I'm only looking for about 10 hours of work every week, as a full time uni student.
Is it worth it to be a subcontractor? How long would it take to manually make tax and super payments myself? Would there be any other difference compared to being a casual employee?
Should I just apply to other places and get hired as a actual employee?
Some things from the sample contract/ deed they sent me struck me as odd:
In consideration for the services [COMPANY] provides to the Tutor the Tutor agrees to pay to
[COMPANY] a Service Fee which is an amount equal to the difference between the Client Fee and
Tutor Amount which is the amount referred to in Schedule 2. [COMPANY] shall be entitled to keep the
Service Fee for the sole personal use and benefit of [COMPANY] as the fee to [COMPANY] in providing the
Services to the Tutor.After deduction of the Service Fees due to [COMPANY] under clause 10, [COMPANY] must remit
to the Tutor on a monthly basis the balance of the total Tutor Amount for that month that are
directly referrable to the tutoring rendered by the Tutors.[COMPANY] must make available to the Tutor the total of all Client Fees charged for tutoring
services provided to Clients by the Tutor and details of the total Service Fees charged by [COMPANY]
What's that all about? It seems kind of fishy to me. Should I keep applying elsewhere? I'm not desperate to find work just yet.
Seems like the tutoring company will take a cut of any money you earn from clients. I think this is pretty standard?