My NBN contract with telstra coming to an end and I called Telstra today asking if I can switch to a "market" offer available on their site.
Answer is "yes" but you will not get any sweet cookies we offer to new customers.
Spoke to customer retention team leader - confirmed that if I want "new" customers deal I need to disconnect first and then come back to Telstra..
Kind of surprised that new customer is better that one who was with Telstra for 15 years but it seems to be the same deal in all companies having you "on contract" like insurance, utilities, etc
They even confirmed that if I go to another provider my service will stay the same since they are only responsible for collecting my money and not really provide any support (all done by NBNCo).
two questions:
- was is a bad day to call and is there a reason to try to get through another team? or is it common now with Telstra to not negotiate?
- is it true that quality of the Internet on NBN plan is the same for all providers and it is just a matter of selecting the cheapest?
The NBN thing is not entirely true some providers may not purchase sufficient access to the network and have congestion problems at peak times.