Share your experiences with Group Buying Deal Websites

Handle My Complaint is looking to improve customer satisfaction when using group buying deal websites.

We are currently seeking to speak with customers and businesses that would like to share their experiences with any of the group buying sites.

Handle My Complaint is a company that charges a fee to resolve complaints for people. However, we are NOT looking to charge you any money for our service. We are looking to gather your feedback and comments about the good and bad of these sites.

If you would like to voice your opinion or to share your suggested changes, please email your details to [email protected] and we'll give you a call to discuss your thoughts.

Thanks for reading,

Jo, Handle My Complaint

closed Comments

  • Handle My Complaint is a company that charges a fee to resolve complaints for people. However, we are NOT looking to charge you any money for our service.

    Not really sure what you mean there.

    Though customers complain to get there money back, unless it was like a huge purchase, I wouldn't want to spend more money to get my rightfully refunded money(group deal sites oversold too many vouchers, can't get a booking)back from places such as Scoopon. I guess it depends how much the fee is.

    • Hi ozhunter,

      Thanks for your comments.

      We are not looking to resolve any individual complaint regarding these group buying deal websites. We are looking to collate information on how to improve them. We are looking for customers and businesses to tell us what problems currently exist and how to make these site better. We are seeking to reduce complaints and improve customer satisfaction.

      Questions for consumers include:
      * Should all websites list the maximum number of purchases for that deal?
      * If the deal has run previously, should the site be required to disclose that information in the deal too?

      Questions for businesses include:
      * How much business information are you willing to share with group buying deal websites (e.g Profit and loss, years of operation, etc) to be approved to run a deal?
      * Would you business prefer to deal with customer complaints directly or would you prefer all complaints are managed by the group buying deal website?

      Thanks again,
      Jo, Handle My Complaint

      • +1

        It's pretty straightforward.

        1. Not being able to get a booking. Group buy companies say keep trying or you left it too late.
        2. Point 1 is because they don't cap the deals or put a long enough expiry. It's not in the interest of group buy companies to do this. They know they should but they won't (or at least the big players won't) because it means less revenue.
        3. Merchants changing conditions from the original voucher. Whether it's using a different menu at a restaurant or not fulfilling the required service advertised.

        Naive/dodgy merchants + popular group buy site = Unhappy customers

        Read though this forum and you will see the same pattern.

        • Hi Neil,

          Not to put words in your mouth but am I correct in summarising from the points above that this is what you would like?
          * Ability to see booking availability before purchasing a deal.
          * Limit of number of deals available and deals sold on display.
          * Guarantee that service will be as promised or if it's not, a clear channel to resolve a dispute.

          Did I get it right? Do you have anything else to add?

          Thanks again,
          Jo, Handle My Complaint

        • +1

          Yes, that's about right. But how can you know how much booking availability the business has until people have bought the voucher and start booking?

  • You should just read this forum. We have police action, unlicensed operators, businesses going under before vouchers are sold. Changing terms and conditions. It's all here.

    • Hi voteoften,

      We're trying to minimise the number of complaints these sites are generating by proposing a set of 'ground rules' for the deal sites to work under.

      For example:
      * Should they only list deals for businesses that have been operating for a certain period of time?
      * Should they be required to limit the number of deals a first time business can sell?

      What rules would you like to see the deal websites operate under?

      Jo, Handle My Complaint

  • +2

    Why are you looking to improve customer satisfaction? Doesn't your business depend on customer dissatisfaction? Or do you consult for group buying deal websites as well… =)

    Having said that, it sounds like there should be two deadlines - one for booking and one for when the coupon can be redeemed. Too many people denied booking in the last few weeks of the deal.

    • Hi illusionarybreeze,

      Thanks for your question. We do earn an income from resolving complaints for people. We don't see a shortage of complaints in the near or distant future therefore we can offer our assistance and expertise at no cost for issues that affect a lot of consumers. We have run previous campaigns on the following issues:
      * The Woolworths' Group denying customers access to credit facilities.
      * Tell the "Big 4" banks that you want fees and charges reduced on their products and services.
      * Support for Brisbane flood victims that were having difficulty receiving insurance payouts by 2 of the insurers.

      In our experience most complaints arise from poor communication. We're trying to gather feedback from people who use these sites to approach the group buying sites with a list of what information buyers want on their sites. To date, we haven't done any work for any group buying deal website. Our intention is to provide feedback to them at no cost.

      I hope that clarifies, if not, please ask any other questions you may have.

      Thanks for your great suggestion for two deadlines, one for booking and one for redeeming the deal.

      Jo, Handle My Complaint

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