Low Priced Goods We All Need, List Yours Please

With the amount of ShopBack and cashreawrds ($1-$2) bonus payments now days for a small minimum spend I’m struggling to find stuff to buy.
I’ve spent 30-60 mins before searching for stuff on aliexpress/eBay/amazon to save a buck sometimes i kick myself for wasting so much time.

So please help me and list your low value items that you buy.

I’ll kick it off with the usual cables and phone/tablet protectors.


  • I also recently bought silicon food covers, hopefully save a lot of glad wrap use,

    • to save a buck sometimes i kick myself for wasting so much time.

      TELL ME ABOUT IT! I'm stuck af.

      I try to think of CR/SB as an afterthought (especially the general written 'turnaround' time can go into months annoying to keep track),
      Example if I want something from Chemist Warehouse or anywhere else, I look for actual store sales (instant savings), then use CR/SB portals to do my online shopping when possible.

      I like that CR were doing some "in-store" cashbacks linked to a card, as usually if I want something immediately I just physically go and buy, and Paywave my card, hopefully it tracks.
      They really should keep developing that feature, it's an easy set-and-forget scenario and does it's magical work in the backend.

  • +11

    If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Don’t just buy stuff because it’s cheap.

    It’s the same with people that post “oh I don’t need it, but I bought one”

    It’s not rocket science

    • I’ve never bought anything that’s useless to me, that’s why I don’t stock up on useless cables.

      But I am starting this thread to be inspired, there are useful things out there that I didn’t know exist like those silicon food covers. I’m hoping people will name something else that gives me the ah ha I need that too.

    • On a site like OzBargain this should be a sticky comment.

      Edit; should be made into a sticky comment.

    • +2

      The fear of missing out is a powerful marketing tool.
      Black Friday countdown timers ticking away, soon you can no longer buy something you don’t need at discount. Until Cyber Monday!!

  • +8

    Don’t forget Promo code: LANDFILL

    • I find the promo code CLASSIFIED has a better return 😉

    • Thanks for the help

  • +3

    I bought these 10Pcs Food Bag Clips (11 cm) recently and they are very handy.

    Small bike parts are cheap on Aliexpress also, like brake/gear cables, handlebar grips, brake pads, brake noodles etc.

    • Oh those bag clips are handy, thank you!

      • We just use pegs for most bags, and it works fine.

        • too much air gets in and stales quickly

    • +1

      I bought a pack of 30 bag clips for $1.50 at kmart last week

      • this is what I hate, buying online for that $1-2 only to find the item is cheaper at kmart or reject shop!! thanks for that!!

  • +4

    USB cables, sd cards, USB sticks, dental/first aid supplies, items off upcoming gift lists, stationery items.

    I also “watch” little things I would like but don’t need urgently for these sorts of occasions. Recent examples was a pack of car electrical fuses, a micro plane cheese grater and a camera battery.

  • +1

    High yield investment vehicles.

    • Do they have sex appeal ?

  • I agree, ShopBack and cashrewards are a waste of time, the money you save vs the time you spend does not compute.

    • That’s why I am looking for every day goods that could be handy, a friends place had these chip bag clips, such a great idea and cheap, that I could get during those cash back promos.

      But most of the time searching on the internet is a waste of time compared to asking for real world examples and use.

      • -1

        a $2 shop….. get off the computer

        • How do you get the $1 & $2 cashback deals at the $2 shop?

    • +6

      I travel the country for work and always insist on booking myself. Outside of cashback increases I get an average of 8% cashback on accommodation and work covers the whole lot so I'm getting a little on the side. It pays off in no time :)

      CR/SB works for a lot of people in different ways ;)

  • Lathe carbide tool holders. $10.38US for a parting tool with four inserts (JoyBuy/JD.com)

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