • Finally, the voice of reason!

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