Works out to be 2.16c per metre. Tried woolies home brand, it won't seal on bowls and pots and ends up in a mess, couldn't even get it stick to the toilet bowl, prank failed. Gunna give ALDI's a try.
Goliath XXL Cling Wrap 33cm X 600m, Aluminum Foil 150m $12.99ea @ ALDI

Last edited 09/12/2019 - 14:43 by 1 other user
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jv's lost weight
nah, that's the cling wrap doing its job
What is normal price per metre?
600m - holy shit
The cling wrap barely clings
Yeah. Should be renamed to Barely Cling Wrap.
We should try to avoid using cling wrap, it's just more plastic going into landfill.
Can you not use storage containers or other ways to cover food?
Cling wrap is so wasteful.
Agree, but it has its place too. I use it sparingly. The last XXL one lasted me more than 2 years.
My record was 5 years.
I think we can beat that by a few years :o)
We're about halfway through ours after 2 years lol.
I got one box in Sep 2016 still going strong.
I agree with this, but it’s worth mentioning that cling wrap can go in the soft plastic recycling at most Woolies/Coles.
And then landfill
I don't think it's accepted in the soft plastics landfill.
Are you sure they just place into landfill?
@treeman: Should watch War on Waste on the ABC to see where all the plastic bags, which was supposed to be recycled, went.
Redcycle no longer takes cling wrap - they used to, but had to change their policy as it was causing problems with their process.
(I just checked their website, and interestingly they make an exception for GLAD-branded products.)
haha how do they know the Brand? they have sniffer dogs "Yep, that's a piece of Glad, nope, that's a el-cheapo knock off get it outta here"
Rule of thumb is if you can scrunch it then it springs back, it's recyclable soft plastics
Recycling has never made economic sense in this country and now the countries where it barely made economic sense because of lax environmental laws don't take recycling.
Cling wrap is so wasteful.
We recycle ours.
Then your recycling is contaminated.
We do our own recycling
Used to use cling warp few times a day at least - now a few times a month at most. I have several IKEA soft plastic covers fitting almost every bowl I own, and glass lunch boxes.
Washing out tupperware containers or buying silicone covers is more wasteful than cling wrap.
Using Tupperware is wasteful ?
How so ?
Much more energy is expended on washing the container than a fraction of a gram of plastic.
@coxymla: But I run the dishwasher during the day when PV drives the machine and heats the water. Does that count?
@coxymla: Yes of course let’s use cling wrap instead of washing containers , it’s makes perfect sense lmao
When you are already washing other things what effect does washing one more thing have ?how is that wasteful ?
Plastic going into landfill is fine. We are in no danger of running out of landfill room.
It's stupid to worry about tiny amounts of plastic being used when the human race will be extinct in 50 to 200 years due to climate change. Barring the invention of some technology to extract carbon and other gasses from the air the human race is already doomed according to NASA and The Pentagon.
beeswax wraps is the earth friendly way to wrap. they can be re-used over and over, and they have nice designs on them. good xmas gift.
How much cheaper is this than the same product in a smaller size on their shelf every day?
I got caught out a while ago buying a jumbo pack of stuff from Aldi only to find the smaller sized packets were actually cheaper in cost per ml….
How much cheaper is this than the same product in a smaller size on their shelf every day?
It's about 1/3 of the price per metre.
OK that's a pretty good saving then!
I dont need cling wrap but the aluminium foil is handy, as is the baking paper…
I prefer Grad wrap anyway…
You can get similar size and price at Costco…
@jv: I love Costco but the closest one is about 180km away…
Wish they would open one in Newcastle - they said they were thinking about it, but they couldnt squeeze Newcastle council for enough concessions so they walked away.
No it’s not
The gladwrap small roll is 2 cents a meter and the foil is 9 cents according to the tags I checked in Aldi today
So no real diffeeence
Other weak had bulk clip,lock bags , the small packs were cheaper by unit over the bulk pack
For the foil at least it's the same price per metre as the normal size
Also Aldi's cling wrap is crap. The foil is alright though
If the foil is the same price per metre, it discourages the purchase as these big rolls are harder to store in my cupboard drawers.
are harder to store in my cupboard drawers.
I find the larger ones easier to store… They stack better.
I agree
I'm a big fan of most Aldi stuff and this is a good price but their cling wrap is absolutely garbage.
What's their normal price?
Does it come with the slider cutter?
I hope not. Most useless thing ever.
where is it made?
I hope their clip wrap and aluminium foil is better than their baking paper.
I got their, supposedly, non-stick baking paper and it is rubbish.
I'd be pretty ticked if I was stuck with 600m of it!If you don’t like it take it back , easy
I can second this. Another awful product from Aldi.
And according to posts above the cling wrap is hopeless too.
The foil is just ok but it does tear easily. I won't be buying it again.
Goliath Online
hmm some of the feedback on their products isn't looking crash hot.
We bought one of each (foil, wrap, baking paper) when they had their bulk product special buys last month or whenever it was and haven't even opened them up.Not keen on getting stuck with 600m of crap - although I am still hopefully it's ok when I get around to using it …pretty pretty please :P
Can you please open the cling wrap and let us know how it goes?
Bought one of each of these about 3 years ago and still using it!
The foil isn't extra thick like they said it was. It's about half the thickness of the Kirkland stuff which is extra thick and the best available (need Costco membership).
The cling wrap isn't bad but doesn't stick to plastic containers or ceramic plates etc.
Would I purchase it again? Na, id look for more sticky cling wrap and ultra thick foil.
H0w m4ny tin foi1 h4ts c4n you m4ke out of a ro11 of these stuff?
Ask in the forum for someone who believes the nonsensical fairy story for adults of climate change, rising water levels, sinking islands, etc. They'll know: ;-D
Can use cling wrap to keeep fish fresh in freezer?
wait a week or so & these are 1/2 price at some out of the way Aldis
$6.99 for the 600m cling wrap at my store. Quality garbage.
Same here. super bargain really.
Thanks OP bought a roll yesterday.
Great for moving house