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Esatto 6kg Front Load Washing Machine $361 Delivered @ Appliances Online


I've been looking for an inexpensive, small front loader and this seems like a good deal. It has good reviews and comes with free delivery and installation.

Includes 3 year warranty (including 1 year bonus warranty extension).

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Referral: random (235)

Until 31/7/2025, $50 off minimum $500 spend voucher for referee and referrer.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    I bought this model 2 months ago for around $100 cheaper during a sale from their Ebay. They installed it and removed the old one, good service, especially if you're home weekdays. I extended the warranty. It works well. My brother has an Esatto 7kg front loader that is over three years old, is used every day, and still going fine.

    • +1

      Thanks for the heads up! I'll hold out for a better sale then.

    • +1

      You sure it's been as low as $260??? That seems awfully cheap?

      • +4

        I checked the receipt, it was $269.45. $317 less an eBay 15% discount.

  • +2

    Aldi last Saturday had an 8kg front loader under $400. 3 year in home warranty. If that helps anyone.

  • +1

    For reference, I paid $480 last week for a Hisense 10kg front loader. Pick up though.

    (Bing Lee eBay)

  • Great little unit!

  • Guess it comes down to your household size. My washing machine is 11kg and everytime I wash clothes I wish it were a bigger machine. 2 adults, 2 kids (6 & 2)

    • Do you get fluff on your TM Lewin shirts when you wash them with your tea towels and undies?

  • How do you get the bonus 1 year warranty extension? I can't see it anywhere

  • Was thinking to get that but too small and never heard that brand, bought this https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/282348155084 instead through their ebay store with $50 off (play100).

    • +1

      That's a very good deal on a great front loader. We bought a Bosch Serie 4 a couple of years ago and it's been running almost constantly since then. No issues. Very happy!

    • The 8.5 was posted recently for less I believe, worth checking

  • -1

    2.5 star energy rating

    • For how long a washing machine runs, who cares.

      • -2

        who cares.

        Many people care, and that’s why they have energy ratings.

        • -1

          Warm water up in the sun and hand wash then.

  • I'm happy with my one. Works a treat!

  • +1

    Noticed appliances online puts prices up towards the weekend on some products by the way. Best to message them via live chat and try to haggle it down too if possible

    • Strangly accessible via this link only. I cannot get it to show up in search results

  • Buy Bosch. Never go back

    • Can you buy a Bosch for the same price?

      I could only find a 6.5kg one for double this price.

    • +2

      Lol, I have used Bosch I have had multiple issues
      Glad I got the Siemens range.

  • Hi. I have this model for just over a year now. Happy with it. Like the 15min quick wash option.
    It took some time to get used to the "76dB noise level when spinning".

    • How much did you pay for it, if you don't mind me asking?

      • Ended up being $342 due to a combination using eBay gc bought @ 5% from colesworths at that time and some eBay promo.
        I don't think I have extended warranty

  • Esatto what?

    • +2

      Its Italian for "Made in China"

  • I don't think this is a great price. I bought a 7.5kg Hisense from Hardly Normal roughly 3 years ago for $296..

  • I get $396?

    • The price has changed since last night.

  • Mine stopped working 8 months after install. Went to appliance online and they said esatto will organise repair as it is in warranty. Little did I know it's a Kogan brand and 2 months later I finally get some guy out to change a pump in a 5 minute job. Pretty horrific customer service if it breaks.

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