Case of 24 cans for $25 with free shipping (usually $75 per case + $10 shipping)
Add your case to your cart
Enter the code word TOP20 to receive your case for just $25.
Case of 24 cans for $25 with free shipping (usually $75 per case + $10 shipping)
Add your case to your cart
Enter the code word TOP20 to receive your case for just $25.
Taking forever to add to cart. Is everyone having the same issue?
I have it in cart, but same problem trying to pay. Maybe heavy traffic?
Yeah finally got it in my cart after 5 minutes, probably is the traffic. Waiting for my cart to load now..
My order timed out on payment screen, but I got the successful order email, so be sure to check email if order times out when trying to pay.
What the use by date?
Am I missing something? Why are you being negged?
Website ozbargained.
Slow AF!
Code works. But when I hit Proceed to payment I got an error 522 message, timeout.
Not working :(
Are there any exclusions? That is, will this be delivered to QLD?
Can I order multiple cartons for the same price?
Their website is getting hammered.
Managed to score a case! Great find OP.
Site no doubt getting hammered. Cart and discounted loaded but couldn't select payment.
Same here. The payment options are completely greyed out.
The deal has 10 upvotes but 571 clicks. Good luck getting one.
A deal like this you order first then come back to upvote. Waste your time clicking unnecessarily you miss the deal…
Yeah site not coping, I wouldn't bother
On checkout error reads “coupon limit reached”
the coupon isn't even applying at checkout for me.
Site is now down
I got timed out after I submitted the order, but then received an email saying order has been processed.
Not sure if anyone got the same.
Same for me. Went through PayPal and got my order no. Hopefully it will get honoured.
Wonder how long all these ozbargainers will keep refreshing :D
Site is officially down for me.
Smart move on their part, good advertising without losing profit margins! Supply is mostly likely limited!
anyone tried this beer, is it any good ?
Coupon limit has been reached. EXPIRED
wondering if this is a strategy to make ppl give up and you swoop in :D
Good brew?
Yeah, its a good brew at $75 per case, at $25 per case its the best brew money can buy.
No beer is 'worth' $75 a case, and that's from someone that loves craft beers enough to mash brew and grow his own hops from 20 years ago before any commercial brewer used the term craft brewing. In fact so fed up with the ripoff beer pricing that I've gone back to mash brewing where I get 2 cases for under $15. To be fair the Government is to blame for our ripoff beer prices which are some of the highest in the world i.e. double the OECD average, about $20 per carton is tax because we pay both the alcohol tax and then add GST to it! So this deal would have cost Two Birds a lot of money. Where the brewers abuse us is light beer, where under 3% is taxed 1/6th as much, so should be a lot cheaper - but isn't.
Alcohol free beer is $45 ish a carton…how?? Should be ginger beer price max.
Getting ripped off by Japan who owns almost every mainstream beer we have :(
A batch for under 15 bucks?
I all grain home brew and that means either you're not comparing similar beer styles (hops are expensive), doing a fair bit of yeast reuse of using some lower quality ingredients.
Base malts what, starting around $60 a 25 kg sack. A standard 5 percent brew would use maybe 5-6kg.
That's 12 go 15 bucks just there.
That's ignoring any
Speciality malts
Electricity or gas usage
Damn thing, paid with paypal and tried to go back to the website but it was down.
EDIT- Kept on refreshing and it looks like it went through after all :)
I'm getting "Coupon usage limit has been reached."
Crazy price…
the tax + shipping would be more than this :)
site down for me also
"Coupon usage limit has been reached."
Doesn’t work now.
Got right to the end for payment then popped up invalid code (it did accept it before). And price goes back to $75
Missed it.
Wow, great deal OP. Shame I missed it.
SIte was really slow and crashed out a few times, but eventually got through and received my order confirmation.
That was quick….
I get the following at checkout
Sorry, it seems the coupon "top20" is invalid - it has now been removed from your order.
Should be marked as expired.
Looks like the original offer was from “The Australian” newspaper and was limited to the first 80 people.…
I did my order pickup from brewery so I hope they don’t cancel it on me when I stop by.
80 subscribers …. smashed by OzB
"Hurry, this offer is limited to the first 80 subscribers. " lol
Good spot. If they are going to lose money I'm sure these orders will need to show a subscription to The Australian.
I doubt 2 birds cares, they’re probably getting a cheque for the difference from News Corp anyway.
Brewery websites are blocked by my work network, and my phone was too slow to grab before expiry - who do I talk to about compensation?
What sorcery is this?!?!
As my dad would say "Call the police"
yeah i want my 250 bunnings voucher for the wasted time, embarrasment and emotional distress
2000 clicks in half an hour heh. I'd love to see the traffic graph on that webserver.
Two birds? Wouldn't that be Two Cans? :P
I'll show myself out…
Toucans one cup
A monumental waste of time. Glitchy website. Coupon doesn’t work.
that's an insane deal
Damn missed it. Love their beer and at that price you can't go past it. Have a case of passion victim coming from the deal the other day. Can't wait.
Been loving all the beer deals lately. My beer fridge is chockers as I have been greatly cutting down on the amount of beer I drink for weight loss reasons but I can't stop buying when good deals come by. Will have to take some out to fit in the passion victim. Going to be dangerous once the good weather and warmer days finally comes to Victoria. Won't be able to stop myself.
Noooo missed out! Bloody 10am Friday meetings :(
youre not alone…missed out too :(
Damn, how did I miss this. :(
I missed it, too, as well as the other day when they were great value at $50/case with free delivery. Props to those who got in!
This deal still live. Just got $25 off a case of Passion Victim + free shipping.
Thanks for that.
The Pale Ale is sold out (damn OzB), but i got the passion one.
looks like you lucky buggers scored
Coupon "top20" does not exist! longer working :|
Thanks for the heads up I picked up a passion victim case as well.
Got sent this by a friend. Got in before the unwashed masses and had no worries. He couldn't get it done though, as obviously OzBargain came in right behind me.
I brew my own beer add this is just an average Pale Ale, but at a buck a can you couldn't go wrong.
It is average beer. But any deals on their darker ales?
Another 'bargain' that disappeared in under 5 minutes. How is not deserving of a neg ?!?
Just because you missed it, doesn't make it not a bargain…
It's interesting how Australians have become inured to very high beer prices in world terms, so that when they see what would be almost regular pricing overseas they think it's a super bargain. I wonder how much more tax the Government can screw from us via it's alcohol excise before we get fed up as a nation?
got email from two birds that my order was successful and newscorp will be handling the dispatch.
Me too. Wonder when they will ship them..
It will be thrown over the fence by the paper boy on his bike ;)
just got my carton delivered in QLD :) with direct freight.
Thanks for posting this. Missed a delivery from Direct Freight Express and wondering what on earth it was. Rescheduled for tomorrow. Would have been good if they had sent a tracking number.
same same J
There is spilt beer at my front door, looks like some of the cans have been damaged in transit. They are due for delivery tomorrow :\
Nice find! Thanks OP :)