This was posted 5 years 2 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Robonauts Free (Was $5.99) + 9 Other Free Qubic Games Coming from December 16 @ Nintendo eShop


Greetings everyone, Nintendo/Qubic are running a promotion whereby you can redeem Robonauts for free with the purchase of any Qubic game.

They currently offer a Coloring Book for free which can be used as this purchase which is awesome. So to get the free game, following the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Coloring Book page and install the free download.
  2. Go to the Robonauts page and press "Proceed to Purchase".
  3. In the checkout, the price should drop to $0.00 and you can install the full version for free.

Robonauts is now not free anymore, however is on sale for $1.49. If you have not downloaded Robonauts prior to 16/12, you will need to purchase it to be eligible for Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition for free.

Qubic are also offering this for 10 titles in 10 days starting December 16 :)

Dates are Australian below, seems to maybe 12:01am to 11:59pm each day, might be AEDT:

December 16: Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition
December 17: Puzzle Book
December 18: One Strike
December 19: Wreckin Ball Adventure
December 20: Koloro
December 21: #RaceDieRun
December 22: Rekt
December 23: Mana Spark
December 24: Space Pioneer

Just think of it as a chain reaction. You need to keep up and download each game for free on the day it’s available in order to make sure the next day’s game turns into a free download for you.

For example: If you want to get game (4) One Strike as a free download on December 18th, your Nintendo account library will need to have games (1) Robonauts, (2) Geki Yaba Runner and (3) Puzzle Book added to it. If you are missing ANY of those 3 previous games in your library on you won’t see One Strike as a free download on December 18th.

As always, enjoy!


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closed Comments

  • Snapped!

  • Thanks OP!

  • Downloaded, thanks for the instructions.

  • Thanks, worked a treat!

  • Thanks Op- Very Helpful . Superb

  • Got it. Thanks

  • Thank you very much!

  • +1

    No idea what I bought and downloaded but thanks!

  • +2

    from my understanding according to their official website FAQ section, e.g. if you want the game Mana Spark, you can not just purchase the game on 23rd straight away.

    also there is another website explained this giveaway promotion, Source

    From there, you'll need to keep the chain going. Downloading a copy of Robonauts will give you free access to the second game; owning the second game will give you free access to the third, and so on, but only on the dates mentioned below. As long as you login to the eShop each day and claim your game, you'll get tomorrow's game for free.

    • Thanks, missed that info and have included it now.

  • -2

    So, everybody getting a switch for Christmas misses out.

    • +10

      Call Santa and see if he will download it.

    • +4

      Couldn't they create an account through the website and use the link on the website to purchase now?

      • +1

        Doesn't allow the download of the colouring book.

        • +3

          You don't need to download it. Just buy the colouring book then buy Robonauts and it works.

          • +1

            @serpserpserp: I am getting the following error when I click 'Free Download' button.

            Error Code: 9001-0026
            In order to continue, please access Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo Switch console linked to this Nintendo Account.

            Where is this buy button

            • @hypnOtixx: there's an option on your switch to allow access to the shop through web browsers. Once you allow it you can purchase via that link

        • -1

          You have to purchase on the Switch itself. Not sure why Nintendo force you to do this. It's tedious adding payment details and input password on Switch. I made mistake of registering online with overly complicated password and immediately regretted it when I logged on the Switch. Changed to simple password with numbers and punctuation at end.

          • +1

            @brendanb: I just did it on my mac's web browser, work fine.

          • +1


            You have to purchase on the Switch itself.

            You don't. I did it all on Microsoft Edge on my Windows 10 laptop.

            • @serpserpserp: It looks like you can purchase it online, but only if you already have a "switch" account. I have other nintendo online accounts, but I need one specifically for (on) the switch, which I can't do until Christmas.

              • @TheSnyper: Not sure why I was negged because I am not wrong.

              • +2

                @TheSnyper: In order to purchase games (whether on a Switch or online through browser) your user account needs to be associated with a Switch (ie. needs to be signed in to a Switch, linking that Switch as the primary console for the account).

                (Also, the game you are trying to purchase can not be owned by another account on the Switch either! So you couldn’t ask a friend to sign your account into their Switch to claim the games, if they themselves are already claiming the games - only one of you would be able to claim them!)

          • @brendanb: Thanks for feedback. I seem to be able to purchase through web browser now. Perhaps you have to do it through Switch for first game?

            • +2

              @brendanb: As I mentioned above, your account needs to be associated with a Switch for you to make a purchase online.

              My guess is that you signed up an account online and tried to purchase it online straight away before you had signed your account into the Switch. That's why it didn't work the first time, because your account was not linked to a Switch. You didn't need to make the first purchase on the Switch, you just needed to sign your account into one first.

  • Mana spark was great fun! Recommended!

  • Thanks! Awesome find.

