Please help and recommend Me a Mountain Bike - Budget $350
Mainly using it for the road for shopping and transportation with trips less than 45 minutes and occasional basic bike path trails.
Live in Melbourne
would an entry-level brand name be better (Trek, Giant, Appolo, Reid, Merida….) or getting one from somewhere like (Decathlon, Annaconda, Rebel, …)
I specifically don't want a 2nd hand bike.
Resale Value, while not a priority is something to keep in mind
Recommend Me a Mountain Bike - Budget $500

Last edited 02/12/2019 - 10:26
Thanks for updating your posting OP
Sounds like you don't need a mountain bike - look at a flat bar commuter bike.
is that the same as a hybrid?
You’ll get a bit better value from Reid, Anaconda. Just be aware that the sale price on Anaconda bikes is a truer indicator of value than the RRP. Their RRP is typically a quite high. Reid can be good value. Buying from a bike shop you will pay the ‘brand name tax’, but get a good bike. $350-500 is a reasonable budget for a decent reliable bike.
As above a hybrid or commuter style bike will probably suit you better unless you want to actually get off the beaten path. Something with 28-35mm tyres will be more efficient on the roads. MTB tyres definitely slow you down a bit.
I specifically don't want a 2nd hand bike.
Resale Value, while not a priority is something to keep in mindThese things are diametrically opposed. A new bike will probably be worth 50% after a year, especially if you do actually use it - unlike the bikes bought, ridden a couple of times and stored in the garage. A second hand bike has already depreciated and you will likely be able to sell for very close to what you buy it for. You can find good almost new second hand bikes all the time on gumtree etc for a good discount. Learn how to service and you’ll save a lot.
In addition, you’ll find that the bikes in your price range will be quite similar. If one has better gears then it is likely to have lesser wheels or other components when compared to another.
At the end of the day, pick one that fits you (most important, don’t compromise) then the one you like the look of best. If you fit it and like it you are more likely to ride it , which will create better value at the end of the day.
I agree, if you don't think second hand bike is your thing (whether new is better, you know its not damaged, pay a bit a extra), and make sure its smooth and fits well. Don't want to be riding an uncomfortable bike and you stop riding!
With your budget of $350 - $500 you wno't notice too much change but I think geometry and gears is what you should be looking for. Probably won't be getting hydro-disc brakes though if its brand new.
Have a look at Reid and 99bikes, they generally have good budget option bikes as well compared to the branded ones. Main trade off is frame but at your price point it doesn't matter. better gearing is probably more important imho.
Get a used one.
Indeed. Lots of nice, late model bikes for $500 within 5km of the Sydney CBD. I'm sure Melbourne is the same.
When you go to sell it it will likely have only lost $100 in value compared to $300 or more on a new $500 bike.
What is the intended use of the Mountain Bike?
Is it for social riding around a park, or competitive track racing?