• expired

[SA] Free Energy Efficient Products & Installation (LED Bulbs, Shower Heads) from EcoVantage, YESS, LEDified and More


For South Australians. I have received my free globes, a shower-head and a Standby Power controllers(eplighting.com.au) as a part of Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme -REES(sa.gov.au) scheme from South Australia government. You can sign up for free in the provided URL or the below contractors (source(escosa.sa.gov.au)):

Provider Contact Residential activities Residential energy audits Commercial activities
Trade Services SA(rees.agl.com.au) (formerly AGL Smarter Living) 1300 430 917 Y Y Y
Demand Manager(demandmanager.com.au) 02 9279 4704 Y Y Y
Ecovantage(ecovantage.com.au) 1300 721 335 Y Y Y
ELWA Energy Savers(elwa.com.au) 08 8377 6666 N N Y
Energy Assessors Australia (energyassessors.net) 1300 414 011 Y N Y
Green Home Green Planet (ghgp.com.au) 1300 962 218 Y N Y
LEDified(ledified.com.au) 13 53 37 N N Y
Your Energy Savings Solutions (YESS)(yess.net.au) 1300 894 745 Y Y Y

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Is there anything like this for vic?

  • Looking forward to this

    • I think you have to call them up about this offer?

  • On the page for Ecovantage, they said they don’t install the Standby Power Controllers anymore?
    Also, do you know if all these contractors use the same shower-head/globes?

    • I used YESS service this morning and they provided an SPC for me. Also, they have different shower head sizes (9L and 6L).

      • Ah, I see, so I guess it depends on the provider. Would they change if I already have LED lights though….
        Thanks for the quick reply!

        • It depends, they will only change if your LED bulbs are still energy-hungry.

          • @hvn: Thanks! Last question, do you perhaps know when this scheme ends? Or is this on-going?

            • @wonderluv: I'm not sure, it seems like this is an ongoing offer.

  • Anything like this for QLD?

  • +1

    Good work OP I was debating whether to list this..I had yess out yesterday….replaced 9 globes…they also offer 3 power boards linked to tvs…shower heads and if you have a second fridge..they offer $125 towards a new second hand fridge..you need health care card for that part

  • oh wow i wonder if there is anything for nsw like this, thats awesome :)

  • +2

    Always been available. I make a comment on many led globe deals that if you paid $1, you paid too much.

    Just look up REES and your state.

    Good post though op. In the past I have used YESS. Replacing flood/ security lights is a real winner, they can be pretty expensive.

  • -4

    How sh*t must these products be.

    I'll bet the shower head has the water pressure of an elderly incontinent man's urine stream and the globes have the lumens output of candles in jam jars.

    • You can easily get LED lights that have the same light output as other lights but with a lower wattage. They just convert much more of the electrical energy into light instead of heat.

      • There's more to globes than just lumens output and power consumption. Colour temperature, lifespan, beam angle, reliability, etc. None of which you'll get with some bottom of the barrel sh*t being provided free by the government.

  • Do you swap out the Nelson T5 40W circular Flouro lamp for an led version?


  • -1

    Why can't you install your own bulbs and shower heads?

    Why would you want somebody to come into your home to do something that you have been doing yourself for years….

    • bEcAuSe tHeY'rE GoOd fOr ThE eNvIrOnMeNT aNd FrEeEeEeeeee!

    • Its a state gov scheme - there are rules they need to follow. Small inconvenience for a bunch of free bulbs - way less hassle than installing them yourself.

      The companies should all have privacy policies and the installers would all have police clearances and IDs etc.

  • Anyone know if you can get your fluro tubes replaced. This house has about 20 of them!

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