  • Love a freebie, but are any of the games on that list any good?

    Only one I've heard of is Mana Spark and apparently the Switch port is not great.

    • +2

      They can’t be worse than any of the “free” Kindle books that are published on the front page of OzBargain every other week.

    • +1

      Got Robonauts when it was last free… not great.

  • thanks OP

  • Very cool, thank you.

  • Thanks for sharing OP. Will have to set a reminder to do this

  • -1


    Mana Spark is alright. it's also 1.49 at the moment

  • PSA anyone looking to jump on nintendo Switch online family account PM me!

  • Thanks, my 4YO might even use the colouring book!

  • Thanks! Did it direct on the switch and worked fine

  • That’s my favourite price for anything. Cheers, OP.

  • Robonauts isn't reducing in price anymore

  • I've set a reminder for tomorrow, and will keep changing the reminder for the next day once redeemed so I don't forget each day!

    Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP

  • Chain reaction free game deal? Hell yeah!

  • So can we do this all on PC or do you need access to the switch?

  • What if i've bought robonauts already? Would it trigger the next free game?
    Edit:If you already have Robonauts you should download all next games via the same region and profile from which you downloaded Robonauts.

  • robonauts quite a difficult game

  • How does one set a reminder on the system?
    Is there an exact date for the first free one?

  • Cool, thanks OP. Might add up to a couple of dollars worth of Gold Coins along the way, too.

  • Worked fine thanks OP!

  • How does this work with multiple accounts?
    I got 2 family members with eshop acc

    A & B

    A had bought robonauts already

    Went in with B, tried to do the deal above. But shows robonauts "purchased"

    • +2

      You won’t be able to claim them on both accounts unless you have a separate Switch for each account. If two accounts are registered into the same Switch as their primary, you can’t purchase a game already owned by the other account. (Which is what you’ve experienced). No way around it unless you deregister the other account from the Switch - but that account will no longer be able to make purchases (even through browser) until it is registered into another Switch.

      Theoretically you could keep deregistering the accounts to switch between them, but this can only be done online once per year! So you’d need to ring up Nintendo each day (twice) to register and deregister each account each day!

      Tbh though, I don’t think any of these games are worth the hassle! I would just claim them all on one account. Even if you do get separate Switches later, hopefully by then neither of you will actually want to play any of these games again anyway! (Highly likely to be the case!) :)

      • yeah never expect to own another switch
        then there's no point having 2 acc at all?

        • Ah, in that case, you can buy everything on one account (or either account - whoever wants the particular game), and they both still can play any of the games on the Switch! (It’s only if they get their own Switch that it starts getting complicated, but still doable with game sharing.)

          Even if they aren’t getting their own Switch, they may still want their own accounts so that they can have their own save files for each game, and so they can play online with their own account (if they have NSO). It does mean you need two separate NSO accounts (or a family subscription) if they want to play online.

  • +1

    I hope this gets front paged once the dates arrive for the other games. this is awesome.

  • which of the games are actually good and worth playing?

    • I like Mana Spark, and the mystery game could potentially be worth it, but you need each previous one to get the next free, so best to just get them all and uninstall the ones you don't care about.

  • are these free forever once you have them?

    • Yes, they are added to your account as 'purchased' games and can be redownloaded

  • +6

    Looks like it's Australian Time, just got Geki Yaba Runner from eshop on early hours 16/12!

    • Got it. Had to refresh the page a couple times

    • Got it! Thanks!

    • Nice, thanks!

    • awesomeee!

  • I missed this. You have to download the Robonauts before 15 Dec..

    • +1

      FWIW, Robonauts is on sale for $1.49, so you may be able to buy Robonauts so that you can still claim the rest of the free games from now.

      (Can't confirm that it will work - but I assume it's a simple check of whether you already own Robonauts or not.)

      • +3

        It works. I downloaded Coloring Book, and purchased Robonauts today (16 Dec) for $1.49 and it let me have the free Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition.

        • pretty sure they are just do game x is free if account has a then next day ab then next day abc …. they don't care how you got them just have them in your account that day… certainly they would be happy to have people pay to catch up.

        • Thanks for trying it out and letting me know!

  • downloading Geki Yaba Runner Anniversary Edition now. Thanks

  • Thanks working got Geki Yabi

  • Thanks got the free game for December 16.

  • Do these need to be installed or just bought. Getting kids switch for Christmas, can I do it now without the switch which is being delivered next couple of days ..

  • +1

    Added… December 17: Puzzle Book

  • +1

    Now 00:20 AEDT 17/12, got Puzzle Book, cheers!

  • Wow. I already failed this one

    • Mate, if you really want, both Robonauts ($1.49) and Geki Yaba ($1.50) are on sale…so you could buy whichever you missed, to get back in!

