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TPG - $49 Cap Saver Plan for $19.99 (or $14.99 When Bundled with ADSL2+) - Bonus 1GB Data


TPG has changed their $49 Cap plan ($19.99 or $14.99 if you are TPG ADSL2+ customer) to include 1GB data. The main advantage of this plan is you still get your 1000 minutes of Optus free time (8PM-midnight, first 20 minutes of the call is free). It is called TPG free time, but if you read the footnote, it indicates mobiles on Optus network are covered.

There is a slight down side though. Previously, if you were on the $49 cap plan and you make zero phone calls, you can use the $300 credit all on data, and that equates to 1.5GB. Now, you get 1GB data free.. but anything more will come out of your deposit (not the $300 cap). However, I reckon $300 worth of calls + 1GB data + Optus free time is a better deal.

Included Cap Value can be used for Mobile Data, SMS, MMS and Calls to National Mobiles & Fixed Lines plus 13/1300/1800 and Voicemail.

There ARE better plans if most of your mates are on TPG network or LiveConnected network (or you make lots of international calls) But, most of the people I call happen to be on Optus network…. this one has at least some form of Optus free time (only 1000 minutes, but enough).

TPG only updated the ADSL2+ page with the 1GB data so far. Hence, the URL links to the ADSL2+ page.

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  • -8
    • Calls and Text to 13/1300/1800/19 not included in Cap Value˜

    Which coincidentally happen to be the longest duration calls that many people make.
    So even though you do not make many, it can easily add $50-100/month. And the termination cost is almost nothing.
    Very clever of them.

    • +1


      that says

      13/1300 numbers $1.02 per minute + 35c flagfall
      1800 numbers 62c per 30 seconds + 35c flagfall

      included in the CAP

      i'll probably move back to this plan as i'm on the talk and text but would prefer the 13/18 numbers

    • +1

      freddy.. you were looking at the wrong plan - not talk and text…
      Further down… Cap Saver ones:

      Included Cap Value can be used for Mobile Data, SMS, MMS and Calls to National Mobiles & Fixed Lines plus 13/1300/1800 and Voicemail.

      • Happy to hear I was wrong!

  • Cap Saver Plans
    Micro SIM Now Available

    Included Cap Value can be used for Mobile Data, SMS, MMS and Calls to National Mobiles & Fixed Lines plus 13/1300/1800 and Voicemail. Our range of Cap Saver plans provide unbeatable value and are packed with a huge amount of cap value.

    it is included in the cap

  • http://www.tpg.com.au/mobile/plans.html

    what's the bargain? i don't see it

    • TPG is yet to update it. The ADSL 2+ bundled one is already updated with the 1GB included data.

      In the mobile plan section, go to Cap Saver Plans.. the 49 Cap Saver will have 1GB mobile data included. Currently it says none, but will be updated.

      • Cap Saver Plan - 49 Cap Saver
        Monthly Charge $19.99 ($14.99 when you have TPG Broadband)
        Included Cap Value $300
        Free TPG Mobile to TPG Mobile b/w 8pm-midnight 1000 minutes per month
        Included Mobile Data 1GB

        Monthly $14.99 (with TPG broadband)
        Included cap value $330
        To TPG $370
        Data 1GB

        Seems like you get a better deal with the current plan

        • There are differences:
          Medium Talk & Text Cap - Calls and Text to 13/1300/1800/19 not included in Cap Value
          Cap Saver: Those numbers are included in the Cap value

          Talk & Text: $370 TPG to TPG (Optus not counted)
          Cap Saver: It's 1000 minutes of Optus free time (8PM - 12AM)

          I've been using Cap Saver because my friends and family members are on Optus. so TPG to TPG cap is not very useful to me. In the past, I had to allocate $100 worth of credit to data (500MB). Now, I don't need to do that and I get 1GB.

          In general, the Cap Saver is more flexible if you call people on non-TPG mobile network (preferably they are on Optus or Optus reseller networks).

        • +1

          these are the differences:
          -Medium Talk & Text is $1 cheaper if you don't have TPG ADSL (same price bundled)
          -Medium Talk & Text has $30 more normal cap value (however, Medium Talk & Text will include calls that would be included in the 1000 minutes optus free time under Cap Saver, while Cap Saver will include TPG-TPG calls that would be included in the $370 TPG-TPG cap value under Medium Talk & Text)
          -Medium Talk & Text has $370 TPG-TPG calls, Cap Saver has 1000 minutes optus free time (8pm-12pm)
          -Medium Talk & Text has FREE voicemail retrieval
          -Medium Talk & Text includes international calls in cap value
          -Medium Talk & Text has video calls, and includes national video calls in cap value
          -Cap Saver includes 13/1300/1800/19 in cap value
          -Cap Saver includes excess mobile data in cap value

  • About time TPG offered this with the Cap Saver. Good effort TPG.

  • do both have international calls included int eh cap
    pretty sure the talk to text does (not that i make any international calls)

    • Good point.. Looks like only Talk & Text plans have international calls included.
      Hm… that does make Talk & Text plan attractive.

  • Cap saver doesn't include international in cap.

    So does that mean those already on the cap saver are going to be changed to the new inclusions of the plan?
    Didn't get any notification from TPG.

  • Cap saver Basic also has 1GB data now as well.

  • "Now, you get 1GB data free.. but anything more will come out of your deposit (not the $300 cap)."

    confirmed by rep that this not the case.. it will still come out of your cap


    would be awesome if they included international calls though

  • -2

    Live connected is better

    Same network, $15 a month and you don't have to be a TPG adsl member with $400 worth of calls (Though charged per min you get an extra $100) and extra 500mb of data.

    • +1

      other things to note.. excess data is charged at 45c/MB and doesn't come out of the cap.. you don't get yes time either

      but yeah it's a good plan too.. doesn't include international calls like TPG's talk n text plans (but then again that plan doesn't include 1300/1800 numbers or excess data either)

    • +1

      Live Connected…. it is a good plan… but.. for me, I need Optus Free Time (because a lot of people I know are on $8 per month Optus plan - an old plan with no flagfalls).

    • if you look at the rates, you get more value with TPG even though LC offers $400

  • i just did an analysis of my last three months usage on medium talk & text. i would actually spend $10-$20 more each month from my normal cap, because i use voicemail and TPG-TPG calls more than i would use optus free time. which is quite surprising to me, because i only call 2 people on TPG.

    so, with the $30 reduction in cap, i would actually be $50-$60 worse off in terms of normal cap (the only cap i would come close to using) if i made the switch to Cap Saver.

    at the end of the day, that doesn't really make a difference to me, because i usually only use half my cap. but you might like to analyse your own bill before switching (easy enough to do using excel and the sort function).

    so at the end of the day, for me it comes down to:
    international calls vs 13/18 numbers (both of which i rarely use)…and $1! i think the $1 takes it!!! ahaha.

  • Good post mate! I love teh optus Free Time calls on this plan. Good to see this 1GB of data!!!!! yehey!!!

  • Just thought I'd mention that the missus switched to the capsaver and while the plan change went ok, on checking the usage no 1GB data was being included and the data usage was coming out of the cap. Have contacted support but just letting you all know to check your usage if you make the change as well.

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