Seagate 4TB External Hardrive now $94.05 after 5% off coupon.
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Seagate 4TB External Hardrive now $94.05 after 5% off coupon.
For in-store use use this coupon on your phone
These are indeed shuckable but actually are the larger 3.5" powered drives, not the 2.5" ones. Here's a scorptec link to what I got from one this year, but YMMV.…
I shucked a few last week (bought from JB), the model number of the drive is ST4000DM004-2CV104
Do note the STx000DM004 Barracuda Compute drives are SMR, so much like the Archive drives you may want to avoid using them in traditional RAID arrays due to horrendous rebuild times.
performance is bad, even as normal HDD.…
more info about the SMR
Is the speed of this Desktop Expansion 3.5" vs Portable Expension 2.5" vs Portable Seagate Backup Plus 2.5" big different? How about reliability?
Got 5 Portable Backup Plus Slim 2.5" 2TB, 4TB, 5TB and they have been very reliable.
Perfect timing, just bought a NAS this morning! Great price too and I'm only using it for casual backups so it doesn't need to be the best of the bunch
which NAS did you get?
Synology 2 Bay Ds218j, $200 on ebay although last one from mwave
Big W are doing 10% off Ultimate for gift cards, which will bring this price down even more if you can buy in store.
can u link?
I bought this last week @99 AUD. Anyway I can get 5 AUD back or 5 AUD store credits?
Seems to be shuckable, possibly this drive inside:…