What is the cheapest motherboard that works with Ryzen 3000 out of the box?
What Is The Cheapest Motherboard That Works with Ryzen 3000 out of The Box?

damn, budget mobo prices/selection for Ryzen 3000 is really bad
Just do a bios update.
New buyers of AMD(me) don't have a 2000 series CPU to update with so they're stuck with a limited selection of mobos
@x4m2b: Buy an Msi board with Bios flash. You don't need a CPU. Alternatively alot of retailers will do it for you, or you can ask if the board has the most recent BIOS already from the manufacturer
@x4m2b: alot of companies already update their mb. just make sure u have a recent stock. my b450 was 3000 ready out of the box.
nope, just dont get anything above a 3600 and a a320m is perfect even better than higher end if u dont plan to oc or use more than 2 memory sticks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF8EuEfKH3Q
Don't tell me that I just bought a b450. Oh well
asrock a320m hdv , with ryzen 3000 ready sticker on box
MSI B450M Pro-M2 MAX