Hi team,
Could anyone suggest an air purifier and humidifier combo? Experience with using one?
Are they distinct seperate settings?
Hi team,
Could anyone suggest an air purifier and humidifier combo? Experience with using one?
Are they distinct seperate settings?
Haven’t you had one of those dry summer days ?
Humidifiers work great on those days as you can breathe without having dry throats.
Hardly necessary in many parts of Australia. Some parts are dry, but not Brisbane and rarely enough to not really need one in Sydney.
Next time ozbargain have those humidity temperature readers on sale. Buy one
I constantly found the house had humidity at 20%
50% is what it should be
@YLD1: What part of Aus are you in, and do you use air conditioners a lot?
I’m more than happy with the humidity in our house. I’d prefer it to be lower most of the time.
I'm in Brisbane, so never. LOL.
When it gets up to high thirties and low forties and 80% humidity, I'm definitely after less humidity. But on the flip side I've been out to Charleville on a 40 degree day, and yeah air was very dry. Like Charleville is as o right now, 40 degrees and 5% humidity.
Our humidity is currently 10% so we'd love a humidifier. We have a small one but it's not big enough to do the job IMO.
We also have a dehumidifier left over from the time when it used to rain for days on end.
We also have an air filter for dry and dusty days like these.
Would be great to have an all in one product but I reckon they would be impractical to make.
they dont exist
I just have a humidifier and a purifier side my side
that way I have clean and moist air
very good in winter and in summer when the humidity drops
Ah I see.. I was hopeful.
Looks like I'll be getting separate ones then! Cheers.
Have you tried this and would recommend?
When I was travelling in Japan. They were using this one.
So, I guess it is pretty good?
Never heard of that. Closest thing I know of would be an evaporative cooler
Depends where you live and the humidity of the day. Convair are meant to be a good humidifier https://www.catch.com.au/product/convair-magicool-portable-e… paid about $250 new in Brisbane it doesn't work to well after 60% H and only gets less effective the more humid it is I rarely use it.
To purify a humid area sort of cancel each other out. Wouldn't the humidity make the majority of dust fall out of suspension to the floor?
That's why it's common to see hepa filters in aircons as the aircon takes out the humidity and filters the dust.
They now exist, at least overseas:
Being Dyson it will be pricey (haven't yet found anybody in Australia selling this model) but comments I've read say they're good.
Oh awesome! Thanks for that. Going to keep an eye on this model.
They do exist. I have 2 of this.
Paid about $200 each from an auction house brand new few years ago. It works like a evaporative cooler with purifying filters at the back.
On auto mode it senses the air quality and humidity level and control the fan speed automatically. Humidity level is displayed on the front. Air quality is displayed in colour below that (red amber green something like that).
The target humidity level is determined by itself. Normally it will stop humidifying when it reach 55-60%. The humidifier function can be turned off individually.
There is an 'ion plasmacluster' function which can be turned on/off separately. I leave it always on anyway.
The water tank and tray needs to be emptied when the humidifying function is not in use for prolong period. Otherwise mould will grow on them and defeating the 'purifying' purpose.
Pretty happy with them while my family members have either Asthma (dust and pollen) and Eczema (dryness make it worse) and this does seems to help, in home at least.
You mean dehumidifier right? I don't think there is anyone in Australia that has thought, "I really wish this Australian summer day was more humid".