NeilMed® SINUS RINSE™ is an easy squeeze bottle system that allows you to deliver the saline solution with positive pressure to clean the nasal passages thoroughly, while maintaining your head in an upright position. You have complete control of the pressure and volume of solution, ensuring a gentle, soothing and therapeutic experience. Daily rinsing is safe and will keep your nasal passages clean, healthy and open.
NeilMed Sinus Rinse Refill 120 Premixed Sachets $19.95 Delivered @ Discount Chemist Online

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Agreed but it is so handy when it is pre-packed :D
I understand your point, but NeilMed just works for me. Another brand I tried I had a mild reaction to (blocked my nose for a day. This has put me off trying other options, even if they're free.
Worth it for the convenience.
I've been using these…, how does neilmed compare? Is it just the same thing? Don't have a neilmed bottle thing.
That's the one that didn't agree with me (mentioned above). But I haven't heard of others having any problems and a lot swear by it. If you want a neilmed bottle, just ask a few pharmacies. Mine was given free to me.
it's slightly cheaper so i guess i could try this out. i think the side of the box says 'with any nasal irrigation device', so the flo would probably be ok?
Yep, any of them work fine.
If you would like to make your own, get 1L of warm water, put in 2 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of bicarb soda, taught by an ENT surgeon, has been doing wonders for me for years.
Yeah, wanted to do that myself. But couldn't wait till AliBaba delivered spray bottles! So just got a dual bottle of Fess, which is going to include your recipe!
Occasionally I have to work in very dusty situations while working. My nostrils can accumulate quite a lot of dust/dirt (should wear a mask I know).
I do sort of inhale and expel water from said nostrils after work or when possible during the day but now I'm looking at what is offered and your interesting suggestion.
I wonder if I should do more the way you do… Don't imagine you do for the same reasons though but perhaps I'd be taking a step in the right direction as occasionally I do get a little pain that I think may well be related to the dust and often I feel that the airways concerned are often not… 'open' enough even when not working… I seem to have this somewhat altering blocked on one side, then on the other side syndrome. Maybe a lot of people get this :OS. Hmmm and now I've just read another comment wherein someone has mentioned having a 'turbinectomy'.
That doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
I would suggest using this which is far better to fit in nostril inlet than the manual one with a broader hole on the cap . it is pre set velocity automatic jet that comes up when you press its button. Very handy and easy to use. Price is $27.95 and comes with 30 sachets AA Battery powered but lasts pretty long…
highly rate this product. Used it post-op for a turbinectomy and now I use it whenever my allergies play up, and it settles it right down.
worth the ability to breathe freely.
Expensive salt and bicarb