Looking for cheap steam cleaning

Hi Ozbargainers,

I'm about to move out of a house soon and need to steam clean the carpets but don't want to pay too much for it. If you've had a happy experience with someone you've used then I'd love to know.



  • Whereabouts are you?
    I'd recommend a one-man operation, as they do a better job (IMPO).

  • +1

    The ones at Bunnings do an Ok job. also the Britek ones from coles/woolies

    • We used the machine from the supermarket once. My girlfriend (at that time) spent half the day cleaning the carpets. The agent STILL deducted the cost of cleaning them from our rental bond. When we protested it had already been cleaned they said it wasn't cleaned professionally! I think the money went straight into the agents pocket. We had moved out, & never saw if a cleaner ever came in & did it or not.

      After that we nevered bother doing it again. Figured the creeps would charge you anyway…

      Thankfully we no longer have to deal with agents.

  • getting 2 rooms done for $40 .. not sure if its a bargain but its a good price… look up wizard cleaning.. has good reviews! will let u know in a week how it went

  • Steam cleaning & other special treatments to carpets are not needed wheen moving out at the end of a lease. Under most state's tenancy laws, wear and tear to a carpet is the owners responsibility.

    • I think cleaning does not fall under wear and tear, most tenancy agreements state that the Tennant must have the carpets cleaned upon leaving.

      • Agreed, they MAKE you get it cleaned. It happened to me every time I moved out when I was a renter years ago.

        You had to clean the place when you vacated, but also PAY to have the carpets cleaned. This is not to repair 'wear & tear', it's just to steam clean the carpet.

        • Was it clean when you moved in?

        • What are you talking about spacecowboy? No one can MAKE you get carpets cleaned at all. As long as you vacuum on a regular basis and don't intentionally damage the carpets - that's all you need to do.

          What can definitely happen though is that property agents / landlords intentionally misinform you that it's your obligation to pay to have carpets cleaned, and people fall for it. Even if they put that in your lease/bond agreement, it's not legally binding or a valid requirement for tenants to fulfill.

          Call the residential tenancies / consumer & business phone line in your own state for yourself and ask for them to explain what actually are your legal rights/obligations & what are not.

  • Then the lease is not legally binding because all your required to do under law is return the unit in reasonable condition, wear and tear over time considered.

    • That does not mean that the property can be left filthy. Clean up after yourself.

  • Marks or tread on a carpet are definitely considered to be general wear & tear. What's not considered to be general wear & tear is stuff like singe marks / burn holes / cut holes.

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