Hi All,
I dont usually buy much off ebay, but saw these advertised and wondering if they would be Authentic? Apologies for lack of knowledge on this.
Hi All,
I dont usually buy much off ebay, but saw these advertised and wondering if they would be Authentic? Apologies for lack of knowledge on this.
Thanks yeah, Still not sure where I will find them if im quick enough, assuming there will be a banner. Gotta atleast try.
Thanks for the reply
Sold out within 36 seconds. I didn't get one. They're restocking every hour
Think it's 10am, 2pm, 6pm.
I managed to grab the Apple watch so don't lose hope.
The Apple Watch from eBay is not really a deal though, they’re cheaper at HN: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/499433
But still worth trying the airpods, it depends on your luck.
Incorrect, the eBay deal is the 42mm and the cellular version.
The deal you listed is the 38mm and only the GPS version.
You’re right, my bad. Ignore what I said about the Apple watch.
Yeah it real, it will likely sell out within seconds of going live though