Avanti Highback Leather Chair ($85) & Amalfi Leather/Mesh Chair are on sale at OfficeWorks East Victoria Park (WA) for $49. They are actually half decent chairs :) Product Codes are OWAMALFIMB (looks like OWMILAN) and OWAVANTIHB
Not sure if this is across all stores but you could always ask if they will pricematch the Vic Park store :)
EDIT: just checked receipt, its actually OWAMALFIMB not the Milan one (though they look almost identical). I'm 95% sure the other one there for $49 was the Avanti High Back but I didn't buy one of them so I dont have a receipt. OWAMALFIMB doesn't show on the website anywhere…
Officeworks can match the price in all other states (or so I was told on the phone) as long as they have some sort of proof of purchase being email, fax, receipt etc… If possible please add this info to the deal.