      (Whether the freebies are worth that though…aha) :)

      • I missed it too, so to get back in I need to buy Geki Yaba for $1.50 ?
        Are any of the following games worth it ?

        • +1

          Not really…aha. Some people say Mana Spark is decent. And hopefully the Mystery Game is a winner! Could be worth the $1.50 punt! :)

        • +1

          Sorry, just to clarify, "not really" was a response to your second question. On the first question, you just need to buy whichever previous games you are missing: so if you have Robonauts already, then yeah, you would need to buy Geki Yaba (or vice versa).

    • Same here

  • +3

    Step 1. Buy today's freebie
    Step 2. Set reminder for tomorrow


  • +4

    Damn, I think already claiming/owning these on different accounts screwed me over.
    Already had Robonauts and Geki Yaba runner from ages ago, think maybe I claimed them across both my Aussie and US account.
    Now it won't let me 'claim' them again because it reckons I already own them, and Puzzle Book is coming up full price =(

    Oh well.

    • +2

      You probably claimed them on your US account, because that's where they were given away. So log in using your US account, and hopefully you can claim all the games there! (Unless you somehow did claim Robonauts on your US account and then Geki Yaba on AU account…and then you might be screwed! Sorry!)

      ps. I had previously claimed Robonauts/Geki Yaba on my US account, so what I did was just remove my US account from my Switch (deregister), and claimed the games again on my AU account. (Too late for you though, as they won't be free anymore!)

      If you did claim them on separate accounts, you could remove your US account (temporarily - just while this promotion is going) and then buy whichever game you are missing for your main account - they are both on sale. (Might be worth it for the mystery game!)

      • +1

        Yeah I went and looked on the US version, no luck there either. I must have claimed them across accounts somehow :P
        I might eat the loss on this one, I use my US account for far too much stuff, half my savegames for currently playing games are technically on it for whatever reason etc.
        I know I'll probably be kicking myself when the mystery game gets revealed though..

    • Same thing happening to me, which is weird since they state this on their website:

      What if I already have one of the games listed in the 10-game giveaway? Do I need to get it again?

      No, you don’t need to do anything extra. Just ensure the game you already have is available to you under a European or Americas region account. Also, remember to make sure you then download all your free giveaway games onto the same account with the correct region. If you switch accounts, users or even region on your Nintendo Switch, you won’t be able to see the games as a free download.

      • The issue would be having the games on different accounts. For the purposes of the eShop purchasing, a game owned by another account on your Switch will "count" (and block you from purchasing the game again on any other account). But for the purposes of this giveaway, it would appear that the check only counts games actually owned by the account you are trying to claim it from.

        It's the difference between the game being linked to your account (for the giveaway) and being linked to the Switch that your account is linked to (which the eShop blocks you from purchasing again).

        But yeah, poor wording of the FAQ! By saying "available to you" makes it sounds like as long as it's playable with that account - but I believe what they are really talking about is if you have switched regions. Really, they should have just said "make sure to claim all the games on the same account, and from the same region."

    • +3

      Same for me, checked that I had both in the US account, I think it may due to it's not 17 Dec in US yet.

      • That's an interesting point. I didn't actually check what account had what, I just assumed I had crossed them over or something.. will take another look on the 17th US time :P

        • +2

          I'm able to download it for free now so it's time zone diff.

          • +1

            @Meovel: Cheers for the heads up!
            I'll check when I get off work, fingers crossed I haven't completely balls'ed mine up :D

            EDIT: Nevermind, forgot I could do this via browser. Was able to claim mine for free also on my 'Murican account.
            Thanks mate, going to have to keep up with this each day afterall and remember the time zone diff.

            • @Stoibs: Nice, glad you guys were able to claim them! :)

              You probably claimed them on your US account

              Told ya! :P

  • Puzzle Book is live

  • +1

    FYI for all those who mucked this up - I was able to use 150 gold points to purchase Geki Yaba Runner, and then grab Puzzle Book for free. Hopefully won't forget again…

    Not sure where the points came from (had 400) - I assume from creating a new account and/or adding the download code for Mario Kart 8 which came with the Switch?

    So other new Switch owners may be able to do this as well to get back in the game/queue without spending any real money.

    • Yeah I botched the dates and forgot to get GYR yesterday. Just bought it for $1.50 then got Puzzle Book for free now, let the good times roll…

  • Strange, puzzle book looks to be deducting from my credit balance on the last step before checkout - robonauts worked fine though.
    Anyone else experiencing this, or maybe it's already expired?

    • +1

      Did you get Geki Yaba Runner the day before puzzle book became free?

  • One Strike is now free.

  • So I did the 'purchases' on my son's account as he is getting a switch for Xmas, but it is now blocking him from purchasing one strike due to age.

    I can't find anyway to authorise the purchase as the parent account, just appears to be blocked.

    Anyone know a workaround?

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